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The U.S. Government’s International Anti-Trafficking Programs  
Released by the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons
Updated November 2003

Fiscal Year 2002

This document contains brief descriptions of international anti-trafficking programs approved for fiscal year 2002 funds from the Department of State, the Department of Labor, and the U.S. Agency for International Development. This document reflects activities in foreign countries with a significant anti-trafficking component. Domestic anti-trafficking activities by the Department of Justice and the Department of Health and Human Services will be reported separately.

East and Pacific Islands
       South Asia
Latin America and Caribbean
Middle East


EAP U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs
ECA U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States
EUR U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of European Affairs
G/TIP Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons
CICP UNODCCP’s Center for International Crime Prevention
ICITAP U.S. Department of Justice’s International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program
ILO International Labor Organization
IOM International Organization for Migration
IPEC ILO’s International Program for the Elimination of Child Labor
INL U.S. Department of State’s Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
OPDAT U.S. Department of Justice’s Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance and Training
PRM U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration
SA U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of South Asian Affairs
USAID U.S. Agency for International Development
USG United States Government
UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund
UNIFEM United Nations Women’s Fund

United Nations’ Office of Drug Control and Crime Prevention


Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: UNODCCP
Project Title: Translation and Distribution of Trafficking in Persons Public Service Announcements
Description: Assistance will be used by UNODCCP to translate and distribute the UN Public Service Announcements on Trafficking into eight languages (Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Hausa, Swahili, Chinese, French, and German).

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: UNODCCP
Project Title: Trafficking in Persons Public Service Announcement – Child Trafficking/Labor
Description: Assistance will be used to produce, translate, and distribute a new UN Public Service Announcement on child trafficking/labor.

Type of Program: Prevention, Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade, Office of Women in Development

Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI)
Project Title: Support to USAID Anti-Trafficking Activities
Description: Technical assistance for USAID operating units for anti-trafficking assessments, activity design and evaluation.



Type of Program: Protection, Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: ECOWAS through UNODCCP/CICP
Project Title: Implementing the ECOWAS Plan of Action against Trafficking in Persons

This one-year project will assist the ECOWAS Secretariat in Abuja, Nigeria with implementation of select components of the ECOWAS Regional Plan of Action against Trafficking. The UNODCCP Office in Nigeria and the regional UNODCCP office in Dakar will share responsibilities to harmonize legislation throughout the region that is in line with the UN Transnational Organized Crime Convention and Protocols.

Type of Program: Prevention, Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Africa

Project Title: Sustainable Tree Crops Program
Description: The Sustainable Tree Crops Program, a public-private partnership among USAID, the U.S. Department of Labor, West African Governments, the global chocolate industry, and the ILO is designing and implementing seven pilot projects and a regional initiative to address exploitative child labor in five West African nations: Cote d’Ivoire, Guinea, Ghana, Nigeria and Cameroon.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Africa


Project Title:
Anti-trafficking conference and follow-on activities
Description: A regional anti-trafficking stakeholders' conference for civil society groups, USG agencies, regional and international organizations, regional governments, and other donors will build on the Department of State's December 2001 meeting in Abuja, Nigeria ($150,000). Follow-on activities will also be supported ($225,000).


Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Africa

UNICEF; Ministry of Family and Children (Benin)
Project Title: Child Trafficking
Description: The USAID Mission in Benin is working with the Ministry of Family Protection, UNICEF and NGOs to increase public awareness about the dangers of child trafficking. These efforts will result in a documentary film on child trafficking, nationwide town meetings and development of community charters for child protection.


Type of Program: Protection, Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Government of Burkina Faso/NGO
Project Title: Training Agents from Minor and Vice Brigades and Police in Trafficking Interdiction
Description: Indigenous NGO representatives will provide specific anti-trafficking training so that law enforcement personnel will learn about the networks/circuits used by traffickers and receive instruction in law enforcement techniques. This project will include a train-the-trainer component.


Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, PRM

Project Title: Mitigating HIV/AIDS and Trafficking in Persons
Description: This one-year project will assist the Ethiopian Government in its efforts to fight against HIV/AIDS and to prevent trafficking in persons from and within the country. A program for all school districts will educate students about HIV/AIDS and the dangers of trafficking in persons through cartoon booklets, posters, and leaflets. Sustainability will be ensured by training teachers to focus on these subjects and use the materials.

Type of Program: Prevention, Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Africa

Save the Children; PACT; Pathfinder International; IOM; Family Health International
Project Title: Ethiopia -- trafficking prevention

The USAID Mission in Ethiopia is assisting the government with an extensive survey of the magnitude of the trafficking problem that will provide a basis for future anti-trafficking interventions. USAID will support the IOM's public awareness campaign and partner with NGOs to identify key areas where the government can improve social protection for victims. Government employment centers will include information on the dangers of trafficking for women who come to the centers seeking employment abroad.


Type of Program: Protection, Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Government of Gabon
Project Title: Start-up Equipment for Child Trafficking Police Task Force
Description: This provision of technical assistance will assist the Gabonese Child Trafficking Police Task Force improve its ability to respond to trafficking cases. The technical assistance will be used to procure a vehicle, motorcycle, office equipment, a computer, camera/video equipment, radios, and rape kits.


Type of Program: Prevention, Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, PRM
Project Title: Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration of Ghanaian Children
Recipient: IOM
Description: IOM, in partnership with the Ghanaian Ministry of Women and Children’s Affairs, NGOs, and UNICEF, will identify and provide documentation to children who have been trafficked to Ghana to work in fisheries. This pilot project will assist the children, provide counseling, transportation, family reunification, as well activities to facilitate the reintegration of the returned children.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, ECA
Recipient: 2 Individuals,

Project Title:
International Visitor Exchange Program on Trafficking of Women and Children
Description: The program brings current or potential leaders in government, politics, the media, education, and other fields to the United States to meet and confer with their professional counterparts. The International Visitor Program partners with national program agencies to design and implement each program to meet specific visitors’ interests. Programs typically last three weeks during which visitors gain an overview of programs to prevent trafficking of women and children in Washington, DC followed by related local programs arranged through a country-wide network of Council of International Visitors.


Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Africa

Project Title:
Mali -- Radio Communications
Recipient: Ben and Jerry's
Description: In a public-private partnership with Ben & Jerry’s/Unilever, the USAID Mission in Mali is launching a media campaign in Mali and Cote d'Ivoire to promote child welfare and prevent trafficking. Community radio soap operas will address child welfare and trafficking, increasing awareness and changing public attitudes and behaviors about child trafficking.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Africa

Save the Children USA
Project Title: trafficking study
Description: The USAID Mission in Mali is undertaking a study to determine local parental and community perceptions, processes and consequences of child trafficking in the Sikasso region to more effectively plan and implement relevant interventions in education.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade, Office of Women in Development

Save the Children USA
Project Title: Education
Description: In partnership with the USAID Mission in Mali, USAID's Office of Women in Development will support community awareness workshops to bring the experience and voices of young people who have been trafficked to the community. Leadership training will help local school management committees become an effective force for anti-trafficking in the region.


Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, ECA
Recipient: 2 Individuals

Project Title:
International Visitor Exchange Program on Trafficking of Women and Children
Description: The program brings current or potential leaders in government, politics, the media, education, and other fields to the United States to meet and confer with their professional counterparts. The International Visitor Program partners with national program agencies to design and implement each program to meet specific visitors’ interests. Programs typically last three weeks during which visitors gain an overview of programs to prevent trafficking of women and children in Washington, DC followed by related local programs arranged through a country-wide network of Council of International Visitors.


Type of Program: Protection, Prosecution, Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, INL
Recipient: IOM
Description: IOM will employ indigenous NGOs to provide sensitization training for personnel in the Nigeria Police Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force and personnel in the Nigerian Immigration Service’s Anti-Trafficking unit. This training will focus on law enforcement personnel stationed in Lagos and Edo State.

Type of Program: Prosecution, Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: U.S. Dept. of Justice/OPDAT/ICITAP
Project Title: Enhanced Investigation and Prosecution of Traffickers by Nigerian Police and Federal Prosecutors
Description: This anti-trafficking training program for police investigators and prosecutors will bring U.S. Dept. of Justice (OPDAT/ICITAP) representatives together with local NGOs to improve the capacity of the Nigerian Criminal Justice System to investigate and prosecute trafficking crimes.

Type of Program: Protection, Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: ECOWAS Secretariat, Abuja
Project Title: Support for ECOWAS Regional Experts Meeting on Trafficking in Persons
Description: This international conference, involving 15 ECOWAS countries and many international and national non-governmental organizations, seeks to build and promote better structures of cooperation in combating trafficking in West Africa.

Type of Program: Prevention, Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, PRM
Recipient: IOM
Project Title: Program against Trafficking in Nigerian Women and Minors, and Transmission of HIV/AIDS
Description: This on-going program provides awareness- raising activities on the dangers of trafficking, HIV/AIDS and other STDs. The in-school program will be expanded to cover out of school youths, traditional and religious leaders, women’s groups, and sports clubs. Assistance is provided to returned victims first through a transit center in Lagos, and then when they return to Edo State, with access to shelters.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, ECA
Recipient: Individual,

Project Title:
International Visitor Exchange Program on Trafficking of Women and Children
Description: The program brings current or potential leaders in government, politics, the media, education, and other fields to the United States to meet and confer with their professional counterparts. The International Visitor Program partners with national program agencies to design and implement each program to meet specific visitors’ interests. Programs typically last three weeks during which visitors gain an overview of programs to prevent trafficking of women and children in Washington, DC followed by related local programs arranged through a country-wide network of Council of International Visitors.

Type of Program: Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, Bureau of African Affairs
Recipient: UNICEF, IOM, Sisters of Idia Renaissance, National Center for Women and Development
Description: This project will support the establishment of two rehabilitation shelters for victims of trafficking. One rehabilitation shelter will be located in Edo State, the other in Lagos. In conjunction with USAID.

Type of Program: Prevention, Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Africa

UNICEF, IOM, Sisters of May; Idia Renaissance, National Center for Women and Development
Project Title: Nigeria -- assistance to trafficking victims
Description: The USAID Mission in Nigeria is funding IOM and a consortium of local NGOs to establish shelters and training centers for trafficking victims in Edo State. In conjunction with Department of State’s Bureau for African Affairs.


Type of Program: Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Government of Senegal/U.S. Dept. of Justice - ICITAP
Project Title: Improving Investigations/Prosecutions of Crimes against Women and Children
Description: U.S. Dept. of Justice ICITAP will assess the trafficking problem in Senegal and provide training for Senegalese law enforcement. Training will include investigative techniques, coordination between law enforcement and prosecutors, and technical assistance.


