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Technology Transfer Network
Support Center for Regulatory Air Models
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Dispersion Models

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Preferred/Recommended Models

       The models offered in this area are currently listed in Appendix A of the Guideline on Air Quality Models (published as Appendix W of 40 CFR Part 51).   See Appendix A of the Guideline, posted on the Modeling Guidance page of this website for a summary description of these models:

 Note: To view and access all available Model Change Bulletins,  click here.
Note: Selected User's Guides are available from NTIS.
Note: To view Model Status,  click here.


BLP   (Bouyant Line and Point Source Model )  a Gaussian plume dispersion model designed to handle unique modeling problems associated with aluminum reduction plants, and other industrial sources where plume rise and downwash effects from stationary line sources are important.

Code/Executable/Test Cases/Post-processors -- (213KB,ZIP)
User's Guide& User's Guide Addendum
Latest   Model Change Bulletin

CALINE3    a steady-state Gaussian dispersion model designed to determine air pollution concentrations at receptor locations downwind of "at-grade," "fill," "bridge," and "cut section" highways located in relatively uncomplicated terrain.

Code/Executable/Test Case -- (53KB,ZIP)
User's Guide
Latest Model Change Bulletin

CALPUFF    a multi-layer, multi-species non-steady-state puff dispersion model that simulates the effects of time- and space-varying meteorological conditions on pollution transport, transformation and removal.  CALPUFF can be applied on scales of tens to hundreds of kilometers.  It includes algorithms for subgrid scale effects (such as terrain impingement), as well as, longer range effects (such as pollutant removal due to wet scavanging and dry deposition, chemical transformation, and visibility effects of particulate matter concentrations).                                                

        --Please read the following before accessing the CALPUFF modeling system--

The files associated with this system, e.g., executables/source code, preprocessors, associated utilities, test cases, selected meteorological data sets and documentation can be found on Earth Tech's website.  Support documents related to CALPUFF can be found on this website and are listed below.  Earth Tech will provide updates and changes as necessary for the CALPUFF modeling system on their website.  Users entering their website will have the opportunity to register their e-mail addresses in order to receive notices of any updates to the system.  This registration is voluntary and not necessary to access the system files.

Upon entering the Earth Tech website, you will see CALPUFF Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the left-hand panel.  To access the system code, click on "DOWNLOAD", then click on Skip Registration if you do not want to register.

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                                Support Documents                     

There have been a number of cases in which CALPUFF has been applied, and many of these have been published.  For a list of such articles we know about, please click HERE.  This list includes the following areas: Support Documents, Peer Reviews and Literature

We encourage other such studies, especially:
-  those that evaluate CALPUFF at distances beyond 200km,
- and those for which CALPUFF is applied in complex wind situations.  We welcome the submission of such articles and ask that they be sent to our Webmaster (please provide full citation and if available a PDF file for distribution).  Our intention is to populate the list with more application articles as they become available and as experience with CALPUFF is gained.

CTDMPLUS (Complex Terrain Dispersion Model Plus Algorithms for Unstable Situations) a refined point source gaussian air quality model for use in all stability conditions for complex terrain.  The model contains, in its entirety, the technology of CTDM for stable and neutral conditions.

Code/Executable/Test Case -- (842KB,ZIP)
User's Guide Supplement--(12KB,ZIP)
User's Guide, Volume 1
User's Guide, Volume 2

User's Guide for Terrain Preprocessor

User's Guide for Meteorological Preprocessor

Final Report available from NTIS
Latest Model Change Bulletin

ISC3 (Industrial Source Complex Model)  a steady-state Gaussian plume model which can be used to assess pollutant concentrations from a wide variety of sources associated with an industrial complex.  This model can account for the following: settling and dry deposition of particles; downwash; point, area, line, and volume sources; plume rise as a function of downwind distance; separation of point sources; and limited terrain adjustment.  ISC3 operates in both long-term and short-term modes.

Code/Executable/Test Case -- 
SHORT term (1.7MB,ZIP); LONG term (390KB,ZIP)
User's Guide - Volume 1 w/Addendum 
                       Volume 2 w/Addendum 

Latest  Model Change Bulletin -- SHORT term/LONG term

Building Profile Input Program Preprocessor - BPIP(91KB,ZIP)
Latest Model Change Bulletin

OCD (Offshore and Coastal Dispersion Model)  a straight line Gaussian model developed to determine the impact of offshore emissions from point, area or line sources on the air quality of coastal regions.  OCD incorporates overwater plume transport and dispersion as well as changes that occur as the plume crosses the shoreline.  Hourly meteorological data are needed from both offshore and onshore locations. 

