Strategic Research Partnerships: Proceedings from an NSF Workshop

V. References

Strategic Research Partnerships: What Have We Learned?
John T. Scott

Audretsch, D. B., "Strategic Research Partnerships and Small Firms," paper presented to the Workshop on Strategic Research Partnerships sponsored by the National Science Foundation and convened at SRI International, Washington, D.C., October 13, 2000.

Audretsch, D. B., A. N. Link, and J. T. Scott, "Statistical Analysis of the National Academy of Sciences Survey of Small Business Innovation Research Awardees: Analyzing the Influence of the Fast Track Program," in The Small Business Innovation Research Program: An Assessment of the Department of Defense Fast Track Initiative (edited by C. W. Wessner), Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2000, pp. 291-306.

Baldwin, W. L., and J. T. Scott, Market Structure and Technological Change, in the series Fundamentals of Pure and Applied Economics, vol. 17 (Chur; London; Paris; New York: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1987).

Bozeman, B., and J. S. Dietz, "Constructing Indicators of Strategic Research Partnerships," paper presented to the Workshop on Strategic Research Partnerships sponsored by the National Science Foundation and convened at SRI International, Washington, D.C., October 13, 2000.

Dodgson, M., "Strategic Research Partnerships: Their Role, and Some Issues of Measuring their Extent and Outcomes—Experiences from Europe and Asia," paper presented to the Workshop on Strategic Research Partnerships sponsored by the National Science Foundation and convened at SRI International, Washington, D.C., October 13, 2000.

Feldman, M. P., "Strategic Research Partnerships in Biotechnology," paper presented to the Workshop on Strategic Research Partnerships sponsored by the National Science Foundation and convened at SRI International, Washington, D.C., October 13, 2000.

Hagedoorn, J., "Inter-firm R&D Partnerships—An Overview of Major Trends and Patterns since 1960," paper presented to the Workshop on Strategic Research Partnerships sponsored by the National Science Foundation and convened at SRI International, Washington, D.C., October 13, 2000.

Hagedoorn, J., A. N. Link, and N. S. Vonortas, "Research Partnerships," Research Policy, vol. 29 (2000), pp. 567-586.

Hall, B. H., A. N. Link, and J. T. Scott, "Universities as Research Partners," NBER Working Paper No. 7643, April 2000.

Hansen, J. A., "Technology Innovation Indicator Surveys," paper presented to the Workshop on Strategic Research Partnerships sponsored by the National Science Foundation and convened at SRI International, Washington, D.C., October 13, 2000.

Hicks, D., and F. Narin, "Strategic Research Alliances and 360 Degree Bibliometric Indicators," paper presented to the Workshop on Strategic Research Partnerships sponsored by the National Science Foundation and convened at SRI International, Washington, D.C., October 13, 2000.

Kealey, T., and O. Al-Ubaydli, "Science as an Invisible College Good: Remodelling Endogenous Growth Theory," manuscript, University of Cambridge, Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Cambridge, UK, August 2000.

Leyden, D. P., and A. N. Link, "Federal Laboratories as Research Partners," International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 17 (May 1999), pp. 575-592.

Link, A. N., and J. T. Scott, Public Accountability: Evaluating Technology-Based Institutions (Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998).

Link, A. N., and J. T. Scott, "Explaining Observed Licensing Arrangements," Dartmouth College Working Paper 00-09, July 2000a.

Link, A. N., and J. T. Scott, "Estimates of the Social Returns to Small Business Innovation Research Projects," in The Small Business Innovation Research Program: An Assessment of the Department of Defense Fast Track Initiative (edited by C. W. Wessner), Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2000b, pp. 275-290.

Link, A. N., and J. T. Scott, "Public/Private Partnerships: Stimulating Competition in a Dynamic Market," International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 19 (April 2001), pp. 763-794. Also available as Dartmouth College Working Paper 00-10.

Link, A. N., and N. S. Vonortas, "Participation of European Union Companies in US Research Joint Ventures," The IPTS Report, Contents Report 43 (April 28, 2000).

Martin, S., "Spillovers, Appropriability, and R&D," manuscript, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 2000a.

Martin, S., "Strategic Research Partnerships: Evidence and Analysis," paper presented to the Workshop on Strategic Research Partnerships sponsored by the National Science Foundation and convened at SRI International, Washington, D.C., October 13, 2000b.

Mowery, D. C., "Using Cooperative Research and Development Agreements as S&T Indicators: What Do We Have and What Would We Like," paper presented to the Workshop on Strategic Research Partnerships sponsored by the National Science Foundation and convened at SRI International, Washington, D.C., October 13, 2000.

National Research Council, Industrial Research and Innovation Indicators: Report of a Workshop (Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1997).

Nelson, R. R., "The Simple Economics of Basic Scientific Research," Journal of Political Economy, vol. 67 (June 1959), pp. 297-306.

Sakakibara, M., "Strategic Research Partnerships in Japan: Empirical Evidence," paper presented to the Workshop on Strategic Research Partnerships sponsored by the National Science Foundation and convened at SRI International, Washington, D.C., October 13, 2000.

Scott, J. T., Purposive Diversification and Economic Performance (Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993).

Scott, J. T., "The Directions for Technological Change: Alternative Economic Majorities and Opportunity Costs," Review of Industrial Organization, vol. 17 (August 2000a), pp. 1-16.

Scott, J. T., "Designing Multimarket--Contact Hypothesis Tests: Patent Citations and Multimarket Contact in the Product and Innovation Markets of the Chemical Industry," in Multiunit Organization and Multimarket Strategy; Advances in Strategic Management, vol. 18, edited by J. A. C. Baum and H. R. Greve, (Oxford, UK: JAI Press, 2001, forthcoming. Available as Dartmouth College Working Paper 00-14.

Siegel, D., "Strategic Research Partnerships and Economic Performance: Data Considerations," paper presented to the Workshop on Strategic Research Partnerships sponsored by the National Science Foundation and convened at SRI International, Washington, D.C., October 13, 2000.

Tassey, G. The Economics of R&D Policy (Westport, Connecticut: Quorum Books, 1997).

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