Type of Program: Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Africa

International Rescue Committee; UNICEF; Search for Common Ground; Mono River Women's Peace Network

Project Title:
Assistance to trafficking victims in the Mano River Region
Description: USAID's Sierra Leone Transition Strategy supports NGOs providing social integration assistance, including medical, psychological and legal services, to female victims trafficked from Liberia and Guinea to Sierra Leone, many of whom were brought as “war wives” for former Revolutionary United Front members and later abandoned.


Type of Program: Prevention, Protection, Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Africa

Save the Children/UK

Project Title:
Sudan -- fighting abduction
Description: USAID and Save the Children/UK have joined forces to combat abduction in Sudan and to find effective ways to help women and children victims. An interagency database will better track trafficking cases and map commonly used overland routes. Assistance to victims will include identification of organizations that can provide effective alternatives to institutional care.


Type of Program: Prevention, Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID
Recipient: KIWOHEDE
Project Title: Identifying, Reporting, and Resolving Incidences of Abuse, Exploitative Work, and Child Prostitution in Dar es Salaam
Description: Increase children’s, parents, guardians, police, and community awareness to improve strategies to report and reduce incidences of sexual and physical abuse among children working in prostitution and hazardous domestic work, especially young victims of trafficking.


Type of Program: Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, INL
Recipient: Government of Togo – Ministry of Social Affairs
Project Title: Equipment Donation to the Police
Description: The equipment donation is designed to strengthen the capacity of law enforcement to communicate effectively while engaging in combating illicit cross-border activities, including trafficking in persons.

Type of Program: Protection, Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Dept. of Justice OPDAT
Project Title: Technical Assistance in Drafting Anti-trafficking Legislation
Description: A representative from the Dept. of Justice OPDAT will travel to Togo to assist in drafting a comprehensive anti-trafficking law conforming to relevant UN Conventions on trafficking.

Type of Program: Protection, Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Government of Togo
Project Title: Minors Brigade Assistance
Description: This technical assistance will be used to procure start-up equipment for the “Minors Brigade.” The goal of this project is to provide Togolese law enforcement personnel with the equipment necessary to efficiently prevent and investigate trafficking in persons, especially children. Equipment includes computers, long-range radios, and office equipment.

Type of Program: Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Government of Togo/U.S. Dept. of Justice OPDAT and ICITAP
Project Title: Training for Enforcers
Description: U.S. Dept. of Justice training will raise awareness of judicial, law enforcement, and border security authorities regarding trafficking. Training will include intervention and interview techniques, treatment of victims, as well as investigation of traffickers.

Type of Program: Protection, Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of Labor/Bureau of International Labor Affairs/International Child Labor Program
Recipient: CARE
Project Title: Combating Child Trafficking in Togo Through Education
Description: This four-year project will promote school attendance and provide educational opportunities for victims of child trafficking and children at risk of being trafficked. The program will raise awareness about the problem of child trafficking and the importance of education for children; strengthen transitional centers that receive children returned from trafficking; promote children’s academic integration into transitional and formal basic and vocational education programs; support preventive measures to increase school retention of children vulnerable to trafficking; strengthen institutions and policies to reduce trafficking and promote school attendance; and promote the sustainability of program interventions.

East Asia and Pacific Islands


Type of Program: Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Royal Thai Government and IOM
Project Title: Working Group on Policy, Legislation and Law Enforcement Issues
Description: Under the aegis of a regional ministerial on smuggling and trafficking, two workshops will investigate legal structures and law enforcement practices in East Asia. Objectives are to improve regional cooperation, identify areas of improvement on law enforcement, create a network of experts, and coordinate law enforcement initiatives.

Type of Program: Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: United Nations Office of Drug Control and Crime Prevention/Crime Center
Project Title: Computer-Based Training (CBT) Development
Description: The Crime Center will design, develop and deliver a new CBT module on trafficking for law enforcement personnel in the Greater Mekong Sub-region (Cambodia, China, Lao PDR, Burma, Thailand and Vietnam). This will standardize training and skills-development at high levels throughout the region and at a significant reduction in training costs.

Type of Program: Prevention/Protection/Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, EAP
Recipient: Academy for Educational Development (AED)
Project Title: EAP Regional Human Trafficking Website
Description: The website serves as a repository of information on efforts to combat trafficking in persons, especially women and children. The website posts information about anti-trafficking laws and regulations, bilateral agreements to cooperate in combating trafficking, upcoming conferences, best practices, contact information for obtaining assistance, and other materials.


Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, ECA
Recipient: Individual
Project Title: International Visitor Exchange Program on Trafficking of Women and Children
Description: The program brings current or potential leaders in government, politics, the media, education, and other fields to the United States to meet and confer with their professional counterparts. The International Visitor Program partners with national program agencies to design and implement each program to meet specific visitors’ interests. Programs typically last three weeks during which visitors gain an overview of programs to prevent trafficking of women and children in Washington, DC followed by related local programs arranged through a country-wide network of Council of International Visitors.


Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, EAP
Recipient: IOM
Project Title: Awareness Campaign Project
Description: Campaigns to increase TIP awareness, presented through multi-media presentations, using both video and live performances, to audiences across eighteen provinces over a three-year period. The information campaigns will be followed by the teaching of an anti-trafficking life skill course in schools and among members of village women’s and children’s groups at the community level. Information gathered during campaigns will be used to build a national counter-trafficking database to help the Ministry of Women’s and Veterans’ Affairs (MWVA) respond to the problems of trafficking in women in children.

Type of Program: Prevention, Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, PRM
Recipient: IOM
Project Title: Return Recovery and Reintegration Assistance to Trafficked Women and Children: Cambodia
Description: The project aims at strengthening NGO and government capacity, particularly the Ministry of Social Affairs, Labor, Vocational Training, and Youth Rehabilitation (MOSALVY), to develop durable reintegration solutions for victims of trafficking who cannot be reunited with their families within the first several months of their return to Cambodia. Technical support assistance enhances partners’ capacities to implement alternative care for the victims, including the development of family support (counseling, skills development for families), foster care, group homes, orphanages, and community-based outreach networks to help integrate single women with children.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, ECA
Recipient: Individual
Project Title: International Visitor Exchange Program on Trafficking of Women and Children
Description: The program brings current or potential leaders in government, politics, the media, education, and other fields to the United States to meet and confer with their professional counterparts. The International Visitor Program partners with national program agencies to design and implement each program to meet specific visitors’ interests. Programs typically last three weeks during which visitors gain an overview of programs to prevent trafficking of women and children in Washington, DC followed by related local programs arranged through a country-wide network of Council of International Visitors.


Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, EAP
Recipient: Fiji Women’s Crisis Center (FWCC)
Project Title: Training and Capacity-Building Program
Description: FWCC is conducting training and capacity building for organizations and individuals working to eliminate violence against women. It is also publishing materials on violence against women to support community education, advocacy, and lobbying and it will support rural initiatives working to eliminate violence against women.


Type of Program: Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: US Department of Justice, ICITAP
Project Title: Training for Police, Justice, and Immigration Officials
Description: Training will improve readiness and the ability of law enforcement officials to prevent and investigate trafficking cases and establish standard operating procedures to identify probable trafficked groups, effectively interview and assist victims, and bring perpetrators to justice.

Type of Program: Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Center for Study and Child Protection
Project Title: Establishment of Drop-in-Center in North Sumatra
Description: The objectives will be to expand current work with victims of commercial sexual exploitation and establish a center where victims can receive medical, legal, and psychological attention before being prematurely thrust back into the community. The Center will also train police on proper methods of dealing with child victims. Finally, the Center reintegrates the child back into school and into the family once s/he is ready.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, EAP
Recipient: Yayasan Sains Estetika dan Tehnology (SET)
Project Title: Anti-Trafficking Brochures
Description: SET is working with the Ministry of Education to develop prevention brochures to be presented to middle school students. This Indonesian NGO believes that successful prevention requires getting basic information to potential trafficking victims early on in an easily understood form. The distribution of the brochures will eventually extend to many children outside of the school system.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, EAP
Recipient: International Relief and Development (IRD)
Project Title: Food for Thought: Anti-Trafficking Messages on Food Packaging
Description: This project will deliver anti-trafficking messages to consumers at all income and age levels. The message is reinforced every time a consumer purchases a food staple. The manufacturers involved in the program pay distribution costs. This is similar to the campaigns in the U.S. featuring missing children on milk cartons.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, EAP
Recipient: Legal Aid Society
Project Title: National Conference on Trafficking in Women and Children
Description: A conference was held in Jakarta in September 2002. The invitees were politicians from all parties, central government officials from the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment, local government officials from all the provinces, NGO representatives, academicians, legal activists, union leaders, and media representatives. The goals of the conference were to build a national coalition to fight TIP, to attract media attention, and to form a committee representing civil society advocacy groups.


Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, EAP
Recipient: Village Focus International
Project Title: Awareness Raising Campaign Against Trafficking/Women’s Participation in Political Processes at the Village Level
Description: This project conducts awareness-raising activities in selected at-risk communities, focusing on Southern Laos. Existing village-based schools and other networks are used to disseminate information and conduct training in cooperation with local counterparts and government officials. VFI produces youth-friendly information kits; forms and maintains paper puppetry groups; sets up youth leadership program activities and produces video and radio programs.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, EAP
Recipient: Consortium (includes World Education and World Learning)
Project Title: Prevention of Human Trafficking through Awareness Raising and Occupational Development in Mekong Border Communities
Description: Project works to improve the Vientiane Center for Skill Development to provide direct assistance to victims of trafficking and youth who are vulnerable to traffickers. The Center also provides vocational training for at-risk youth and awareness campaigns in the target districts. The awareness messages are delivered in public venues such as school buildings and temples through the leadership and participation of local leaders in the community.


