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Investigations Operations Manual 2004
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Southeast Region Directory

Atlanta Regional Office

Southeast Regional Laboratory

Atlanta District

New Orleans District

Florida District

San Juan District

SE Region, Atlanta (ATL-FO), 60 Eight St. NE, Atlanta, GA 30309

Gary Dykstra, Regional Food and Drug Dir., HFR-SE1, (404) 253-1171 FAX (404) 253-1207

Begin Changed TextMalcolm Frazier,End Changed Text Deputy Food and Drug Dir., HFR-SE1, (404) Begin Changed Text253-1230End Changed Text

Vacant, Special Asst. to RFDD, HFR-SE1, Begin Changed Text(404) 253-1171End Changed Text

Laurie Chase-Farmer, Special Asst. to RFDD, HFR-SE1, (404) 253-1175

Nikita Harris, Quality Program Specialist, HFR-SE12, (404) 253-1288

Begin Changed TextJohn MeltonEnd Changed Text, Regional Training Officer, HFR-SE14, (404) Begin Changed Text253-1254End Changed Text

Chester Morris, Dir. State Programs Branch, HFR-SE12, (404) 253-1266

Dan Redditt, Sr. Regional Food Specialist, HFR-SE14, (404) 253-1265

Ralph T. Trout, Health Rep., HFR-SE150, (615) 781-5380 x171

Begin Changed TextLezette EarhartEnd Changed Text, Sr. Reg. Milk Specialist, HFR-SE14, Begin Changed Text(404) 253-1281End Changed Text

Marc B. Glatzer, Sr. Regional Shellfish, HFR-SE2580, (850) 942-8323

Vacant, Regional Small Business Rep., HFR-SE17, (404) 253-2238

Vacant, Electro-Optics Specialist, HFR-SE400, (504) 253-4508

Begin Changed TextPaul Lynch, Dir., Regional Information Technology ServicesEnd Changed Text, HFR-SE4, (404) 253-1264

Southeast Regional Lab (SRL), 60 Eight St. NE, Atlanta, GA 30309

Gayle Lancette, Dir. of Science, HFR-SE600, (404) 253-1176 FAX (404) 253-1208

Begin Changed TextVacantEnd Changed Text, Deputy Dir. of Science, HFR-SE600, (404) 253-2215

Curtis W. Edwards, Dir. Chemistry (Drugs, Filth, Decomposition) HFR-SE660, (404) 253-1178

Lurlene Dixon, Dir. Microbiology Br., HFR-SE670, (404) 253-1179

Evelyn Bonnin, Dir. Atlanta Center for Nutrient Analysis, HFR-SE680, (404) 253-1181

Begin Changed TextAnne Reid,End Changed Text Dir. Chemistry II (Pesticides, Mycotoxins, Additives), HFR-SE690, (404) 253-2262

Atlanta District, (ATL-DO), 60 Eight St. NE, Atlanta, GA 30309

Main number and Emergency (after hours) Answering Service (404) 253-1164

Mary H. Woleske, District Director, HFR-SE100, (404) 253-1161 FAX (404) 253-1202

Emilio Rodriguez, Dir., Mgmt & Prog Support Branch, HFR-SE130, (404) 253-1184 FAX (404) 253-1206

Barbara A. Wood, Dir. Compliance Branch, HFR-SE140, (404) 253-1274 FAX (404) 253-1163

JoAnn Pittman, Public Affairs Specialist, HFR-SE145, (404) 253-1272

Mary Lewis, Public Affairs Specialist, HFR-SE145, (919) 856-4456

Dawn L. Todd-Murrell, Dir. Investigations Branch, HFR-SE150, (404) 253-2242 FAX (404) 253-1205

Vincent M. Williams, Supervisor HFR-SE150, (404) 253-2240 FAX (404) 253-1205

Calvin Foulks, Supervisor HFR-SE150, (404) 253-2241 FAX (404) 253-1205

Begin Changed TextvacantEnd Changed Text, Supervisor HFR-SE150, (404) 253-2243 FAX (404) 253-1205

Sandra C. Lawrence, Supervisor HFR-SE150, (404) 253-2222 FAX (404) 253-1205

Begin Changed TextThomas D. Clarida, Supervisor, HFR-SE1535, (919) 856-4474 x18End Changed Text

Fulton A. Varner, Supervisor HFR-SE150, (404) 253-2225

Begin Changed TextBlakeEnd Changed Text Bevill, Supervisor HFR-SE150, (404) 253-2218

Janice L. King, Supervisor HFR-SE150, (843) 746-2990

Asheville R.P., 44 Buck Shoals Rd, Unit A-1, Arden, NC 28704

R. Edward DeBerry, Resident in Charge (RIC), HFR-SE1525, (828) 684-3585 FAX (828) 684-4932

Charleston R.P., 4600 Goer Drive, Suite 106, North Charleston, SC 29406

(Mail to: PO Box 21077 Charleston, SC 29413)

