Teacher Workshops
A rare opportunity to learn in the
context of America's Greatest Textbook. Take a look! Many
of these workshops are accredited. Check here for themes,
dates and locations.
Travelling Trunks
and Kits Contact these National
Park sites to borrow and/or purchase traveling trunks and
kits for classroom use.
Audio-Visual Resources
Contact these National Park sites
to borrow audio-visual resources including videotapes, slides,
audiotapes, and more.
Parks As Classrooms
The Parks as Classrooms (PAC) provides
funding for educational projects and products which use National
Parks as a basis for student exploration. Whether it is on
site, or through a distance learning program, PAC projects
connect students to parks.
to Learning
Provides access to the variety of
online environmental education resources for students and
With Historic Places Teaching
with Historic Places (TwHP) uses properties listed in the
National Park Service's National
Register of Historic Places to
enliven history, social studies, geography, civics, and other
Capitol Region Education Programs - A
guide to education programs throughout the National Capitol
Region of the National Park Service. Looking for something
to do with your class? This index is a great place to start.
Great American Landmarks Adventure and Guide Ideas
abound in this creative look at our Nation's Landmarks.
Defenders of Land, Sea & Sky Travel
through time and across the country to 56 special places in
our nation's past--National Historic Landmarks that hold fascinating
stories of America's "common defense." Begin with
the first shots of the Revolutionary War and "follow
history" to the War of 1812, the Struggle for Western
Territory, the Civil War, the Spanish-American War, two World
Wars, and the Cold War. Visit forts, battle sites, old ships
and planes, a modern submarine, and a pioneering space vehicle!
See where peace treaties were signed; view monuments that
honor those who have been lost to war. Links to a Guide for
Teachers, Parents, and Other Educators. Includes a monthly