Type of Program: Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, EAP
Recipient: City Mission

Project Title:
Port Moresby City Mission Women’s Hostel, Crisis Center, and Child Abuse Center
Description: City Mission is renovating several rooms for short-term crisis accommodations on a free-of-charge basis to assist those suffering from abuse. The Center currently has 29 rooms, using 20 for a hostel and 9 rooms set aside as a refuge and child abuse center, which will also house administration offices. Crisis accommodations would be provided to as many as 16 victims for up to three days.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, EAP
Recipient: Family Violence Action Committee (FVAC)
Project Title: Operational Support to FVAC
Description: Through cooperation and awareness campaigns, FVAC has increased its ability to speak with authority about the extent of the family violence problem. A new database has given FVAC the ability to provide factual data on the extent of the problem in PNG. It can be a reference and resource tool when seeking cooperation from governments and NGOs.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, EAP
Recipient: UNDP, UNOPS, and UNIFEM
Project Title: Bougainville Women’s Resource Center for the Prevention of Violence Against Women
Description: This project seeks to meet the concerns of women through activities such as the training of a resources person and putting that person into the community to conduct sessions on the prevention of violence against women. Another activity is the construction and furnishing of the Bougainville Women’s Resource Center.


Type of Program: Prevention/Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, EAP
Recipient: Visayan Forum Foundation (VFF)
Project Title: Halfway Houses in Manila and Davao Ports
Description: The VFF, in partnership with the Philippines Port Authority, is establishing two halfway houses at the two most active ports in the Philippines, Manila and Davao. The halfway houses will provide temporary shelter, repatriation, referral, and telephone hotline counseling services to victims. Seminars and training will also be conducted to strengthen the participation and awareness of strategic partners within these ports (such as police, private security agencies, etc.).

Type of Program: Prevention/Protection/Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, EAP
Recipient: American Center for International Labor Solidarity (ACILS)
Project Title: Combating Trafficking of Women and Children in the Philippines
Description: This project addresses the gaps and needs in the government’s anti-trafficking campaign. The project includes collecting baseline information on traffickers, campaign awareness, advocacy, and networking activities for improvements in prevention; providing assistance to victims and vulnerable groups through telephone hotlines, advocacy for funding for start-up funds for domestic violence/rape shelters and crisis centers, and legal assistance to improve protection; and training and capacity building exercises to develop gender-sensitive officials in law enforcement and justice sectors to improve prosecution.

Type of Program: Protection, Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of Labor/Bureau of International Labor Affairs/International Child Labor Program
Recipient: ILO/IPEC
Project Title: Supporting the Timebound Program on the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labor in the Republic of the Philippines
Description: This four-year project supports the Timebound Program in the Philippines, which comprises a set of comprehensive and integrated initiatives to show visible results in the elimination of the worst forms of child labor and promotion of basic education in the country in a 5-10 year period. Trafficking of children for commercial sexual exploitation (CSE) purposes will be treated as a cross-cutting issue in the project. Work against CSE will center on Regions I (La Union, Baguio City), II (Angeles City, San Fernando, Tarlac, Nueva Ecija, Olongapo), IV (Laguna, Palawan, Romblon, Batangas), VII (Cebu, Toledo City, Lapu-lapu, Mandaue), and the National Capital Region (Manila, Kalookan City, Quezon City, Pasig, Paranaque). The project will withdraw or prevent children from entering CSE and other sectors of exploitative labor and will provide them with educational opportunities and health services. Alternative income generation opportunities and training will be provided to families.


Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, ECA
Recipient: Individual
Project Title: International Visitor Exchange Program on Trafficking of Women and Children
Description: The program brings current or potential leaders in government, politics, the media, education, and other fields to the United States to meet and confer with their professional counterparts. The International Visitor Program partners with national program agencies to design and implement each program to meet specific visitors’ interests. Programs typically last three weeks during which visitors gain an overview of programs to prevent trafficking of women and children in Washington, DC followed by related local programs arranged through a country-wide network of Council of International Visitors.


Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, EAP
Recipient: Solomon Islands Women’s Information Communication Network (SIWNET)
Project Title: Solomon Islands Women’s Information Communication Network
Description: SIWNET sponsors a 30-minute weekly radio program for women covering a range of issues, such as domestic violence, family planning, nutrition, and education. SIWMENT also produces short “radio development spots” of a minute or less that focus on similar issues for daily broadcast. With additional support from UNESCO, the group is creating a new series of 15-minute broadcasts called “Women Speaking to Women”. The Women’s Resource Center is distributing educational materials on the prevention of domestic violence and functions as a central meeting place for the discussion of related topics.


Type of Program: Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Thailand Criminal Law Institute (Attorney General's Office)
Project Title: Guidelines for new laws
Description: Conduct a legal analysis to determine what steps are needed to bring national law into conformance with the United Nations National Convention against Transnational Organized Crime. Through a series of workshops and seminars, police and other law enforcement agencies will be trained on Thailand's legal obligations to fight trafficking.

Type of Program: Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Royal Thai Police Department, Bangkok
Project Title: Strengthen Police Trafficking Unit
Description: This project will lend technical and material assistance to the recently formed anti-trafficking unit of the Thai police. Material includes a vehicle, computers, office items, communications and video equipment.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Hotline Center Foundation (HCF) and Police Emergency 191
Project Title: Improvement of national hotline for TIP victims
Description: HCF and the Thai police will train emergency hotline operators how to assist and protect victims of trafficking and violence, especially women and children. This project will enhance public awareness of the hotline and train schools on its importance as a tool for public safety.

Type of Program: Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Royal Thai Government Dept. of Public Welfare
Project Title: Primary Emergency Shelter in Chiang Mai
Description: A safe house/primary shelter will be established for non-Thai and hill tribe women and children from a refurbished building at a secure location near Chiang Mai. Transportation, interpreters, psychosocial counseling and medical treatment will be provided at the shelter for trafficking victims.

Type of Program: Prevention/Protection/Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, EAP
Recipient: The Asia Foundation (TAF), administrator for projects below to improve the capacity of NGOs to address trafficking in persons.

Subrecipient: Inter Mountain Peoples Education and Culture in Thailand Association (IMPECT)
Project Title: Citizenship Training Program
Description: Funds collection and processing of documents for citizenship applications by hill tribes people; legal services for individual registrations; and administration and management expenses for the organization’s Citizenship Status Development Section.

Subrecipient: The Hotline Center Foundation, the Gap Fai Community Theater, and the Thai National Council of Women
Project Title: Trafficking Awareness/Media Outreach Project – Public Awareness of Gender Issues Through Show Production
Description: Production of popular shows (television and street theater) to increase public awareness of gender issues, violence against women and children, and the TIP problem.

Subrecipient: The Coordination Center for Protection of Child Rights (CCPCR)
Project Title: Trafficking Infrastructure Development, Capacity Building, and Training
Description: Project for trafficking infrastructure development, capacity building, and training. This will include creation of an interview room with video equipment for child-friendly police/social worker interviews in Chiang Rai; one-year salaries for a project manager, social worker, and caseworker; and other costs of the Coordination Center. The project also includes workshops in Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai, as well as training for the task force staff and provincial and border police in Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai, and border areas.

Subrecipient: The Coordination Center for Protection of Child Rights (CCPCR)
Project Title: Surveillance, Suppression, and Rescue Operation Activities
Description: Surveillance operations by its anti-TIP task force; social worker outreach to victims; establishment of 24-hour trafficking help lines and duty officers; public awareness activities; and rewards for info leading to the rescue of TIP victims. It also includes partial police operational expenses in Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, and border areas.

Subrecipient: The Coordination Center for Protection of Child Rights (CCPCR)
Project Title: Care and Assistance for TIP Victims
Description: Provision of care and assistance for TIP victims in Chiang Mai; salary of a primary social worker; and food, water, and basic toiletries for 150 TIP victims for 120 days each in primary and secondary shelters. Legal services and interpreting services for non-Thai TIP victims will also be provided.

Subrecipient: National Council of Thai Women
Project Title:
Support of Pro-Bono Legal Aid for Victims
Description: Pro-bono legal aid for victims, including four professional workshops in Bangkok and three regions of Thailand.

Subrecipient: Fight Against Child Exploitation (FACE)
Project Title: Preparation of Case and Legal Aid Assistance to Pedophile Victims
Description: FACE prepares casework and offers legal aid in order to achieve prosecutions and convictions of pedophiles, both foreign and Thai. It also trains police and advocates with policy makers and legislators to improve TIP laws and regulations. This funding will cover staff salaries, office operational expenses, documentation, and travel expenses for social workers in its witness protection program.

Subrecipient: Law Society of Thailand Committee for Human Rights
Project Title: Enhance the Capacities of Private Lawyers to Protect TIP Victims
Description: The Council provides legal networking workshops and a series of seminars in order to enhance the capacities of private lawyers to protect victims. Funding also supports mobile legal aid.

Type of Program: Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, PRM
Recipient: IOM
Project Title: Capacity-Building on the Protection of Victims of Trafficking: development of a Bi-Lateral Agreement between the kingdom of Thailand and the Lao PDR on the return and Reintegration of Trafficking Victims
Description: This IOM project supports the development of a bilateral MOU between Thailand and Laos concerning the return and reintegration of trafficked victims. The project includes workshops at the national and sub-regional levels for Thai and Lao government officials, a legislative review to ensure compatibility and conformity of national policies with international standards, and an operational mechanism for cross-border returns.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, ECA
Recipient: Individual
Project Title: International Visitor Exchange Program on Trafficking of Women and Children
Description: The program brings current or potential leaders in government, politics, the media, education, and other fields to the United States to meet and confer with their professional counterparts. The International Visitor Program partners with national program agencies to design and implement each program to meet specific visitors’ interests. Programs typically last three weeks during which visitors gain an overview of programs to prevent trafficking of women and children in Washington, DC followed by related local programs arranged through a country-wide network of Council of International Visitors.

Type of Program: Protection, Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of Labor/Bureau of International Labor Affairs/International Child Labor Program
Recipient: International Justice Mission
Project Title: Thailand Sex Trafficking Task Force
Description: This three-year project in Northern Thailand will be used to establish a Thailand Sex Trafficking Task Force to address the plight of girls being trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation. The project will support prevention by reducing the vulnerability of the at-risk population by obtaining work permits and/or citizen registration in order to facilitate their entry into school or legal work. The project also will facilitate placement of child and adolescent victims of trafficking into educational and vocational training programs, as well as provide health and psychosocial services.

Type of Program: Prevention, Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Economic Growth Agriculture and Trade, Office of Women in Development

World Vision

Project Title:
Response to Trafficking of Persons, Especially Women, Youth and Children Along the Thai-Burmese Border
Description: To reduce the number of women, youth and children trafficked from Burma to Thailand and from the borders further within Thailand, this activity works to raise awareness among community-based organizations, develop their capacity to design community-based responses and support them in implementing those responses.


