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United States Environmental Protection Agency
Clean Air Act
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Title I - Air Pollution Prevention and Control

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Part A - Air Quality and Emission Limitations

Sec. 101. Findings and purposes.
Sec. 102. Cooperative activities and uniform laws.
Sec. 103. Research, investigation, training, and other activities.
Sec. 104. Research relating to fuels and vehicles.
Sec. 105. Grants for support of air pollution planning and control programs.
Sec. 106. Interstate air quality agencies or commissions.
Sec. 107. Air quality control regions.
Sec. 108. Air quality criteria and control techniques.
Sec. 109. National ambient air quality standards.
Sec. 110. Implementation plans.
Sec. 111. Standards of performance for new stationary sources.
Sec. 112. National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants.
Sec. 113. Federal Enforcement.
Sec. 114. Inspections, monitoring, and entry.
Sec. 115. International air pollution.
Sec. 116. Retention of state authority.
Sec. 117. President's air quality advisory board and advisory committees.
Sec. 118. Control of pollution from federal facilities.
Sec. 119. Primary nonferrous smelter orders.
Sec. 120. Noncompliance penalty.
Sec. 121. Consultation.
Sec. 122. Listing of certain unregulated pollutants.
Sec. 123. Stack heights.
Sec. 124. Assurance of adequacy of state plans.
Sec. 125. Measures to prevent economic disruption or unemployment.
Sec. 126. Interstate pollution abatement.
Sec. 127. Public notification.
Sec. 128. State boards.
Sec. 129. Solid Waste Combustion.
Sec. 130. Emission Factors.
Sec. 131. Land Use Authority.

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Part B - Ozone Protection

The 1990 CAA Amendments replaced Part B with Title VI - Stratospheric Ozone Protection , which follows later on this page. The following sections of Part B were replaced:

Sec. 150. Purposes.
Sec. 151. Findings and definitions.
Sec. 152. Definitions.
Sec. 153. Studies by environmental protection agency.
Sec. 154. Research and monitoring by other agencies.
Sec. 155. Progress of regulation.
Sec. 156. International cooperation.
Sec. 157. Regulations.
Sec. 158. Other provisions unaffected.
Sec. 159. State authority.

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Part C - Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality

SUBPART 1 - Clean Air

Sec. 160. Purposes.
Sec. 161. Plan requirements.
Sec. 162. Initial classifications.
Sec. 163. Increments and ceilings.
Sec. 164. Area redesignation.
Sec. 165. Preconstruction requirements.
Sec. 166. Other pollutants.
Sec. 167. Enforcement.
Sec. 168. Period before plan approval.
Sec. 169. Definitions.

SUBPART 2 - Visibility Protection

Sec. 169a. Visibility protection for federal class I areas.
Sec. 169b. Visibility

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Part D - Plan Requirements for Nonattainment Areas

SUBPART 1 - Nonattainment Areas in General

Sec. 171. Definitions.
Sec. 172. Nonattainment plan provisions.
Sec. 173. Permit requirements.
Sec. 174. Planning procedures.
Sec. 175. Environmental protection agency grants.
Sec. 175A. Maintenance Plans.
Sec. 176. Limitation on certain federal assistance.
Sec. 176A. Interstate Transport Commissions.
Sec. 177. New motor vehicle emission standards in nonattainment areas.
Sec. 178. Guidance documents.
Sec. 179. Sanctions and consequences of failure to attain
Sec. 179B. International border areas

SUBPART 2 - Additional Provisions for Ozone Nonattainment Areas

Sec. 181. Classifications and attainment dates.
Sec. 182. Plan submissions and requirements.
Sec. 183. Federal ozone measures.
Sec. 184. Control of interstate ozone air pollution.
Sec. 185. Enforcement for Severe and Extreme ozone nonattainment areas for failure to attain.
Sec. 185A. Transitional areas.
Sec. 185B. NOx and VOC study.

SUBPART 3 - Additional Provisions for carbon monoxide nonattainment areas

Sec. 186. Classification and attainment dates.
Sec. 187. Plan submissions and requirements.

SUBPART 4 - Additional Provisions for particulate matter nonattainment areas

Sec. 188. Classification and attainment dates.
Sec. 189. Plan provisions and schedules for plan submissions.
Sec. 190. Issuance of RACM and BACM guidance.

SUBPART 5 - Additional provisions for designated nonattainment for sulfur oxides, nitrogen dioxide, or lead

Sec. 191. Plan submission deadlines.
Sec. 192. Attainment dates.

SUBPART 6 - Savings provisions

Sec. 193. General savings clause.

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