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Science & Engineering Research Facilities at Universities & Colleges: 1994 vol. I

.txt .wp5 s2594100 Front Matter
.txt .pdf s2594101 Amount of science and engineering research space by institution type: 1994
.txt .pdf s2594102 Science and engineering research space utilization: 1994
.txt .pdf s2594103 Trends in the amount of S&E research space by institution type: 1988-1994
.txt .pdf s2594104 Trends in the average amt of S&E rsch space per instn by instn type: 1988-1994
.txt .pdf s2594105 Trends in percentage of leased S&E research space by institution type: 1988-1994
.txt .pdf s2594106 Trends in the amount of S&E research space by field: 1988-1994
.txt .pdf s2594107 Percentage of institutions with S&E rsch space by institution type & field: 1994
.txt .pdf s2594108 Amt & distrbn of space for laboratory animal facilities by instn type: 1994
.txt .pdf s2594109 % instns rprtng inadequate amts S&E rsch space /exstng fld /instn type & fld: 94
.txt .pdf s2594110 Institutional assessment quality/condition S&E rsch facilities /instn type: 1994
.txt .pdf s2594111 Trends % total stock S&E rsch space requiring repair/renovation /rplcmnt /fld: 88-94
.txt .pdf s2594112 % of animal care rsch space meeting govt regulations by institutional type: 1994
.txt .pdf s2594113 Trends /expendtrs /construct S&E rsch facilities /instn type: 86-95( constant $) / Trends expendtrs/construct S&E rsch facilities /instn type: 86- 95( current $)
.txt .pdf s2594114 Trends /expendtrs /capital projects costing over $100, 000 /repair/renovate S&E rsch facilities /instn type: 86-95( constant $) / Trends /expendtrs /capital projects costing over $100, 000 /repair/renovate S&E rsch facilities /instn type: 86-95( current $)
.txt .pdf s2594115 Trends /expendtrs /S&E rsch facils repair/rnvtn projs cstng less than $100,000 /instn type: 90-93
.txt .pdf s2594116 Trends /expendtrs /capital projects /construct S&E rsch facilities /fld: 86-95
.txt .pdf s2594117 Trends /expendtrs /cptl projs /repair/rnvte S&E rsch facils /fld: 86-95
.txt .pdf s2594118 % instns doing cnstrctn /repair/rnvtn /S&E rsch space /instn type: 92-93
.txt .pdf s2594119 Trends /% instns strtng cptl projs /cnstrct S&E rsch facils /instn type: 86-95
.txt .pdf s2594120 Trends /% instns strtng cptl projs /repair/rnvte S&E rsch facils /instn type: 86-95
.txt .pdf s2594121 Trends /% instns strtng cptl projs /cnstrct S&E rsch facils /fld: 86-95
.txt .pdf s2594122 Trends /% instns strtng cptl projs /repair/rnvte S&E rsch facils /fld: 86-95
.txt .pdf s2594123 Cost planned cnstrctn & repair/rnvtn /lab animal facils /instn type: 94-95
.txt .pdf s2594124 Trends srcs fndng /cptl projs /cnstrct & repair/rnvte S&E rsch facils /instn type: 86-93
.txt .pdf s2594125 Trends srcs fndng /cptl projs /cnstrct & repair/rnvte S&E rsch facils /instn ctrl: 86-93
.txt .pdf s2594126 Trends /public instn's srcs fndng /cnstrctn sci & engrng rsch facils: 86-93
.txt .pdf s2594127 Trends /priv institution's srcs funding /construction S&E rsch facilities: 86-93
.txt .pdf s2594128 Trends /public instns' srcs fnding /repair/rnvtn S&E rsch facils: 86- 93
.txt .pdf s2594129 Trends /priv instns' srcs fndng /repair/rnvtn S&E rsch facils: 86-93
.txt .pdf s2594130 % instns /needed /dfrrd cptl projs /cnstrct and/or /repair/renovate S&E rsch facils /instn type & proj type: 94
.txt .pdf s2594131 Expendtrs /dfrrd cptl projs /cnstrct /repair/rnvte S&E rsch facils /instn type & type proj: 94
.txt .pdf s2594132 % instns /dfrrd cptl projs /cnstrct and/or repair/rnvte S&E rsch facils /fld & proj type: 94
.txt .pdf s2594134 Trends amt space assigned /S&E fields /Histrclly Blk Collgs & Univs: 1988-1994
.txt .pdf s2594134 Trends in distrbn S&E rsch space @ Histrclly Blk Collgs & Univs /fld: 1988-1994
.txt .pdf s2594135 Assessment quality/cndtn S&E rsch facils /Histrclly Blk Collgs & Univs: 88-94
.txt .pdf s2594136 Trends /cnstrctn S&E rsch facils /Histrclly Blk Collgs & Univs: 86-95/ Trends /repair/rnvtn S&E rsch facils /Histrclly Blk Collgs & Univs: 86-95
.txt .pdf s2594137 Trends srcs fndng /cptl projs /construct S&E; rsch facil /Histrclly Blk Collgs & Univs: 86-93
.txt .pdf s2594138 Trends srcs fndng /cptl projs /repair/rnvte S&E rsch facils /Histrclly Blk Collgs & Univs: 86-93
.txt .pdf s2594139 Histrclly Blk Collgs & Univs /need /cptl projs /cnstrct /repair/rnvte S&E rsch facils: 94
.txt .pdf s2594140 S&E research space at predominantly undergraduate institutions: 1994
.txt .pdf s2594141 Assessment /predominantly undergrad instns quality/condition S&E rsch space: 94
.txt .pdf s2594142 Capital project costs /S&E rsch space /predominantly undergrad instns: 1992-1993
.txt .pdf s2594143 Srcs fndng /cptl projs S&E rsch space /prdmnntly undergrad instns: 92-93( %)
.txt .pdf s2594144 Srcs fndng /cptl projs S&E rsch space/prdmnntly undergrad instns: 92-93($/millions))
.txt .pdf s2594145 Dfrrd cptl proj costs S&E rsch space/prdmnntly undergrad instns: 92-93
.txt .pdf s2594146 No instns survey universe rsrch- perf'g univs & collgs: weighted estmts, 88
.txt .pdf s2594147 No of instns in 1990, 1992, & 1994 samples of research-performing univs & collgs
.txt .pdf s2594148 Academic institutions response rates, by category of institutions: 1994
.txt .pdf s2594149 Standard errors for selected estimates
.txt .pdf s2594150 Composite Fixed-Weighted Price Index for Construction inflation adjustments
.txt .wp5 s2594151 Appendix B
.txt .wp5 s2594152 Appendix C
.txt .wp5 s2594153 Appendix D