Type of Program: Prevention/Protection/Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: United Nations Office of Drug Control and Crime Prevention/Crime Center
Project Title: Measures to prevent and combat trafficking in persons in Vietnam
Description: The project aims at strengthening the capacity of civil society, law enforcement, and prosecutors to prevent, investigate and prosecute cases of trafficking and related forms of organised crime, including enhancing international co-operation. Also, the project will assess legislative measures needed to enable the ratification and implementation of the UN Transnational Organized Crime Convention and its supplementary protocols.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, EAP
Recipient: The Asia Foundation (TAF)

Project Title:
Prevent and Deter Trafficking in Women and Children
Description: This project will involve research into the root causes, patterns, and scope of the problem, analysis of the legal and policy framework for addressing trafficking, awareness raising at the community level through local branches of the Vietnam Women’s Union, and micro-enterprise training and revolving loans to promote economic self-sufficiency among rural women.

South Asia


Type of Program: Prevention, Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Asia and the Near East


Project Title:
India, Nepal, Sri Lanka -- SARI Equity anti-trafficking
Description: Supports rescue and repatriation efforts in India and Nepal; organizing a high level workshop for Nepalese parliamentarians; conducting regional consultations; organizing community based awareness raising campaigns; providing training in trauma counseling; and collecting data on the social, economic and legal dimensions of trafficking within and between targeted South Asian countries.

Type of Program: Protection, Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of Labor/Bureau of International Labor Affairs/International Child Labor Program
Recipient: ILO/IPEC
Project Title: Combating Child Trafficking for Labor and Sexual Exploitation in Asia
Description: This three-year project continues the work started under a first phase in Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka, with the addition of Indonesia, Thailand and Pakistan. The project will address national and regional aspects of trafficking, including improving the knowledge base on cross-border trafficking, technical support in the area of research and rehabilitation models, policy development and capacity building to strengthen national coordination mechanisms and legal frameworks. Prevention interventions will be implemented in high-risk areas to reduce the vulnerability of communities, families and their children to trafficking, and child victims of trafficking will be intercepted or rescued and provided rehabilitation services and educational opportunities.


Type of Program: Prevention, Protection, Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: IOM
Project Title: Research on Trafficking in Afghan Women and Children in Afghanistan and Neighboring Countries
Description: IOM will assess the current situation regarding trafficking of Afghan women and children internally and to other countries. This study will provide information on the profile of victims and reflect the current understanding of the problem within existing governmental structures, NGOs and IOs assisting Afghan women and children. The goal of this project is to provide and identify vulnerable groups, assess the capacities of existing NGOs, and develop comprehensive solutions.


Type of Program: Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: IOM
Project Title: Capacity Building for Law Enforcement Officials
Description: This one-year project is an extension of an ongoing project aimed at improving prevention of trafficking and protection of victims through training and awareness training of migration and law enforcement officials.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, SA
Recipient: IOM
Project Title: Anti-trafficking Communication Intervention in five high-risk Trafficking-prone areas of Bangladesh
Description: This two-year project involves two components – supporting a national anti-trafficking mass media campaign and assisting five at-risk areas in Bangladesh. In the at-risk areas, local NGOs will receive tools and techniques on how to raise awareness about trafficking and conduct community meetings. The goal of this project is to reduce the number of women and children trafficked within Bangladesh and across its borders.

Type of Program: Prevention, Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Asia and the Near East

Bangladesh National Women Lawyers' Association (BNWLA); Action Against Trafficking and Child Exploitation
Project Title: Anti-trafficking
Description: This multi-faceted program includes mapping exercises to track trafficking in at-risk areas; creation of a victim database; establishment of a resource center to disseminate data; legal, social integration and repatriation help to victims; and, culturally sensitive community public awareness campaigns.


Type of Program: Protection, Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Sanlaap (Calcutta) through UNODC
Project Title: “Nyay” - Justice
Description: The project includes providing shelter, counseling, and legal support to trafficking victims through the establishment of three crisis centers in Calcutta and South 24 Parganas. Sanlaap will also provide training on trafficking and the relevant legislation at the panchayat (local council) level. Sanlaap will also hold a workshop on trafficking and rape kit usage for medical professionals from the State Health Department, the public prosecutors office, lawyers, forensic experts, magistrates, judges and policy makers.

Type of Program: Prevention, Protection, and Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Impulse NGO (Meghalaya) through UNODC
Project Title: Improving Interagency Response and NGO Coordination to TIP in the Northeastern States of India
Description: This one-year project will focus on creating a solid interagency approach in each of the Northeastern State districts to combat trafficking. The Impulse NGO Network will improve awareness of trafficking among government officials, law enforcement, and the public. It will conduct interagency workshops to increase the capacity of law enforcement authorities (Home Guards and Police) to combat trafficking – including awareness, information about trafficking, and increasing coordination with local NGOs and community groups. Impulse NGO Network will also provide sensitization training to the judiciary and prosecutors about trafficking, existing legislation, how to question victims, and the needs of victims.

Type of Program: Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Human Rights and Law Network (New Delhi) through UNODC
Project Title: Legal Training for Police and Members of the Judiciary
Description: This project brings police, the judiciary, and NGOs together to facilitate cooperation and coordination on trafficking in persons cases. The training provided to police and the judiciary during this one-year project aims to: increase law enforcement understanding of existing anti-trafficking laws, improve law enforcement/NGO coordination on rescue and rehabilitation of trafficking victims, enhance adjudication of trafficking cases, and increase access to legal assistance for women and children affected by trafficking.

Type of Program: Prevention, Protection, and Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Prayas (New Delhi) through UNODC
Project Title: Action Program on Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children
Description: This project will focus on the rescue and rehabilitation of trafficked children and expand Prayas’ shelter facilities into the states of Gujarat and Bihar. The objectives for this project include: facilitating a comprehensive rehabilitation program for child victims of trafficking and sexual exploitation (medical, psychological, legal advocacy); reducing the number of children from vulnerable communities being trafficked and subjected to trafficking and sexual abuse; rescuing young girls and minors from brothels; and rehabilitating and mainstreaming children from vulnerable groups through education and job skills training.

Type of Program: Prevention, Protection, and Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Bhoruka Public Welfare Trust (Calcutta) through UNODC
Project Title: Building Support Structure for Victims of Trafficking at the Indo-Nepal Cross-border Communities
Description: This project will provide physical and psychological support in shelters for rescued trafficking victims at the cross-border sites of Raxaul and Panitanki. In addition, counseling and anti-trafficking information will be disseminated at three cross-border points to anyone crossing in or out of the country. The shelters and counseling centers will be linked with an ongoing community-based anti-trafficking program that also trained anti-trafficking police units. The anti-trafficking police units will work with the local community-based centers to refer victims and gather information on traffickers.

Type of Program: Protection and Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Catholic Relief Services and Prajwala (Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh) through UNODC
Project Title: Support for Victims of Trafficking
Description: Catholic Relief Services and Prajwala will establish a transit home for rescued trafficking victims and a home for rescued children. The transit home will provide trafficking victims from Andhra Pradesh counseling, health care, and reintegration assistance. The home for rescued children will assist children rescued from brothels and includes counseling and schooling. Both of these projects will be linked with projects in other states in India that work with police and other NGOs to rescue victims and go after traffickers.

Type of Program: Prevention, Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: BETI (Better Education Through Innovation) Foundation (Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh) through UNODC
Project Title: Care and Support for at-risk Women Vulnerable to Sexual Abuse and Trafficking in Five Districts of Uttar Pradesh
Description: This project will focus its efforts on the most trafficking-prone areas of Uttar Pradesh. Activities that BETI will undertake include: reaching out to over 11,000 at-risk girls, providing counseling to trafficking victims, setting up information booths, raising awareness of trafficking among people working in the transportation industry – i.e. truck drivers, bus conductors, border police, and railroad employees. BETI will link with already established help lines as well as with other government and non-governmental organizations in India, Nepal, and Bangladesh.

Type of Program: Protection, Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Manav Seva Sansthan “SEVA” (Uttar Pradesh) through UNODC
Project Title: Short Stay Home along Indo-Nepal border of Uttar Pradesh state
Description: SEVA will open a short-stay home to provide shelter, medical assistance and counseling (legal and psychological) to victims rescued while being trafficked across the Indo-Nepal border. Police or NGOs will refer rescued women and children to the short-stay home with the ultimate goal being safe repatriation to the country of origin.

Type of Program: Prevention, Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, PRM
Recipient and Amount: IOM
Project Title: Economic Rehabilitation of Trafficked Women in High Supply States of India
Description: The IOM project will assist in the rehabilitation of trafficked victims through the engagement of multi-sectoral partners, including NGOs, the corporate sector and the Government of India, to establish small franchised businesses for dairy products, staffed with newly trained returned victims, and financed through a rolling micro-credit system for eventual self-sustainability of the project.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, ECA
Recipient and Amount: 2 Individuals
Project Title: International Visitor Exchange Program on Trafficking of Women and Children
Description: The program brings current or potential leaders in government, politics, the media, education, and other fields to the United States to meet and confer with their professional counterparts. The International Visitor Program partners with national program agencies to design and implement each program to meet specific visitors’ interests. Programs typically last three weeks during which visitors gain an overview of programs to prevent trafficking of women and children in Washington, DC followed by related local programs arranged through a country-wide network of Council of International Visitors.


Type of Program: Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: NGO Consortium through UNICEF
Project Title: Better Application and Enforcement of Anti-trafficking laws in Nepal
Description: This eighteen-month project will increase understanding of Nepal’s anti-trafficking legislation among law enforcement agencies, strengthen police capacity to handle trafficking cases sensitively and efficiently, and improve the functioning of district courts to better handle trafficking cases. This project will focus on the development of training materials, providing training to law enforcement agency personnel in 26 districts, the provision of computers to five regional police centers, and technical assistance to improve court procedures to protect victims.

Type of Program: Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Daywalka Foundation (Kathmandu)
Project Title: Women’s Security Law Library and Center
Description: Assistance will be used to establish a law library, which will serve as the information center for anti-trafficking efforts and also as a magnate for the training of legal professionals in Kathmandu. The library will contain information on statutory law, common law, cases under investigation, and a computer a hardcopy database. The library will also serve as a legal training center, which will provide training and resources to prosecutors, law students, and police.

Type of Program: Prevention, Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, SA
Recipient: Nepali NGO Consortium through UNICEF
Project Title: Improving Gainful Employment Opportunities for Girls at Risk of Trafficking and Rescued Trafficking Victims
Description: This project will identify high-risk target groups and provide relevant job skills to enable them to pursue meaningful employment opportunities. Organizations providing vocational and other employment training skills will help the target group obtain information as well as job placement and micro-enterprise funding support. In addition, the Government of Nepal will include high-risk groups in government training programs and provide job opportunities.