Janice L. King, Supervisor, HFR-SE1505, (843) 746-2990 FAX (843) 746-2994

Charlotte R.P., 5701 Executive Center Dr., Suite 104, Charlotte, NC 28212

Eileen J. Bannerman, Resident in Charge (RIC), HFR-SE1510, (704) 344-6116 FAX (704) 344-6402

Columbia R.P., Varo Bldg., 1801 Assembly St., Rm. B-17, Columbia, SC 29201

Carol J. Blackwood, Resident in Charge (RIC), HFR-SE1515, (803) 765-5845 FAX (803) 765-5680

Greensboro R.P., 2302 W. Meadowview Rd., Suite 203, Greensboro, NC 27407

Joe A. Odom, Resident in Charge (RIC), HFR-SE150, (336) 333-5419 FAX (336) 333-5563

Greenville, N.C. R.P., 3110-D South Evans St., Greenville, NC 27835

Begin Changed TextMAIL to: PO Box 607 Greenville, NC 27835-0607End Changed Text

Perry H. Gambrell, Resident In Charge (RIC), HFR-SE1536, (252) 758-0738 FAX (252) 758-5007

Greenville, S.C. R.P., 300 Executive Center Dr., Suite 200 B (B-129), Greenville, SC 29615

David Williams, Resident in Charge (RIC), HFR-SE1522, (864) 234-9966 FAX (864) 234-0806

Middle GA. R.P., 485 Milledgeville Road, Eatonton, GA. 31024

(Mail to: Food and Drug Administration, PO Box 767, Milledgeville, GA 31061)

Robert P. Neligan, Resident in Charge (RIC), HFR-SE1537, (706) 485-2725 FAX (706) 485-2725

Raleigh R.P., 310 New Bern Ave., Rm. 370, Raleigh, NC 28601

Begin Changed TextMAIL to: PO Box 25730 Raleigh, NC 27601 End Changed Text

Vacant, Resident in Charge (RIC), HFR-SE1535, (919) 856-4474 FAX (919) 856-4776

Savannah R.P., 120 Barnard St., Rm. A301, Savannah, GA 31401

Begin Changed TextMAIL to: PO Box 8515 Savannah, GA 31412End Changed Text

Janet Grey, Resident in Charge (RIC), HFR-SE1538, (912) 652-4106 FAX (912) 652-4231

Tifton, GA, R.P., Tift Adm. Bldg., 225 Tift Ave., Rm. 107, Tifton, GA 31794

Begin Changed TextMAIL to: PO Box 1709 Tifton, GA 31793 End Changed Text

B. Douglas Brogden, Resident in Charge (RIC) HFR-SE1537, (912) 382-5963 FAX (912) 386-9610

Wilmington, R.P., 2202 Burnett Blvd. C/O NC State Port Authority, Wilmington, NC 28401

Begin Changed TextMAIL to: PO Box 2680 Wilmington, NC 28402 End Changed Text

Gary Coleman, Resident, (910) 251-8480 FAX (910) 251-8484

Randy Clarida, Resident, (910) 251-8480 FAX (910) 251-8484

Florida District, (FLA-DO),555 Winderley Place, Suite 200, Maitland, FL 32751

Main Number and Emergency (after hours) Answering Service (407) 475-4700

Emma R. Singleton, District Director, HFR-SE200, (407) 475-4701 FAX (407) 475-4768

Kendall W. Hester, Compliance Branch, HFR-SE240, (407) 475-4734 FAX (407) 475-4769

Johnny Cruz, Supervisory Administrative Specialist, HFR-SE230, (407) 475-4760 FAX (407) 475-4770

Lynne C. Isaacs, Public Affairs Specialist, HFR-SE245, (407) 475-4715 FAX (407) 475-4768

David J. Gallant, Dir., Investigations Branch, HFR-SE250, (407) 475-4710 FAX (407) 475-4768

Justin H. Price, Supervisor, Invest. Branch HFR-SE250, (407) 475-4710 FAX (407) 475-4768

Ronald T. Weber, Supervisor, Invest. Branch HFR-SE250, (407) 475-4724 FAX (407) 475-4768

Imports (407) 475-4755 FAX (407) 475-4768

Boca Raton-RP, Interstate Plaza, 1499 W Palmetto Park Rd Suite 110, Boca Raton, FL 33486

Keith S. Ehrlich, Supervisor, HFR-SE2590, (561) 338-7631 Ext. 11 FAX (561) 367-8685

Imports (561) 338-7631 Ext. 39 FAX (561) 367-8685

Jacksonville-RP, 6800 Southpoint Pkwy, Suite 502, Jacksonville, FL 32216

Harry R. Bringger, Resident in Charge (RIC), HFR-SE2570, (904) 281-1924 FAX (904) 281-1124

