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Fort Tour:

Fort Tour

List of



Ft. Yellowstone
Historic District

Online Tours

From Soldier to Ranger Fort Yellowstone was a good duty station The old Guard House Post Exchange or Canteen Image map linking four stops on the Historic Fort Yellowstone online tour

Welcome to Fort Yellowstone. Following the links below will take you on our standard web-tour of the fort. To navigate this tour of historic features, simply click 'Next Stop' at the bottom of each page. If you prefer you may select features from the 'List of Stops' or from the 'Interactive Map'.

VR Panoramas of Fort Yellowstone are available
on our Panoramic Interactive Map Page.

From 1886 until the creation of the National Park Service in 1916 the United States Army was responsible for the administration and management of Yellowstone National Park

The buildings pictured are a part of historic Fort Yellowstone. These structures were built in three phases between 1891 and 1913 to serve as Army headquarters and to accommodate the troops assigned to Yellowstone National Park.

A virtual stroll along the sidewalks of Fort Yellowstone takes you back to when the West was being tamed, the national park idea was new, and visitors traveled dusty roads in horse-drawn carriages. Explore life at Fort Yellowstone and discover how the U.S. Army saved one of this nation's most treasured places - Yellowstone National Park.

Historic Fort Yellowstone Tour
List of Stops | Next Stop

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Last Updated: Monday, 29-Mar-04 16:30:50 /yell/tours/ftyell/index.htm