Type of Program: Prevention, Protection, Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, SA
Recipient: Daywalka Foundation
Project Title: Improving Efforts to Combat Trafficking at the Local Level
Description: This project will develop a network of Village Development Committees that will liaise with the centralized Kathmandu law library project. Together with indigenous NGOs, the Daywalka Foundation will build the capacity of local village criminal justice mechanisms to combat trafficking through training and increase awareness of victim needs.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, ECA
Recipient: Individual
Project Title: International Visitor Exchange Program on Trafficking of Women and Children
Description: The program brings current or potential leaders in government, politics, the media, education, and other fields to the United States to meet and confer with their professional counterparts. The International Visitor Program partners with national program agencies to design and implement each program to meet specific visitors’ interests. Programs typically last three weeks during which visitors gain an overview of programs to prevent trafficking of women and children in Washington, DC followed by related local programs arranged through a country-wide network of Council of International Visitors.

Type of Program: Prevention, Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Asia and the Near East

The Asia Foundation, World Education, Center for Development and Population Activities
Project Title: Nepal -- anti-trafficking
Description: Strengthens prevention, rehabilitation and reintegration services, and the capacity of government and NGOs to address trafficking. Established a documentation and information center within the Ministry of Women, Children, and Social Welfare (MWCSW); created a compendium of anti-trafficking materials.

Type of program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID/ANE
Recipient and Amount: World Education
Project Title: Girls Access to Education (GATE)
Description: The goal of the GATE program is to improve the health knowledge and behavior of adolescent girls, and prepare them for the challenges of womanhood. One of the main objectives of the program is to raise individual and community awareness about girl trafficking, child labor and various forms of exploitation, HIV/AIDS and other significant risks. The target audiences of the GATE program are 10 to 14 year old girls who are out of school and illiterate, and girls who have dropped out of the school and haven't completed the 3rd grade of formal schooling. The component on trafficking provides information about the methods used by traffickers and urges caution.



Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, PRM
Recipient: IOM
Project Title: Combating Trafficking in Women: Belarus
Description: The project will focus on prevention and awareness-raising activities, while strengthening relations with civil society.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, ECA
Recipient: Individual
Project Title: International Visitor Exchange Program on Trafficking of Women and Children
Description: The program brings current or potential leaders in government, politics, the media, education, and other fields to the United States to meet and confer with their professional counterparts. The International Visitor Program partners with national program agencies to design and implement each program to meet specific visitors’ interests. Programs typically last three weeks during which visitors gain an overview of programs to prevent trafficking of women and children in Washington, DC followed by related local programs arranged through a country-wide network of Council of International Visitors.


Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Europe and Eurasia
Recipient: IOM
Project Name: Training and Networking for Journalists on Anti-trafficking Issues
Description: The activity provides media training to (1) create an informal network of journalists specializing in and reporting on trafficking issues in the regions of Kazakhstan; and (2) produce public service announcements highlighting the ills of trafficking and information about IOM’s program.


Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Europe and Eurasia
Recipient: IOM
Project Name: Anti-trafficking Public Information Campaign
Description: Public information campaign to increase understanding of the dangers and consequences of trafficking among the Kyrgyz young unemployed population and relevant authorities, in an effort to discourage and prevent trafficking in human beings in, from, and through Kyrgyzstan.


Type of Program: Prevention, Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, PRM
Recipient: IOM
Project Title: Combating Trafficking in Women: Moldova
Description: Building on last year’s capacity-building program and information campaign, the project will support a shelter to provide protection and reintegration assistance to returned victims.

Type of ProgramRehabilitation/prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, ECA
Recipient: CONNECT
Project Name: Training and Parenting Education for Returned Women who are Mothers
Description: The goal of this 18-month exchange and training program is to assist the reentry process of Moldovan women who have been trafficked and return to and/or with children. The project will focus on developing job training and parenting services for approximately 100 women in mostly rural communities. The project will also support an 11-day training program in Minnesota for 10 Moldovan support workers and job trainers.


Project Title: Legislative Assistance Project
Type of Program: Prevention, Prosecution, Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, INL
Recipient: Embassy
Description: Project offers support conducted by Department of Justice OPDAT to the DUMA, legislative working groups, law enforcement and NGOs involved in drafting new anti-TIP legislation to comply with the standards set in the UN convention on Transnational Organized Crime and its Protocol on Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children to which both parties are signatories.

Project Title: Anti-Trafficking Task Force
Type of Program: Protection, Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, INL
Recipient: Embassy
Description: Establish US/Russia task force to investigate trafficking in women and children and promote the development of Russian task forces directed at crimes involving violence against women and children. Project will also provide equipment, materials, technical experts and support services.

Type of Program: Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Miramed Institute through IOM
Project Title: Moscow TIP Victims Assistance Shelter
Description: This award will support the Angel Coalition's Moscow Victims Assistance Center supported by Miramed Institute to assist returning victims coming through Moscow’s International Airport. These funds will also provide seed grants for regional safe houses and develop an assistance protocol and resource guide for TIP victims.

Type of Program: Prevention, Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, ECA
Recipient and Amount: International Research & Exchanges Board (Washington, DC)
Project Title: Prevention of Trafficking of Women and Girls (FY01)
Description: The international research and exchanges board (IREX), in partnership with the Russian association of crisis centers, has implemented with two women's crisis centers, the Saratov regional crisis center and the Barnaul women's alliance, public awareness campaigns about the problem of human trafficking. The program also introduced crisis intervention services for victims of trafficking at the two centers. The program included a Moscow-based training seminar for the staff of the two crisis centers, an anti-trafficking media campaign in both regions, and train-the-trainers seminars for organizations and individuals who were involved in anti-trafficking media campaigns.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, ECA
Recipient: Individual
Project Title: International Visitor Exchange Program on Trafficking of Women and Children
Description: The program brings current or potential leaders in government, politics, the media, education, and other fields to the United States to meet and confer with their professional counterparts. The International Visitor Program partners with national program agencies to design and implement each program to meet specific visitors’ interests. Programs typically last three weeks during which visitors gain an overview of programs to prevent trafficking of women and children in Washington, DC followed by related local programs arranged through a country-wide network of Council of International Visitors.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Europe and Eurasia
Recipient: Winrock International
Project Title: Democracy Gender Program – Trafficking Prevention Project in the Russian Far East and Siberia

Description: This activity is part of the three-year Democracy Gender Program and provides support to NGOs in the Russian Far East and Siberia to address the trafficking problem through short-term training programs in job skills and small business development, awareness raising activities, targeted information dissemination, and individual services and consultations for women at risk. The activity also includes conducting a baseline research to study the demographics of women at risk and applying research results for designing future trafficking prevention programs.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Europe and Eurasia
Recipient: International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX)
Project Title: Democracy Gender Program – Trafficking Prevention and Information Dissemination (TPID)
Description: This activity is part of the three-year Democracy Gender Program and is funded to (1) enhance economic empowerment for women at risk, focusing on job skills training and small business development training; (2) create awareness about trafficking among the general population through public education campaigns and targeted dissemination of information materials; (3) increase the capacity of the women’s crisis centers in Moscow, Petrozavodsk, Krasnodar, and Ekaterinburg to offer individual services and consultations to women at risk, and to conduct awareness raising activities.


Type of Program: Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, PRM
Recipient: IOM
Project Title: Combating Trafficking in Women: Ukraine
Description: The project is designed to strengthen the capability of relevant government authorities and a Ukrainian NGO network to more effectively assist victims of trafficking. A shelter provides protection and reintegration assistance to returned victims, including psychiatric and psychological counseling, as well as medical treatment.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Europe and Eurasia
Recipient: Winrock International

Project Title:
Trafficking Prevention Center Program
Description: FY2002 funds for anti-trafficking will go to completing the funding cycle for the Trafficking Prevention Center Program, implemented by Winrock International.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Europe and Eurasia
Recipient: Academy for Educational Development (AED)

Project Title:
Anti-trafficking Youth Leadership Course
Description: As part of the AED/Participant Training Course, USAID will fund an anti-trafficking youth leadership course to provide training to potential trafficking victims.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Europe and Eurasia
Recipient: AED
Project Title: Anti-trafficking Training Course, “Innovative Mechanisms to Combat Trafficking”
Description: Through the AED/Participant Training Course, USAID will fund a transnational anti-trafficking training course.



Type of Program: Prevention, Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, EUR (SEED)
Recipient: Stability Pact
Project Title: Stability Pact Anti-Trafficking in Persons Program
Description: To further strengthen regional cooperation and concrete joint action among the various anti-trafficking actors, (governments, IOs and NGOs) in the Balkan region and beyond.

Type of Program: Prosecution, Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, EUR (SEED)
Recipient: Southeast European Cooperative Initiative (SECI): Human Trafficking Task Force
Project Title: Operation Mirage
Description: To provide an effective and efficient regional law enforcement response to the illegal trafficking and exploitation of human beings and reduce those organized crime trafficking operations in the region.

Type of Program: Prevention, Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, EUR
Recipient: Various NGOs in Lithuania, Estonia and Russia
Project Title: Regional TIP Monitoring (Lithuania, Estonia and Russia)
Description: Awareness campaign for at-risk youth in Vilnius, Tallin and St. Petersburg, monitoring trafficking in persons cases and providing assistance.

Type of Program: Prevention, Protection, Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Center for Strategic and International Studies
Project Title: Trafficking in Women and Girls to the Balkans: The Role of International Peacekeeping Operations
Description: CSIS will conduct research, including fieldwork, and formulate specific policy recommendations.

