Lowell National Historical Park & Tsongas Industrial History Center
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Lowell National Historical Park
A Brief Visit

Pawtucket Falls

Pawtucket FallsSince 1826, a dam on the Merrimack River at Pawtucket Falls has diverted water into the city's canals. Each spring rising water from melting snow and heavy rains causes water to pour over the top of the dam, creating a spectacular sight.


Pawtucket Falls
Pawtucket Canal Guard Locks
The Boott Mill
The Boardinghouse
Morning Bell
"Homage to Women"
The Bell
The Weave Room
The Pawtucket Gatehouse
Inside Pawtucket Gatehouse
St. Anne's Church
"Human Construction"
"The Worker"
Lower Locks
Market Mills
Kerouac Park
Suffolk Mill
Boott Cotton Storehouse
Mile of Mills
The Trolley
Night Falls on Boott Mills


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