Imports (904) 281-1196

Miami-RP Imports Group, 6601 NW 25th St., Rm. 241, Miami, FL 33122

(Mail to: P.O. Box 592256, Miami, FL 33159-2256)

Begin Changed TextVacantEnd Changed Text, Import Program Manager, HFR-SE2575, (305) 526-2800 Ext. 964 FAX (305) 526-2693

Facundo I. Bernal, Import Supervisor, HFR-SE2575, (305) 526-2800 Ext. 927

Begin Changed TextKathleen M. Sinninger, Import Supervisor, HFR-SE2575 (305) 526-2800End Changed Text

Bruce E. Taylor, Import Supervisor, HFR-SE2575, (305) 526-2800 Ext. 911

Miami-RP Domestics Investigations Group, 8600 NW 36th St., Suite 400, Miami, FL 33166

Begin Changed TextMichelle Dunaway,End Changed Text Supervisor, HFR-SE2560, (305) 513-4417 Ext. 4832 FAX (786) 437-4866

Estella N. Brown, Public Affairs Specialist, (305) 526-2800 Ext. 930 FAX (305) 526-2693

Tallahassee-RP, Hobbs Fed. Bldg., Begin Changed TextSuite 4150End Changed Text, 227 N. Bronough St., Tallahassee, FL 32301

Courtney A. Hunt, Resident in Charge (RIC), HFR-SE2580, (850) 942-8325 FAX (850) 942-8326

Tampa-RP, 3350 W. Buschwood Park Rd., Suite 170, Tampa, FL 33618

Leon L. Law, Supervisor, HFR-SE2585, (813) 228-2671 Ext. 20, FAX (813) 228-2046

Begin Changed TextImports (813) 228-2671 x14, FAX (813) 228-7483End Changed Text

Ft. Myers-RP, 2000 Main Street, Room 305, Ft. Myers, FL 33901

KeithBegin Changed Text A.End Changed Text Schwartz, Resident in Charge (RIC), HFR-SE2595, (239) 337-5681 FAX (239) 337-5691

New Orleans District (NOL-DO, 6600 Plaza Drive, Suite 400, New Orleans, LA 70127

Main Number and Emergency (after hours) Answering Service, (504) 253-4500

Begin Changed TextvacantEnd Changed Text, District Director, HFR-SE400, (504) 253-4501 FAX (504) 253-4504

Patricia K. Schafer, Compliance Branch Director, HFR-SE440, (504) 253-4515, FAX (504) 253-4520

Denise H. Collins, Supv. Admin. Specialist, HFR-SE430, (504) 253-4558, FAX (504) 253-4560

Stacy M. Below, Public Affairs Specialist, HFR-SE445, (504) 253-4506, FAX (504) 253-4507

F. Dwight Herd, Dir., Investigations Branch, HFR-SE450, (504) 253-4522, FAX (504) 253-4521

Begin Changed TextVacant, Branch Operations Coordinator,End Changed Text HFR-SE450, (504) 253-4524

James W. Blakely, Supervisor, (JKS-RP), HFR-SE4570, (601) 965-4581, FAX (601) 965-4584

Joseph T. Goertz, Import Supervisor, HFR-SE450, (504) 253-4508, FAX (504) 253-4521

Begin Changed TextvacantEnd Changed Text, Supervisor, HFR-SE450, (504) 253-4525

Carolyn W. White, Supervisor, HFR-SE450, (504) 253-4545

Baton Rouge R.P., 5353 Essen Lane, Suite 220, Baton Rouge, LA 70809

Vacant, Resident in Charge (RIC)

Barbara Wright, BIMO Specialist, HFR-SE4550, (225) 757-7749 FAX (225) 757-7746

John E. Veazey, Regional Shellfish Specialist, (225) 757-7745

Lafayette R.P., 101 Feu Follet Road, Begin Changed TextSuite 205,End Changed Text Lafayette, LA 70508

Begin Changed TextVacant, Supervisor,End Changed Text HFR-SE4560, (337) 262-6603 FAX (337) 262-6678

Shreveport R.P., 401 Edwards Street, Suite 223, Shreveport, LA 71101

Randy D. Baxter, Resident in Charge (RIC), HFR-SE4555, (318) 676-3343 FAX (318) 676-3345

Birmingham R.P., 950 22nd Street North, Suite 628, Birmingham, AL 35203

Patricia Smith, Begin Changed TextBIMO Specialist,End Changed Text HFR-SE3555, (205) 731-0017 FAX (205) 731-0260

Vacant, Resident in Charge (RIC)

Mobile R.P., 3737 Government Blvd., Suite 308, Mobile, AL 36693

Vacant, Resident in Charge (RIC), HFR-SE3565, (251) 441-5161 FAX (251) 441-5162

Samuel L. Collins, CSO

Montgomery-RP, 500 Eastern Blvd., One East Bldg Ste. 201, Montgomery, AL 36117-2044