Type of Program: Prevention, Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Government of Poland
Project Title: Building Bilateral Cooperation on TIP Between Poland and Ukraine
Description: This project carried out by the Department of Justice OPDAT will set up a bilateral meeting; offer awareness training provided by DOJ; train prosecutors from Ukrainian and Polish national offices with focus on sharing information and investigative techniques; offer awareness training for commanders of Polish and Ukrainian border guards; and host a follow-up meeting at the one-year mark to assess progress.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, ECA
Recipient and Amount: International Center for Journalists
Project Name: Media Training Program on Trafficking in Women and Girls in Southeastern Europe
Description: This project will support a media-training program designed to help combat trafficking in women and girls in Southeastern Europe (SEE). The program includes four, four-day workshops in SEE for media representatives and NGOs on trafficking issues; on-site media consultations after each workshop in each of the nine countries and regions represented; a trainer-training program that will encourage widespread information sharing; and the development of a source list of organizations and experts on trafficking throughout SEE for journalists to use for their reporting. Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, ECA
Recipient and Amount: WBUR/Boston University
Project Name: Professional Development Program for Journalists from
Southeastern Europe on the Issue of Trafficking in Persons
Description: This project will support a media-training program designed to help combat trafficking in women and girls in Southeastern Europe (SEE). Project activities include a month-long U.S. program in Boston and Washington, DC, for 18 participants from SEE and an in-country workshop in Belgrade for the original 18 participants as well representatives from NGOs working on anti-trafficking issues. Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia


Type of Program: Prevention, Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State EUR
Recipient: NGOs: Children’s Rights Center of Albania, Useful to Albania Women, Women’s Advocacy Center (Tirana), Council “Social Services Associations” (Durres), Women’s Forum of Elbasan, Women 2000 (Tirana), Counseling Center for Women and Girls (Pogradec), Women in Development (Shkodra)
Project Title: Democracy Commission Small Grant Programs
Description: The eight small grant projects to NGOs focused primarily on conducting public awareness campaigns through local television stations, monitoring centers, or seminars for local officials and police agencies. Several of the campaigns covered trafficking in both women and children.

Type of Program: Prosecution, Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, INL
Recipient: Government of Albania

Project Title:
Border Security Project
Description: Six advisors from the Department of Justice will be participate in training officials and monitoring port-of-entry operations at Rinas Airport in Tirana and the seaports of Durres and Vlora for one year. The USG is collaborating with the EU, OSCE, Customs Assistance Mission, and the governments of Italy, Turkey, and Greece.

Type of Program: Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Europe and Eurasia
Recipient and Amount: IOM
Project Title: Reintegration Assistance to Albanian Victims of Trafficking through Capacity Building of a National Reintegration Support Network
Description: Establishes a support network catering to the diverse needs of Albanian trafficking victims and develops an international referral mechanism harnessing IOM’s regional and global presence. Once the network is functional the project will provide 18 months of delivering services directly to the victims, including a shelter in Tirana.

Type of Program: Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Europe and Eurasia
Recipient: OSCE/Save the Children/Hearth
Project Title: Shelter for Trafficked and at Risk Girls and Women
Description: Establishes a comfortable, safe environment where trafficked girls and women can receive first line medical assistance, counseling and preparation for reintegration and networks with government and non-government structures in order to reduce the number of girls and women trafficked from and through Albania.

Type of Program: Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Europe and Eurasia
Recipient: OSCE/Reflexione

Project Title:
Shelter for Abused and Trafficked Women
Description: Facilitates operations of an existing shelter for abused and trafficked women in Tirana on an interim basis while future long-term support is obtained from other donor sources. The shelter provides 24-hour service and psychological support for women, girls and their children.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Europe and Eurasia
Recipient: Hearth

Project title:
Awareness Campaign of the Risk of Women Trafficking for Prostitution

Description: Conducts a sensitizing campaign in the rural areas of Vlora district. It will be extended in 4 villages. These areas are the problematic regions for trafficking in women. The project targets high school youth, raising their awareness of the dangers of trafficking in persons, drugs, prostitution, violence and crime. This campaign also consists of radio – TV debates and workshops on community issues, with the participation of community, local government and police forces.

Type of Program: Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Europe and Eurasia
Recipient: Counseling Center for Abused Women and Girls in the districts of Berat and Shkodra
Project Title: Counseling Center for Abused Women and Girls in the Districts of Berat and Shkodra

Description: The project goal is to build sustainable structures in the districts of Berat and Shkodra that will serve women and girls who are victims of gender violence and trafficking. The centers will have help lines, face to face counseling, and will provide multidisciplinary services for abused and trafficked women.


Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, ECA
Recipient: 13 Individuals
Project Title: Trafficking in Women and Children Countermeasures and Issues
Description: The program brings current or potential leaders in government, politics, the media, education, and other fields to the United States to meet and confer with their professional counterparts. The International Visitor Program partners with national program agencies to design and implement each program to meet specific visitors’ interests. Programs typically last three weeks during which visitors gain an overview of programs to prevent trafficking of women and children in Washington, DC followed by related local programs arranged through a country-wide network of Council of International Visitors.

Type of Program: Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Europe and Eurasia
Recipient: IOM
Project Title: Nationwide Safe Houses for Trafficked Women
Description: The activity will contribute to a nationwide network of safe houses to allow potentially trafficked victims to be interviewed and assessed in secure places. The project will support the ongoing operation of two shelters in Sarajevo for trafficked girls and women.


Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State EUR
Recipient: The Animus Plovdiv Foundation
Project Title: Democracy Commission small Grant Programs
Description: Assistance provided funds for a nationwide educational campaign that trained teachers and community workers on how to recognize cases of trafficking and potential victims. The project provided secondary school at risk students with information geared towards reducing the number of victims.

Type of Program: Prevention, Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, PRM
Recipient and Amount: IOM

Project Title: A Partnership Network: Assistance to Victims of Trafficking
Description: This on-going project is providing capacity-building activities to develop an NGO anti-trafficking network throughout the country. The program of activities also includes the establishment of small safe houses, and an information campaign targeting vulnerable children.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, ECA
Recipient: Individual
Project Title: International Visitor Exchange Program on Trafficking of Women and Children
Description: The program brings current or potential leaders in government, politics, the media, education, and other fields to the United States to meet and confer with their professional counterparts. The International Visitor Program partners with national program agencies to design and implement each program to meet specific visitors’ interests. Programs typically last three weeks during which visitors gain an overview of programs to prevent trafficking of women and children in Washington, DC followed by related local programs arranged through a country-wide network of Council of International Visitors.


Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, ECA
Recipient: 2 Individuals
Project Title: International Visitor Exchange Program on Trafficking of Women and Children
Description: The program brings current or potential leaders in government, politics, the media, education, and other fields to the United States to meet and confer with their professional counterparts. The International Visitor Program partners with national program agencies to design and implement each program to meet specific visitors’ interests. Programs typically last three weeks during which visitors gain an overview of programs to prevent trafficking of women and children in Washington, DC followed by related local programs arranged through a country-wide network of Council of International Visitors.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Europe and Eurasia
Recipient: International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) and the Center for Women Rosa
Project Title: Victims Assistance and Protection Program for Women Rescued from Trafficking”
Description: The overall goal of this project is to build the capacity of local NGOs and governmental institutions in Croatia to successfully implement an information and awareness campaign and to supplement that campaign with a quarterly newsletter. ICMC and the Center will coordinate to establish a network of international and local NGOs, and governmental institutions throughout Croatia that are currently engaged in protection or have interest in the activities of the National Action Plan. The NGOs and other interested organizations will be trained and guided to execute outreach awareness and educational campaigns.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency: USAID, Bureau for Europe and Eurasia
Recipient and Amount: IOM

Project Title:
Prevention of Trafficking in Women and Children in Croatia
Description: This project is aimed at preventing trafficking in persons for the purposes of sexual exploitation in Croatia. Preventive activities are the results of a year-long planning process initiated through the IOM-led National Working Group on Prevention, and are a crucial first response component of Croatia’s National Action Plan(NAP) on trafficking. The basic aim of the project is to educate and inform the public and government officials that trafficked persons are victims and that trafficking in human beings constitutes a gross violation of human rights. By implementing this prevention project in conjunction with governmental agencies and local non-governmental partners, IOM proposes to bring to public light the realities of trafficking in women and children, and advocate for an urgent and appropriate response.


Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State EUR
Recipient: La Strada

Project Title:
Democracy Commission Small Grants Program
Description: Assistance was provided to support the development of a trafficking resource database, and to provide training for law enforcement professionals in its use. The database will allow La Strada to consolidate and process the numerous requests for information received from journalists, researchers, and legal experts.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, ECA
Recipient: Individual
Project Title: International Visitor Exchange Program on Trafficking of Women and Children
Description: The program brings current or potential leaders in government, politics, the media, education, and other fields to the United States to meet and confer with their professional counterparts. The International Visitor Program partners with national program agencies to design and implement each program to meet specific visitors’ interests. Programs typically last three weeks during which visitors gain an overview of programs to prevent trafficking of women and children in Washington, DC followed by related local programs arranged through a country-wide network of Council of International Visitors.


Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State EUR
Recipient: Legal Information Center for Human Rights
Project Title: Democracy Commission Small Grants Program
Description: Assistance provided support for training seminars on prevention of trafficking, a counseling hotline, and legal counseling for potential victims.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State EUR (NEI-SEED)
Recipient: International Organization for Adolescents (IOFA)
Project Title: Project for the Prevention of Adolescent Trafficking
Description: Assistance provided to prevent the trafficking of adolescents in Estonia by raising awareness and educating youth, building the capacity of local youth serving NGOs, and increasing the cooperation between NGOs and the Estonian government.


Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, ECA
Recipient: 3 Individuals
Project Title: Trafficking in Persons
Description: The program brings current or potential leaders in government, politics, the media, education, and other fields to the United States to meet and confer with their professional counterparts. The International Visitor Program partners with national program agencies to design and implement each program to meet specific visitors’ interests. Programs typically last three weeks during which visitors gain an overview of programs to prevent trafficking of women and children in Washington, DC followed by related local programs arranged through a country-wide network of Council of International Visitors.


Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, ECA
Recipient: Individual
Project Title: International Visitor Exchange Program on Trafficking of Women and Children
Description: The program brings current or potential leaders in government, politics, the media, education, and other fields to the United States to meet and confer with their professional counterparts. The International Visitor Program partners with national program agencies to design and implement each program to meet specific visitors’ interests. Programs typically last three weeks during which visitors gain an overview of programs to prevent trafficking of women and children in Washington, DC followed by related local programs arranged through a country-wide network of Council of International Visitors.


Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, ECA
Recipient: 2 Individuals
Project Title: Trafficking in People
Description: The program brings current or potential leaders in government, politics, the media, education, and other fields to the United States to meet and confer with their professional counterparts. The International Visitor Program partners with national program agencies to design and implement each program to meet specific visitors’ interests. Programs typically last three weeks during which visitors gain an overview of programs to prevent trafficking of women and children in Washington, DC followed by related local programs arranged through a country-wide network of Council of International Visitors.