Code/Executable -- (7.7MB,ZIP)
User's Guide -- (408 MB,ZIP)
User's Guide Supplement
Latest Model Change Bulletin


Screening Tools    

This area provides a list of screening tools that can be used preceeding a refined modeling analysis.  The screening tools listed in this section are:

  Note: To view and access all available Model Change Bulletins,  click here.
Note: Selected User's Guides are available from NTIS.
Note: To view Model Statue,  click here. 

CAL3QHC/CAL3QHCR (CALINE3 with queuing and hot spot calculations)  CAL3QHC is a CALINE3 based CO model with a traffic model to calculate delays and queues that occur at signalized intersections; CAL3QHCR is a more refined version based on CAL3QHC that requires local meteorological data.  Both models are available below.

Executables  for CAL3QHC and CAL3QHCR -- (323KB,ZIP)
User's Guide --(131KB,ZIP)
Latest Model Change Bulletin

COMPLEX1 a multiple point source screening technique with terrain adjustment that incorporates the plume impaction algorithm of the VALLEY model.

Executable -- (129KB,ZIP)
User's Guide presently not available.
Latest Model Change Bulletin

CTSCREEN   (Complex Terrain Screening model)  a Gaussian plume dispersion model designed as a screening technique for regulatory application to plume impaction assessments in complex terrain.  CTSCREEN  is a screening version of the CTDMPLUS model.

Readme/Executable/Test Case & Source Code -- (710KB,ZIP)
w/Extended Memory Executable
User's Guide
Supplement to User's Guide
Report on Modifications to CTSCREEN/CTDMPLUS 
Notes on Terrain Input to CTDM+/CTSCREEN -- (10KB,TXT)
Latest Model Change Bulletin

LONGZ   a steady-state Gaussian plume formulation for both urban and rural areas in flat or complex terrain to calculate long term (seasonal and/or annual) ground-level ambient air concentrations attributable to emissions from up to 14,000 arbitrarily placed sources (stack, buildings, and area sources).

Code -- (56KB,ZIP)
User's Guide -- available from NTIS.
Latest Model Change Bulletin

RTDM3.2 (Rough Terrain Diffusion Model) a sequential Gaussian plume model designed to estimate ground-level concentrations in rough (or flat) terrain in the vicinity of one or more co-located point sources.

Executable -- (106KB,ZIP)
User's Guide --not available
Latest Model Change Bulletin

SCREEN3 a single source Gaussian plume model which provides maximum ground-level concentrations for point, area, flare, and volume sources, as well as concentrations in the cavity zone, and concentrations due to inversion break-up and shoreline fumigation.  SCREEN3 is a screening version of the ISC3 model.

Readme/ Code/Executable -- (176KB,ZIP)
User's Guide
Latest Model Change Bulletin

SHORTZ a steady-state bivariate Gaussian plume formulation for both urban and rural areas in flat or complex terrain to calculate ground-level ambient air concentrations.  It can calculate 1-hr, 2-hr 3-hr, etc. average concentrations due to emissions from stacks, buildings, and area sources for up to 300 arbitrarily placed sources. 

Code -- (56KB,ZIP)
User's Guide --not available
Latest Model Change Bulletin

TSCREEN (Toxics Screening) a Gaussian model that implements the procedures to correctly analyze toxic emissions and their subsequent dispersion from one of many different types of possible releases for superfund sites.  It contains 3 models within it, SCREEN3, PUFF, and RVD (Relief Valve Discharge).

Code/Executable/Test Case -- (1.6MB,ZIP)
User's Guide
TSCREEN Workbooks
Latest Model Change Bulletin

VALLEY   a steady-state, complex terrain, univariate Gaussian plume dispersion algorithm designed for estimating either 24-hour or annual concentrations resulting from emissions from up to 50 (total) point and area sources.

Code-- (76KB,ZIP)
User's Guide --available from NTIS
Latest Model Change Bulletin

VISCREEN calculates the potential impact of a plume of specified emissions for specific transport and dispersion conditions. 

