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Science & Engineering Research Facilities at Universities & Colleges: 1994 vol. II

.txt .wp5 s2594200 Front Matter
.txt .pdf s2594201 No rsch-perfrmng instns, ttl net assgnble sq ft( NASF) space /all acad flds, NASF /S&E( S&E) flds, & rsch NASF /S&E fld /instn type & ctrl: 94
.txt .pdf s2594202 No rsrch-prfmng instns, ttl net assgnble sq ft( NASF) space /S&E( S&E) flds, & rsch NASF /S&E flds /instn type & ctrl: 88, 90, 92, & 94
.txt .pdf s2594203 No rsrch-prfrmng instns /space assigned /S&E flds /fld & instn type: 88, 90, 92, & 94
.txt .pdf s2594204 No instns /rsch space assigned /S&E fields /fld & instn type: 88, 90, 92, & 94
.txt .pdf s2594205 No public & priv rsrch-prfrmng instns /space assigned /S&E( S&E) flds, & no /assigned rsch space /S&E flds: 88, 90, 92, & 94
.txt .pdf s2594206 Ttl net assignable sq ft space /S&E flds /fld & instn type: 88, 90, 92, & 94
.txt .pdf s2594207 Ttl net assignable sq ft rsch space /S&E flds /fld & instn type: 88, 90, 92, & 94
.txt .pdf s2594208 Ttl net assignable sq ft( NASF) space /S&E( S&E) flds, & rsch NASF /S&E flds /fld & instn ctrl: 88, 90, 92, & 94
.txt .pdf s2594209 Ttl net assignable sq ft S&E rsch space that is leased /instn type & ctrl: 88, 90, 92, & 94
.txt .pdf s2594210 Ttl net assgnble sq ft( NASF) & rsch NASF lab animal facils /instn type & ctrl: 94
.txt .pdf s2594211 Adequacy of the amount of S&E research space by field: 1988, 1990, 1992, & 1994
.txt .pdf s2594212 Trends /% instns /inadequate amt space /fld & instn type: 88, 90, 92, & 94
.txt .pdf s2594213 Trends /% instns /inadequate amt space /fld & instn ctrl: 88, 90, 92, & 94
.txt .pdf s2594214 Condition of S&E rsch facilities by instn type & ctrl: 1988, 1990, 1992, & 1994
.txt .pdf s2594215 % of total stock of S&E rsch space by condition & fld: 1988, 1990, 1992, & 1994
.txt .pdf s2594216 Govt regulation status laboratory animal facilities by instn type & ctrl: 1994
.txt .pdf s2594217 No rsrch-prfrmng instns strtng any projs /cnstrct S&E rsch space /instn type & ctrl: 86-93
.txt .pdf s2594218 /projs /cnstrct S&E rsch space, est'd net assgnble sq ft rsch space /be created & est'd ttl cost cnstrctn this rsch space /instn type & ctrl: 86-95
.txt .pdf s2594219 No rsrch-prfrmng instns starting any projs /cnstrct S&E rsch space /fld: 86-95
.txt .pdf s2594220 /projs /cnstrct S&E rsch space, est'd net assgnble sq ft rsch space /be created & est'd ttl cost cnstrctn this rsch space /fld: 86- 95
.txt .pdf s2594221 No instns perf'g maj repair/renovation S&E rsch facils /instn type & ctrl: 86-95
.txt .pdf s2594222 /maj projs /repair/renovate S&E rsch space, est'd net assgnble sq ft rsch space affctd & est'd ttl cost this repair/renovation /instn type & ctrl, & year proj start: 86-95
.txt .pdf s2594223 No rsrch-prfrmng instns perf'g maj repair/renovation S&E rsch facil /fld: 86- 95
.txt .pdf s2594224 /projs /repair/renovate S&E rsch space, est'd net assgnble sq ft rsch space affctd, & est'd ttl cost this repair/renovtn /fld: 86-95
.txt .pdf s2594225 No rsrch-prfrmng instns & ttl proj compltn cost all repair/renvtn projs b/n $5, 000 & $100, 000 /S&E rsch facils /instn type & ctrl: 92 & 93
.txt .pdf s2594226 Ttl cost repair/renvtn & cnstrctn projs /lab animal facils planned /93 & 94 /instn type & ctrl: 94
.txt .pdf s2594227 Rsrch-prfrmng instns' amts fnds /S&E rsch facil cnstrctn projs /instn type & src fnds: 86-93
.txt .pdf s2594228 Pblc rsrch-prfrmng instns' amts fnds /S&E rsch facil cnstrctn projs /instn type & src fnds: 86-93
.txt .pdf s2594229 Priv rsrch-prfrmng instns' amts fnds /S&E rsch facil cnstrctn projects /instn type & src fnds: 86-93
.txt .pdf s2594230 Rsrch-prfrmng insts' amts fnds /S&E rsch facil repair/renov projs /instn type & src fnds: 86-93
.txt .pdf s2594231 Pblc rsrch-prfrmng instns' amts fnds /S&E rsch facil repair/renov projs /instn type & src fnds: 86-93