Type of Program: Prevention; Prosecution; Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, EUR
Recipient: International Organization for Adolescents (IOFA)
Project Title: Prevention, Investigation and Repatriation of Victims of Human Trafficking
Description: To increase the effectiveness of Latvian NGO and law enforcement sectors in combating human trafficking through coordinated prevention and investigation tools and techniques, and through collaborative efforts to repatriate victims of trafficking.


Type of Program: Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, EUR
Recipient: ProSentret and Missing Persons Center
Project Title: Support for Trafficking Victims
Description: To help renovate both the Missing Persons’ Families Support Center and the Lithuanian AIDS Center facilities and provide shelter and services to battered women and trafficking victims.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, EUR
Recipient: AmEmbassy Vilnius
Project Title: Anti-Trafficking International Visitors Program
Description: To provide exchanges of experiences and best practices of senior anti-trafficking personnel in the Baltic and Nordic states.


Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State EUR
Recipient: Women’s Association “Prestige” (Bitola)

Project Title:
Democracy Commission Small Grants Program
Description: Assistance supported secondary school workshops on themes related to trafficking, an evaluative survey, and an advising center for potential victims and their parents.

Type of Program: Prevention, Protection, Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, INL
Recipient: IOM
Project Title: Comprehensive anti-trafficking project
Description: the Department of Justice in conjunction with IOM will present four skill-building workshops for police, prosecutors, judges, and NGOs. The goal will be the development of written investigative protocols on human trafficking.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, ECA
Recipient: Individual
Project Title: International Visitor Exchange Program on Trafficking of Women and Children
Description: The program brings current or potential leaders in government, politics, the media, education, and other fields to the United States to meet and confer with their professional counterparts. The International Visitor Program partners with national program agencies to design and implement each program to meet specific visitors’ interests. Programs typically last three weeks during which visitors gain an overview of programs to prevent trafficking of women and children in Washington, DC followed by related local programs arranged through a country-wide network of Council of International Visitors.


Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, ECA
Recipient: Individual
Project Title: International Visitor Exchange Program on Trafficking of Women and Children
Description: The program brings current or potential leaders in government, politics, the media, education, and other fields to the United States to meet and confer with their professional counterparts. The International Visitor Program partners with national program agencies to design and implement each program to meet specific visitors’ interests. Programs typically last three weeks during which visitors gain an overview of programs to prevent trafficking of women and children in Washington, DC followed by related local programs arranged through a country-wide network of Council of International Visitors.


Type of Program: Protection; Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Government of Poland – Temida Association of Lawyers
Project Title: Delivering Legal Services to TIP Victims
Description: Temida Association of Lawyers will build the institutional capacity in southeastern Poland to deliver legal services to TIP victims. The project will also provide training to local officials and consultations with NGOs.

Type of Program: Prevention; Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Government of Poland – The Malopolskie Forum for European Education
Project Title: TIP Awareness for City Guards and Police Officers.
Description: The Malopolskie Forum for European Education in Krakow will create teaching materials and an Internet Website on anti-TIP techniques for police and city guards. Materials will include modules on recognizing victims, how the law applies to TIP, and interpersonal communication.

Type of Program: Prevention; Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Government of Poland – Caritas Poland $10,000
Project Title: Nationwide Anti-TIP Seminar
Description: Caritas Poland will host a national seminar in cooperation with the National Police Academy with workshops for organizations dealing with victims of trafficking, violence and prostitution; and organizing a regional information exchange between countries of origin and institutions working in the area of victim assistance.

Type of Program: Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Government of Poland – Caritas Poland
Project Title: Creating First Contact Assistance Centers
Description: Caritas Poland will create 14 24-hour first contact assistance centers to help victims of trafficking, abuse and rape. The funds would furnish the centers, provide equipment for a free information line and pay for medical supplies.

Type of Program: Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Government of Poland – La Strada $60,000
Project Title: TIP Victims Shelter
Description: La Strada will establish a shelter that will provide protection, as well as lend psychological and material support to returning TIP victims.

Type of Program: Prevention; Protection; Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Government of Poland – University of Warsaw
Project Title: TIP Training for Law Enforcement
Description: University of Warsaw will provide 100 hours of classroom instruction to supervisory law enforcement officers throughout the country on the importance of implementing a comprehensive approach to preventing and combating trafficking in persons.

Type of Program: Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Government of Poland – the Barka Foundation
Project Title: Police and Social Worker Training on TIP
Description: This 12-month project will train social workers and 150 police in high-risk regions; create first-contact support center to provide counseling and legal support for up to 20 victims for two weeks; upgrade and purchase a vehicle for existing shelters; and partially fund administrative expenses for 20 shelters in three regions.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, ECA
Recipient: 3 Individuals
Project Title: Combating Human Trafficking
Description: The program brings current or potential leaders in government, politics, the media, education, and other fields to the United States to meet and confer with their professional counterparts. The International Visitor Program partners with national program agencies to design and implement each program to meet specific visitors’ interests. Programs typically last three weeks during which visitors gain an overview of programs to prevent trafficking of women and children in Washington, DC followed by related local programs arranged through a country-wide network of Council of International Visitors.


Type of Program: Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State EUR
Recipient: “Reaching Out”
Project Title: Democracy Commission Small Grants Program
Description: Assistance provided training seminars to members of local police departments, employees of a government shelter, and NGO staff members. The training honed the skills of those who will staff victim shelters.

Type of Program: Prevention, Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, PRM
Recipient: IOM

Project Title:
Counter-Trafficking activities in Romania
Description: IOM works with the government of Romania and civil society to combat trafficking, provide technical assistance, and support a shelter in Bucharest.

Type of Program: Prevention, Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Europe and Eurasia
Recipient: World Learning/RASP Program
Project Title: Romanian American Sustainable Partnerships (RASP) – Assistance to Trafficked Women
Description: A grant will be provided through the Romanian American Sustainable Partnerships (RASP) to an American NGO, Lift Foundation, and a Romanian NGO, Reaching Out. The partnership project will provide assistance to victims of trafficking, provide capacity building training for NGOs involved in assisting victims of trafficking and develop public awareness campaigns.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Europe and Eurasia
Recipient: World Learning/ChildNet Program
Project Name: Life Skills Program for Potential Victims of Trafficking
Description: Several sub-grants under the Child Net Program will fund life skills programs that aim at preventing vulnerable children from becoming victims of trafficking.


Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State EUR
Recipient: KLUC Society – Fight Against Trafficking in Humans Center
Project Title: Democracy Commission Small Grants Program
Description: Assistance supported the set-up of a network based in Ljubljana that will provide NGO contacts throughout the Balkans. The network includes a special advisory telephone system that can put potential and actual victims in touch with the nearest NGO support center.

Type of Program: Prevention, Protection, Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: IOM, $29,753
Project Title: Rapid Trafficking Assessment
Description: This research project will assess to what extent trafficking in persons is present to, from and through Slovenia. An assessment will also be made of the government’s resources to combat the problem and provide assistance to victims.


Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, PRM
Recipient: IOM
Project Title: Research Study on Trafficking in Women in Turkey
Description: The project includes a study to assess the magnitude of the problem in Turkey, a workshop at the national level, and a regional conference on trafficking in persons. The goal of the project is to raise awareness and to engage relevant entities in combating trafficking.


Type of Program: Prevention and Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Europe and Eurasia
Recipient: Save the Children
Project Title: Prevention and Protection for Trafficking Victims in Kosovo
Description: The activity will work with a range of local institutions, organizations and actors to establish an indigenous coalition with the capacity to carry out prevention and protection efforts after project duration and to link with regional organizations and networks.

Type of Program: Prevention, Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau:  USAID, Bureau for Europe and Eurasia 
Recipient: Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Project Name: Trafficking of Roma Women and Children From Serbia - Contributing and Resiliency Factors, Policy and Programming Recommendations
Description: Comprehensive research aimed at providing credible evidence and information on why Roma women and children are more often victims of trafficking activities than other groups.  This research will include cultural, social, historical and political elements and will contribute to the fundamental understanding of the problem, so that any future strategy of combating trafficking activities will be a much better informed one.

Type of Program: Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau:  USAID, Bureau for Europe and Eurasia 
Recipient: IOM
Project Name: IOM Counter-Trafficking Program in Serbia 2002-2003
Description: IOM facilitates an orderly, safe and dignified return of trafficked women and children stranded in the Republic of Serbia. In addition, IOM provides trafficked victims with medical assistance and pre-departure counseling. This activity facilitates the collection of more detailed data on the phenomenon of trafficking in the region.

Type of Program:   Prevention, Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau:  USAID, Bureau for Europe and Eurasia
Recipient:  IOM
Project Title:  Counter-trafficking Awareness Campaign and Victims' Shelter Program
Description: A public awareness campaign, targeting young women and girls (TV video spot, radio jingle, posters, bus tickets, and sugar packages); and organizational capacity advice/technical assistance to a shelter for victims of trafficking called the Women's Safe House.

Latin America and Caribbean


Type of Program: Prevention/Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Casa Alianza and IOM
Project Title: Repatriation and Social Reinsertion of Vulnerable Street Children: Pilot Project

Trafficked children will be repatriated and given psychological and social assistance via the creation of a network of agencies. A prevention component will be aimed at keeping 1,500 kids out of trafficking situations. A database of information will be compiled on victims, routes, and other essential information that is difficult to collect and a report will be issued.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, PRM
Recipient: IOM
Project Title: Consolidation of case studies on trafficking in Central America

The project proposes to pool and analyze information on migrant trafficking in Central American countries, and draw regional conclusions.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean

Academy for Educational Development (Casa de la Mujer)
Project Title: Central America Regional -- Vocational Training for Prostitutes and Women at Risk
Description: The program helps to expand skills training programs offered by Casa de la Mujer and to increase the number of participants. The program provides alternative means of income for women with limited educational opportunities who work as prostitutes in an economically depressed Guatemala-Mexico border area.

Type of Program: Protection, Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of Labor/Bureau of International Labor Affairs/International Child Labor Program
Recipient: ILO/IPEC
Project Title: The Prevention and Elimination of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in Central America, Panama and the Dominican Republic
Description: This three-year project will involve research and analysis of the problem of child prostitution and identification of strategies for action that can be adapted to specific country contexts. It includes pilot activities to withdraw or prevent children from commercial sexual exploitation and provide them with comprehensive care, including education and health services. Adolescents will receive vocational training and families will receive specialized assistance. Trafficking of children for commercial sexual exploitation purposes will be treated as a cross-cutting issue in the project.


