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Sec. 550.600 Olives - Adulteration Involving Pits; Rot; Insect Infestation (CPG 7110.19)


The following represents the criteria for direct reference seizure to *Division of Compliance Management and Operations (HFC-210)* and for direct citation by the District Offices:


a.Pitted Whole - (Examine a minimum of 500 olives from each code or from the lot if no codes are present).

The average is 1.3 percent or more by count of olives with whole pits and/or pit fragments 2 mm or longer measured in the longest dimension.

b. Pitted Salad Olives, Including Broken Pitted, Halved, Quartered, Sliced and Chipped or Minced - (Examine a minimum of 1,500 grams from each code or from the lot if no codes are present).

The average is 1.3 or more fragments per 300 grams, including whole pits and fragments 2 mm or longer measured in the longest dimension.


a.Salt Cured Olives - (Examine a minimum of 6 subs from each code or from the lot if no codes are present). The average is 10 percent or more by count of olives with 10 or more scale insects each.

b.Imported Black - Actionable if 10 percent or more by count show damage by Dacusa (olive fruit fly).

c.Imported Green - Actionable if 7 percent or more by count show damage by Dacusa (olive fruit fly).

d.Salad Type, Including Broken, Pitted, Halved, Quartered, Sliced, and Chopped or Minced - (Actionable if 9 percent or more by weight of olives show damage by Dacusa (Olive fruit fly)

aNOTE: "Damage by Dacus" means presence of any form or part thereof of the olive fruit fly and/or maggot tunneling affecting an area of 1/4 inch or greater average diameter.

3. ROT

Salt Cured Olives - (Examine a minimum of 6 subs from each code or from the lot if no codes are present).

The average is 25 percent or more by count of moldy olives.

Seizures of olives from domestic production must be discussed with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. EMS or FAX the following information to *CFSAN/Office of Field Programs/Division of Enforcement (HFS-605)* and await reply before proceeding:

Sample Number Date of Shipment
Article Involved Dealer
Amount of Lot Shipper
Codes Analytical Conclusions



Article adulterated when introduced into and while in interstate commerce, within meaning of 21 U.S.C. 342(b)(2) in that olives containing pit fragments have been substituted wholly or in part for pitted olives.

Article misbranded when introduced into and while in interstate commerce, within meaning of 21 U.S.C. 343(a)(1) in that label statement "Pitted Olives" is false and misleading as applied to a product containing olives with pit fragments.


Article adulterated when introduced into and while in interstate commerce, within meaning of 21 U.S.C. 342(a)(3) in that it consists wholly or in part of a filthy substance by reason of presence therein of insects or insect damaged olives.


Article adulterated when introduced into and while in interstate commerce, within meaning of 21 U.S.C. 342(a)(3) in that it consists wholly or in part of a decomposed substance by reason of presence therein of moldy, decomposed olives.

*Material between asterisks is new or revised*

Issued: 10/1/80
Revised: 3/95