.txt .pdf s2594232 Priv rsrch-prfrmng instns' amts fnds /S&E rsch facil repair/renov projs /instn type & src fnds: 86-93
.txt .pdf s2594233 No priv rsrch-prfrmng instns /stat rltve $15 million limit /instn tax-exempt bonds: 88, 90, 92, & 94
.txt .pdf s2594234 % instns /need /captl projs /cnstrct &/or /repair/renov S&E rsch facils, /idntfd instnl plan, /instn type, proj type, & ctrl: 94
.txt .pdf s2594235 Expendtrs /needed captl projs /cnstrct /repair/renov S&E rsch facils, /idntfd instnl plan, /instn type, proj type, & ctrl: 94
.txt .pdf s2594236 No instns /need /captl projs /cnstrct /repair/renov S&E rsch facils, /idntfd instnl plan, /fld & proj type: 94
.txt .pdf s2594237 Expendtrs /needed captl projs /cnstrct /repair/renov S&E rsch facils, /idntfd instnl plan, /fld: 94
.txt .pdf s2594238 Ttl net assgnble sq ft( NASF) acad space, ttl NASF /S&E( S&E) flds, & rsch NASF /S&E flds, /Histrclly Blk Collgs & Univs; orgnl & expndd grps instns: 94
.txt .pdf s2594239 Ttl net assgnble sq ft( NASF) space /S&E flds & NASF used /rsch /Histrclly Blk Collgs & Univs: 88, 90, 92, & 94
.txt .pdf s2594240 Condition rsch facilities /Histrclly Blk Collgs & Univs: 88, 90, 92, & 94
.txt .pdf s2594241 Rsch facil cnstrctn & repair/renov projs /Histrclly Blk Collgs & Univs /proj chrctrtcs: 86- 93
.txt .pdf s2594242 Src fnds /S&E rsch facil cnstrctn projs /Histrclly Blk Collgs & Univs: 86- 93
.txt .pdf s2594243 Srcs fnds /S&E rsch facils repair/renov projs /Histrclly Blk Collg & Univ: 83-93
.txt .pdf s2594244 Histrclly Blk Collgs & Univs /need /captl projs /cnstrct /repair/renov S&E rsch facils, /idntfd instnl plan, /fld & proj type: 94
.txt .pdf s2594245 Laboratory animal facilities at Historically Black Colleges & Universities: 1994
.txt .pdf s2594246 Science and engineering space at predominantly undergraduate institutions: 1994
.txt .pdf s2594247 No of instns w/ S&E rsch space @ predominantly undergrad instns by field: 1994
.txt .pdf s2594248 Amount of S&E rsch space at predominantly undergrad institutions by field: 1994
.txt .pdf s2594249 Condition of S&E rsch space @ predominantly undergrad institutions by type: 1994
.txt .pdf s2594250 Est'd ttl cap proj costs /projs /cnstrct /repair/ renov S&E rsch facils /prdmntly undergrad instns: 92-93
.txt .pdf s2594251 /projs /cnstrct S&E rsch facils /prdmnly undergrad instns, no instns & est'd ttl cost projs /fld & instn type
.txt .pdf s2594252 /projs /cnduct repair/renov S&E rsch facils /prdmntly undergrad instns, no instns & est'd ttl costs projs /fld & instn type
.txt .pdf s2594253 Amt & % fnds /S&E rsch facil cap projs /prdmntly undergrad instns /instn type & src fnds: 92-93
.txt .pdf s2594254 Expendtrs /needed cap projs /cnstrct /repair/renov S&E rsch facils, /idntfd instnl plan, /prdmntly undergrad instns /instn type & proj type: 94
.txt .pdf s2594255 Expendtrs /needed cap proj /cnstrct /repair/renov S&E rsch facils, /idntfd instnl plan, /prdmntly undergrad instns /instn type & fld: 94
.txt .pdf s2594256 Expendtrs /needed cap projs /cnstrct S&E rsch facils, /idntfd instnl plan, /prdmntly undergrad instns /instn type & fld: 94
.txt .pdf s2594257 Expendtrs /needed cap projs /repair/renov S&E rsch facils, /idntfd instnl plan, /prdmntly undergrad instns /instn type & fld: 94
.txt .pdf s2594258 No instn survey universe rsrch-performing univs & collgs: weighted estimates, 88
.txt .pdf s2594259 No of instns in 1990, 1992, & 1994 samples of research-performing univs & collgs
.txt .pdf s2594260 Academic institutions response rates, by category of institutions: 1994
.txt .pdf s2594261 Standard errors for selected estimates
.txt .pdf s2594262 Composite Fixed-Weighted Price Index for Construction inflation adjustments
.txt .wp5 s2594263 Appendix A
.txt .wp5 s2594264 Appendix B
.txt .wp5 s2594265 Appendix C
.txt .wp5 s2594266 Appendix D