Type of Program: Prevention/Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Casa Renascer
Project Title: Strengthening support networks and assisting girls at risk of sexual exploitation in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte
Description: This project will provide social and educational programs to 250 girls at risk of sexual exploitation and collaborate with public and private institutions to train professionals, educate the public, and formulate action plans to combat child prostitution.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Brazilian Society for a healthy society (IBISS) and the Interstate Commission Against Sexual Violence in the Center-Wet Region (CIRCO)

Build an interstate network; an aggressive outreach strategy that includes 23 municipal workshops and three state congresses to call attention to trafficking; and start an informational campaign among contacts in Bolivia and Paraguay to address cross-border trafficking.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Women’s Support Center (CHAME)

Develop programs to present in schools, women's groups, governmental agencies, and NGOs; implement training programs for development activists, social workers, and volunteers to help them monitor sexual tourism, migration practices, domestic abuse, and child prostitution. Also, produce educational materials and build networks with other institutions.

Type of Program: Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean

Partners of the Americas
Project Title: Revision of Trafficking Legislation
Description: In partnership with the Government of Brazil, this activity supports a group of experts who are revising Brazil's legislation related to internal and international trafficking in persons.

Type of Program: Prevention, Protection, and Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean

Partners of the Americas
Project Title: National Policy on Trafficking of Children
Description: Provide technical assistance to the Brazilian Ministry of Justice to design a national policy to curb trafficking of children and adolescents for sexual exploitation.

Type of Program: Prevention, Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean

Partners of the Americas
Project Title: NGO strengthening
Description: Strengthen existing NGOs and/or government centers in border cities, particularly in the tri-border area in the south, in order to help them provide more effective assistance to children and youth victimized by trafficking for sexual exploitation purposes.

Type of Program: Prevention, Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean

Partners of the Americas
Project Title: Training for Assistance to Trafficking Victims
Description: Training for public and private sector representatives in methods for preventing and combating trafficking in women and children.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade, Office of Women in Development
Recipient: Partners of the Americas
Project Title: Public Awareness Outreach
Description: Contributes to a collaborative effort, in partnership with the USAID Mission and the Government of Brazil, to reach out to workers in the transport and tourism sectors in the fight against sexual exploitation of children and adolescents.


Type of Program: Protection/Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient and Amount: IOM
Description: Victim assistance providing 80 trafficking victims with repatriation and reintegration services such as legal, health, psychological, and vocational. IOM will also identify government and civil society partners and conduct training on reintegration models, kinds of assistance, and case studies.


Type of Program: Protection/Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Dept. of Justice, ICITAP and OPDAT
Description: The goal is to assist GOCR improve investigation and prosecution of cases involving the sexual exploitation of minors, as well as attention given to the victims. Specific objectives include improving communication and coordination among governmental and NGOs; identifying and removing legal impediments to investigation and prosecution; develop capacity to investigate and prosecute through training and technical support; and establish an on-going program of instruction for police and judicial officials.


Type of Program: Prevention, Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, PRM
Recipient: IOM
Description: In its second phase, the project will provide support for the preparation of anti-trafficking legislation, information and training to secondary school teachers, a program of assistance for returned victims, and facilitate a cooperation mechanism for the return of victims between the governments of the Dominican Republic and Argentina, a destination country for Dominican victims.

Type of Program: Prevention, Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of Labor/Bureau of International Labor Affairs/International Child Labor Program
Recipient: ILO/IPEC
Project Title: Supporting the Timebound Program on the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labor in the Dominican Republic
Description: This four-year project supports the Timebound Program in the Dominican Republic, which comprises a set of comprehensive and integrated initiatives to show visible results in the elimination of the worst forms of child labor and promotion of basic education in the country in a 5-10 year period. Trafficking of children for commercial sexual exploitation (CSE) purposes will be treated as a cross-cutting issue in the project. The project will withdraw or prevent children from entering CSE and other sectors of exploitative labor and will provide them with educational opportunities and health services. Alternative income generation opportunities and training will be provided to families.


Type of Program: Protection/Prevention/Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: The Salvadoran Institute for the Full Development of Children and Adolescents
Description: This one-week project will train operators of an existing smuggling hotline – set up by the INS – in trafficking crimes so they can assist potential victims and gather information.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: The Salvadoran Institute for the Full Development of Children and Adolescents
Description: The NGO will produce and air radio advertisements to educate listeners on the risks and realities of trafficking and illegal migration.

Type of Program: Prevention, Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, PRM
Recipient: IOM
Description: Working with an NGO implementing partner and the Salvadoran government, IOM will set up a shelter to provide access to psychological, medical and legal assistance to victims of trafficking.


Type of Program: Prevention, Protection, Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean

National Coalition for Haitian Rights

Project Title:
Anti-Trafficking Campaign and Monitoring
Description: Support a comprehensive campaign against child slavery and trafficking including research, public education, coalition building, supporting passage and enforcement of laws and monitoring implementation of laws.

Type of Program: Prevention, Protection
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade, Office of Women in Development

Project Title: Trafficking of Haitian Children to the Dominican Republic

Research on the fate of Haitian children trafficked to the Dominican Republic for forced labor and, through local non-governmental organizations, support for basic social services to trafficked Haitian children in the Dominican Republic.


Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, ECA
Recipient: Individual
Project Title: International Visitor Exchange Program on Trafficking of Women and Children
Description: The program brings current or potential leaders in government, politics, the media, education, and other fields to the United States to meet and confer with their professional counterparts. The International Visitor Program partners with national program agencies to design and implement each program to meet specific visitors’ interests. Programs typically last three weeks during which visitors gain an overview of programs to prevent trafficking of women and children in Washington, DC followed by related local programs arranged through a country-wide network of Council of International Visitors.

Type of Program: Protection, Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of Labor/Bureau of International Labor Affairs/International Child Labor Program
Recipient: ILO/IPEC
Project Title: Support for the Prevention and Elimination of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) and the Protection of CSEC victims in Mexico
Description: This 32 month-long project will withdraw or prevent children from commercial sexual exploitation in Guadalajara, Acapulco, and Tijuana and provide them with comprehensive care including education and health services. Adolescents will receive vocational training and families will receive assistance in employment and education programs. The project will also work towards raising awareness and mobilizing actors to combat commercial sexual exploitation of children, strengthen institutions in order to document the problem and harmonize existing laws, and foster national coordination and partnerships. Trafficking of children for commercial sexual exploitation purposes will be treated as a cross-cutting issue in the project, as will the problems of sex tourism and dissemination of child pornography via the Internet. The project will develop a model for prevention and the provision of services for victims to be adapted to specific regions of the country.


Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: USAID, Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean

Recipient and Amount:
Johns Hopkins University and the Protection Project
Project Title: Research
Description: Research and public awareness campaign.

Middle East


Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, ECA
Recipient: 4 Individuals
Project Title: International Visitor Exchange Program on Trafficking of Women and Children
Description: The program brings current or potential leaders in government, politics, the media, education, and other fields to the United States to meet and confer with their professional counterparts. The International Visitor Program partners with national program agencies to design and implement each program to meet specific visitors’ interests. Programs typically last three weeks during which visitors gain an overview of programs to prevent trafficking of women and children in Washington, DC followed by related local programs arranged through a country-wide network of Council of International Visitors.


Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, ECA
Recipient: 4 Individuals
Project Title: International Visitor Exchange Program on Trafficking of Women and Children
Description: The program brings current or potential leaders in government, politics, the media, education, and other fields to the United States to meet and confer with their professional counterparts. The International Visitor Program partners with national program agencies to design and implement each program to meet specific visitors’ interests. Programs typically last three weeks during which visitors gain an overview of programs to prevent trafficking of women and children in Washington, DC followed by related local programs arranged through a country-wide network of Council of International Visitors.


Type of Program: Protection, Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: Government of Israel
Project Title: Establishment of a Shelter Facility
Description: This partial contribution will be used to establish a secure shelter facility that will house women waiting to testify against traffickers or preparing to go home. The shelter will offer psychological, medical, and legal services to the women. Legal services will include assistance in instituting labor/civil suits or compensation suits.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, ECA
Recipient: Individual
Project Title: International Visitor Exchange Program on Trafficking of Women and Children
Description: The program brings current or potential leaders in government, politics, the media, education, and other fields to the United States to meet and confer with their professional counterparts. The International Visitor Program partners with national program agencies to design and implement each program to meet specific visitors’ interests. Programs typically last three weeks during which visitors gain an overview of programs to prevent trafficking of women and children in Washington, DC followed by related local programs arranged through a country-wide network of Council of International Visitors.


Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, ECA
Recipient: 4 Individuals
Project Title: International Visitor Exchange Program on Trafficking of Women and Children
Description: The program brings current or potential leaders in government, politics, the media, education, and other fields to the United States to meet and confer with their professional counterparts. The International Visitor Program partners with national program agencies to design and implement each program to meet specific visitors’ interests. Programs typically last three weeks during which visitors gain an overview of programs to prevent trafficking of women and children in Washington, DC followed by related local programs arranged through a country-wide network of Council of International Visitors.


Type of Program: Protection/Prosecution
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, G/TIP
Recipient: International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) and Caritas through IOM

Project Title:
Protection and Assistance for Victims of Trafficking in Lebanon
Description: This project will assist in setting up a safe house that will jointly run by the ICMC and Caritas Lebanon Migrants’ Center. The safe house will provide medical assistance, counseling, legal aid, and safe repatriation. ICMC and Caritas envision providing trafficking victims with assistance in finding better working conditions in Lebanon or assisting in repatriation.

Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, ECA
Recipient: 2 Individuals
Project Title: International Visitor Exchange Program on Trafficking of Women and Children
Description: The program brings current or potential leaders in government, politics, the media, education, and other fields to the United States to meet and confer with their professional counterparts. The International Visitor Program partners with national program agencies to design and implement each program to meet specific visitors’ interests. Programs typically last three weeks during which visitors gain an overview of programs to prevent trafficking of women and children in Washington, DC followed by related local programs arranged through a country-wide network of Council of International Visitors.


Type of Program: Prevention
Funding Agency/Bureau: Dept. of State, ECA
Recipient: 4 Individuals
Project Title: International Visitor Exchange Program on Trafficking of Women and Children
Description: The program brings current or potential leaders in government, politics, the media, education, and other fields to the United States to meet and confer with their professional counterparts. The International Visitor Program partners with national program agencies to design and implement each program to meet specific visitors’ interests. Programs typically last three weeks during which visitors gain an overview of programs to prevent trafficking of women and children in Washington, DC followed by related local programs arranged through a country-wide network of Council of International Visitors.

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