Executable -- (121KB,ZIP)
User's Guide Update Pages Users Guide available from NTIS
Latest Model Change Bulletin


Alternative Models

Model Summary Descriptions As a compliment to our preferred/recommended refined air dispersion models in Appendix A of the Guideline on Air Quality Models, the  document, ALTMODEL.PDF, provides a list of refined air quality models for use on a case-by-case basis for individual regulatory applications.   This list is a replacement for what was formerly Appendix B of the Guideline on Air Quality Models (Appendix W to 40 CFR Part 51) and since has been removed from the published guideline.   Note that all of the models listed in ALTMODEL.PDF are referenced in this section.   For case-by-case justification see Section 3.2, Use of Alternative Models, of the Guideline   for additional details.

This area provides a list of models that can be used for special applications with case-by-case justification.   The models listed in this section are:

 Note: Selected User's Guides are available from NTIS.  

ADAM   (Air Force Dispersion Assessment Model)  a modified box and Gaussian dispersion model which incorporates thermodynamics, chemistry, heat transfer, aerosol loading, and dense gas effects.  Release scenarios include continuous and instantaneous, area and point, pressurized and unpressurized, and liquid/vapor/two-phased options.

Executables -- (271KB,ZIP)
Readme -- (Please read first) 

ADMS-3 (Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling System) an advanced model for calculating concentrations of pollutants emitted both continuously from point, line, volume and area sources, or discretely from point sources.  The model includes algorithms which take account of the following: effects of main site buiding; complex terrrain; wet deposition, gravitational settling and dry deposition; short term fluctuations in concentration; chemical reactions; radioactive decay and gamma-dose; plume rise as a function of distance; jets and directional releases; averaging time ranging from very short to annual; condensed plume visibility; meteorological preprocessor.

The modeling system is available at no cost in selected circumstances.  Potential users should contact Dr. David Carruthers at  ""   for information on acquiring the ADMS-3 modeling system.

For additional information on the ADMS-3 Modeling System please link to the Cambridge Environmental Research Consultants Website--EXIT EPA

AFTOX  (Air Force Toxics Model)  a Gaussian dispersion model that will handle continuous or instantaneous liquid or gas elevated or surface releases from point or area sources.  Output consists of concentration contour plots, concentration at a specified location, and maximum concentration at a given elevation and time.

Executable/Test Case/Readme -- (173KB,ZIP) 
User's Guide -- (26KB,ZIP) 

ASPEN (Assessment System for Population Exposure Nationwide)   a Gaussian dispersion model used to estimate toxic air pollutant concentrations over a large scale domain, such as the entire continental U. S.
Descriptive Statement
ASPEN  User's Guide
ASPEN Modeling System (ftp download)

EMS-HAP (Version 3.0) (Emissions Modeling System for Hazardous Pollutants) an emissions processor that performs the steps needed to process an emission inventory for input into the ASPEN model or the ISCST3 model

Important Note:  EMS-HAP is written in the SAS programming language and is designed to run on any UNIX workstation.  The user will need a SAS license and some knowledge of SAS to use this program.

    Descriptive Statement
    EMS-HAP Version 2 User's Guide (for reference only)
    EMS-HAP Version 3 User's Guide
    EMS-HAP Modeling System (ftp download)

The ASPEN model and the EMS-HAP Version 3.0 emission modeling system 
             were used to estimate the ambient concentrations for the 
             National-Scale Air Toxics Assessment for 1999.  The results will be published
             in the Fall of 2004 on the Air Toxics website.  The 1996 results using EMS-HAP
             Version 2.0, are still available on the National Air Toxics Assessment Activities


AVACTA II  a Gaussian model in which atmospheric dispersion phenomena are described by the evolution of plume elements, either segments or puffs.  It can be applied for short (1 day) simulations in both transport and calm conditions.  Available from Dr. Paolo Zannetti, QEP-Principal Exponett, Inc., 149 Commonwealth Dr., P.O. Box 3015, Minlo Park, CA 94025; PH 650 688-6962.
CAMx (Comprehensive Air Quality Model with Extensions)
    Infrormation related to this model can be found on the 7th Modeling Conference
      web page under Notice of Proposed Rule Making.
CDM2 (Climatological Dispersion Model)  a climatological steady-state Gaussian plume model for determining long-term (seasonal or annual) arithemetic average pollutant concentrations at any ground-level receptor in an urban area.