Brian S. Lynch, Biologics Specialist, HFR-SE3565, (334) 223-7116 FAX (334) 223-7145

Vacant, Resident in Charge (RIC)

Jackson R.P., 100 West Capitol St., Suite 340, Jackson, MS 39269

James W. Blakely, Supervisor, HFR-SE4570, (601) 965-4581 FAX (601) 965-4584

Nashville Branch, 297 Plus Park Blvd., Nashville, TN 37217

Emergency (after hours) Answering Service (615) 781-5385

Howard E. Lewis, Dir., Nashville Branch, HFR-SE340, (615) 781-5388, x124, FAX (615) 781-5383

M. Anthony Abel I, Supervisor, HFR-SE350, (615) 781-5374, x111

Michael R. Duran, Supervisor, HFR-SE350, (615) 781-5375, x116

Jane M. Moore, Dir. Travel Management Center (TMC), HFR-SE330, (615) 781-5376 Ext. 134

Sandra S. Baxter, Public Affairs Specialist, HFR-SE345, (615) 781-5372 x122 Begin Changed TextFAX (615) 781-5383End Changed Text

R. Thomas Trout, Regional Radiological Health Rep., (615) 781-5380 x171

Chattanooga R.P., 5715 Uptain Road, 6200 Building, Suite 5503, Chattanooga, TN 37411-5654

Pamela M. Thomas, Resident in Charge (RIC), HFR-SE3540, (423) 855-6630 FAX (423) 855-6632

Knoxville R.P., 412 Cedar Bluff Office Park, Suite 415, North Cedar Bluff Rd., Knoxville, TN 37923

Edward H. Maticka, Begin Changed TextDrug Specialist,End Changed Text HFR-SE3545, (865) 545-4601 FAX (865) 545-4602

Begin Changed TextVacant, Resident-in-Charge (RIC)End Changed Text

Memphis R.P., 225 N. Humphreys Blvd., Eaglecrest Bldg., Rm. 2087, Memphis, TN 38120-2149

John M. McInnis, Supervisor, HFR-SE3550, (901) 544-0345 x25 FAX (901) 544-0349

Begin Changed TextSusan M. Halpenny, Supervisor, MEM-RP, HFR-SE3550 (901) 544-0345 x26 FAX (901) 544-0349End Changed Text

San Juan District, (SJN-DO), 466 Fernandez Juncos Ave, San Juan, PR 00901-3223

Main Number (787) 474-9500, Emergency -Begin Changed TextDD's Advisory Message (787) 474-9572End Changed Text

Donald J. Voeller, District Director, HFR-SE500, (787) 474-9537 FAX (787) 729-6851

Begin Changed TextAndres Toro,End Changed Text Dir. Compliance Branch, HFR-SE540, Begin Changed Text(787) 474-9564End Changed Text FAX (787) 729-6658

Elizabeth Kage, Dir. Science Branch, HFR-SE560, (787) 474-9525 FAX (787) 729-6884

Vacant, Supervisory Administrative Specialist, HFR-SE530, (787) 474-9503 FAX (787) 729-6809

Nilda Villegas, Public Affairs Specialist, HFR-SE545, (787) 474-9567 FAX (787) 729-6851

Ruth Marcano, Public Affairs Specialist, HFR-SE545, (787) 474-9531 FAX (787) 729-6851

Begin Changed TextH. Gordon Cox,End Changed Text Dir. Investigations Branch, HFR-SE550, (787) 474-9508 FAX (787) 729-6747

Begin Changed TextVacantEnd Changed Text, Supervisor, (787) 474-95xx FAX (787) 729-6747

Begin Changed TextMaria Medina,End Changed Text Supervisor, (787) 474-9548 FAX (787) 289-7949

Eliezer Ramos, Supervisor, HFR-SE5570, (787) 831-3337/8 FAX (787) 831-3339

Maridalia Torres, Supervisor (787) 474-9565 Fax (787) 729-6747

Mayaguez R.P., #59 Martinex Nadal St., Norte Park Plaza Bldg., Mayaguez, PR 00680

Eliezer Ramos, Supervisor, HFR-SE5570, (787) 831-3337/8 FAX (787) 831-3339

Ponce R.P Social Security Administration, 2190 Ponce By Pass, Ponce, PR 00717-1368

Begin Changed TextHector Colon, Consumer Safety Officer, HFR-SE5570, (787) 812-2243 Ext 3004 FAX (787) 841-3145End Changed Text

St. Thomas R.P. Federal Bldg. #142, St. Thomas, USVI 00802

Begin Changed TextDonald Smith, Consumer Safety Officer (340) 715-0971/72End Changed Text FAX (340) 715-0980

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