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  What We Do

Recent Innovations

The Rivers & Trails program keeps vibrant by adapting and refocusing our efforts in response to the needs of the communities we serve. Our staff apply proven techniques, while at the same time searching for new ways to add value to the projects they work with. Six examples:

Stream Crossings: Understanding the potential effects of stream crossings and developing ways to reduce or eliminate disturbance requires interdisciplinary knowledge and skills. The National Park Service is helping to meet the challenges of stream crossings by providing technical assistance to states, local governments, and communities.
image from the cover of "Building Healthy Livable Communities" brochure cover

Health and Wellness: Trails and greenways are a natural prescription for what the Surgeon General calls America's #2 health problem: physical inactivity. Being active in the outdoors has benefits for mind and body, and can help individuals - and whole communities -- become healthier.

Adding a local trail to the roster of National Recreation Trails (NRT) provides benefits and incentives to the communities that seek this designation. Find a designated NRT near you, or nominate one!

Art and Community Landscapes is a new initiative that seeks to connect communities and their landscapes through art. Public art inspires citizens to a greater involvement in protecting and enhancing the rivers, trails, greenways, and open spaces in their communities. With the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), we're helping provide resident artists to explore these possibilities. We are pleased to announce that the NEA has funded another round of grants for ACL projects in 2004.

We're helping pioneer Groundwork USA to assist urban communities in reclaiming vacant lots, abandoned parks, and brownfield sites. These inspiring stories of community rebirth bring together partners from the community, industry, and Environmental Protection Agency. Learn about an opportunity to join the Groundwork USA Network.

Photo of canoers on the Susquehanna water trail. Photo courtesy Julie Bell. A Water Trail is a stretch of river, a shoreline, or an ocean that has been mapped out with the intent to create an educational, scenic, and challenging experience for recreational canoers and kayakers. Learn more about the benefits of watertrails.

Challenge Cost Share Program | Federal Lands to Parks | Hydropower Relicensing Program
Land and Water Conservation Fund | National Center for Recreation and Conservation | National Trails System
Partnership Wild and Scenic Rivers | Rivers and Trails Program | Urban Park and Recreation Recovery
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