Code/Executable/Test Case -- (76KB,ZIP)
User's Guide
Latest Model Change Bulletin

CMAQ (Community Modeling Air Quality) a multiscale, one atmosphere model which is designed to assist the environmental management community's ability to evaluate the impact of air quality management practices for multiple pollutants at multiple scales and equip the scientist's ability to better understand, and simulate chemical and physical interactions in the atmosphere; available from the Models-3 website.
DEGADIS (Dense Gas Dispersion Model)  simulates the atmospheric dispersion at ground-level, area source dense gas (or aerosol) clouds released with zero momentum into the atmospheric boundary layer over flat, level terrain.  The model describes the dispersion processes which accompany the ensuing gravity-driven flow and entrainment of the gas into the boundary layer.

Code/Executable -- (933KB,ZIP)
User's Guide  &  Technical Document --
Latest Model Change Bulletin

EKMA an empirical, city-specific model which is used to fill the gap between more sophisticated photochemical dispersion models and proportional (rollback) modeling techniques.

Code/Executable/Test Case,Input Generator &
Trajectory Model -- (468KB,ZIP)
User's Guide, Volume 1 & Volume 2
Procedures for applying City-Specific EKMA
Latest Model Change Bulletin
User's Guide for the EKMA Input Generator (OZIPM-4) 

ERT  (Visibility Model)  a Gaussian dispersion model designed to estimate visibility impairment for arbitrary lines of sight due to isolated point source emissions by simulating gas-to-particle conversion, dry deposition, NO to NO2 conversion and linear radiative transfer.  Available from NTIS, Order Number PB96-501978, doc. PB96-171855..
HGSYSTEM   a collection of computer programs designed to predict the source-term and subsequent dispersion of accidental chemical releases with an emphasis on denser-than-air (dense gas) behavior.  Available from NTIS, Order Number PB96-501960.
HOTMAC/RAPTAD HOTMAC is a 3-dimensional Eulerian model for weather forecasting; RAPTAD is a 3-dimensional Lagrangian random puff model for pollutant transport and diffusion.  These models are used for prediction of transport and diffusion processes for complex terrain, coastal regions, urban areas, and around buildings where conventional models fail.  Available from YSA Corporation, (505) 989-7351. See
HYROAD HYROAD (HYbrid ROADway Model) integrates three historically individual modules that simulate the effects of traffic, emissions and dispersion.  The traffic module is a microscale transportation model which simulates individual vehicle movement.  The emission module uses speed distributions from the traffic module to determine composite emission factors; spatial and temporal distribution of emissions is based on the vehicle operation simulations.  The model tracks vehicle speed and acceleration distributions by signal phase per 10-meter roadway segment for use in both emissions distribution and for induced flows and turbulence.  The dispersion module uses a Lagrangian puff formulation, along with a gridded non-uniform wind and stability field derived from traffic module outputs, to describe near-roadway dispersion characteristics.  HYROAD is designed to determine hourly concentrations of carbon monoxide (CO) or other gas-phase pollutants, particulate matter (PM) and air toxics - in consultation with appropriate Reviewing Authority -  from vehicle emissions at receptor locations that occur within 500 meters of the roadway intersections.

Executable, Test Case, README (13.5 MB, ZIP)
Model Formulation -- (1.8KB, ZIP)
User's Guide -- (1KB, ZIP)
 Information on this model can be found on the Dispersion Models
   web page under Screening Tools.
MTDDIS  (Mesoscale Transport Diffusion and Deposition Model for Industrial Sources)   a variable-trajectory Gaussian puff model applicable to long-range transport at point source emissions over level or rolling terrain.  It can be used to determine 3-hour maximum and 24-hour average concentrations of relatively nonreactive pollutants from up to 10 separate stacks.  Available from Dr. I.T. Wang, Combustion Engineering, Environmental Monitoring and Services , Inc. 2421 West Hillcrest Drive, Newburn Park, CA 19320.
OBODM (Open Burn/Open Detonation Model)  intended for use in evaluating the potential air quality impacts of the open burning and detonation (OB/OD) of obsolete munitions and solid propellants.  OBODM uses cloud/plume rise dispersion, and deposition algorithms taken from existing models for instantaneous and quasi-continuous sources to predict the downwind transport and dispersion of pollutants released by OB/OD operations.

Executable/Test Case -- (7/31/03)(380KB,ZIP) 
Source Code -- (602KB,ZIP)
README(errata by dates)
User's Guide - Volume 1 , Volume 2

OZIPR (A one-dimensional photochemical box model)  an alternative version of the OZIP model (see EKMA) that deals with air toxic pollutants.
Code/Executable/Test Inputs -- (907KB,ZIP)
User's GuideAddendum to the User's Guide 
Supporting Report also available from NTIS;  Appendices :  A, B, C, D, E, F
   (A Simplified Approach for Estimating Secondary Production of Hazardous Air
    Pollutants (HAPS) Using the OZIPR Model, EPA-454/R-99-054.)
PAL-DS(Point, Area, Line Source Algorithm with Deposition and Sedimentation) a method of estimating short-term dispersion using Gaussian-plume steady-state assumptions.  The model can treat deposition of both gaseous and suspended particulate pollutants  in the plume since gravitational settling and dry deposition of the particles are explicitly accounted for.  Available from NTIS, Order Number PB90-500802.
Panache an Eulerian (and Lagrangian for particulate matter), 3-dimensionl finite volume fluid mechanics code designed to simulate continuous and short-term pollutant dispersion in the atmosphere, in simple or complex terrain.  Available from Transoft US. Inc., 818 Reedy Creek Rd., Cary, NC 27513-3307. Phone 919 380-7500.
PLUVUEII a model used for estimating visual range reduction and atmospheric discoloration caused by plumes resulting from the emissions of particles, nitrogen oxides, and sulfur oxides from a single source.  The model predicts the transport, dispersion, chemical reactions, optical effects and surface deposition of point or area source emissions. 

Code/Executable/Test Case -- (782KB,ZIP)
User's Guide --(40KB,ZIP)
Latest Model Change Bulletin

PPSP  (Maryland Power Plant Siting Model)  a Gaussian dispersion model applicable to tall stacks in either rural or urban areas, but in terrain that is essentially flat (on a scale large compared to the ground roughness elements).  Available from Power Plant Siting Program,  Department of Natural Resources, Tawes State Office Building,  Annapolis, MD 21401,  Attn: Dr. Michael Hirschfield.
RAM (Gaussian-Plume Multiple Source Air Quality Algorithm)  a steady-state Gaussian plume model for estimating concentrations of relatively stable pollutants, for averaging times from an hour to a day, from point and area sources in a rural or urban setting.  Level terrain is assumed.

Code/Executable/Test Case -- (144KB,ZIP)
User's Guide
Latest Model Change Bulletin

REMSAD (Regulatory Modeling System for Aerosols and Deposition)  a three dimensional grid-based Eulerian air quality model.  REMSAD simulates concentrations and deposition of atmospheric pollutants over large spatial scales (i.e. contiguous US).  Air pollution issues meant to be addressed by REMSAD include PM2.5, Regional Haze, and toxic, nitrogen, and acid deposition.  REMSAD provides spatially and temporally resolved air concentration, visibility and deposition values.  Recent improvements to the modeling sysytem include expanded treatment of mercury chemistry. 

For information on how to acquire the latest available version, 7.03, of REMSAD please link to the ICF Consulting/Systems Applications International's REMSAD website.   -- EXIT EPA 

RPM-IV (Reactive Plume Model a model used for estimating short-term concentrations of primary and secondary pollutants resulting from point or area source emissions.  The model is capable of simulating the complex interaction of plume dispersion and non-linear photochemistry.  Two main features of the model are: (1) the horizontal resolution within the plume, which offers a more realistic treatment of the entrainment process and (2) its flexibility with regard to choices of chemical kinetic mechanisms.

Code/Executable/Test Case -- (76KB,ZIP)
User's Guide --(406KB,ZIP)
Latest Model Change Bulletin

SCIPUFF  Second-order Closure Integrated PUFF Model
    Information related to this model can be found on the 7th Modeling conference
     web page under Notice of Proposed rule Making.
SCSTER (Multisource Model)  a modified version of the CRSTER model.  The primary distinctions of SCSTER are its capability to consider multiple sources that are not necessarily collocated, its enhanced receptor specifications, it variable plume height terrain adjustment procedures and plume distortion from directional wind shear.  Available from Bryan Baldwin,  Research Program Supervisor, Air Quality Program,  Southern Company Services, Post Office Box 2625,  Birmingham, AL 35202.
SDM (Shoreline Dispersion Model)  a multiple-point Gaussian dispersion model that can be used to determine ground level concentrations from tall stationary point source emissions near a shoreline.

Code/Executable/Test Case -- (328KB,ZIP)
Latest Model Change Bulletin

SHORTZ Information related to this model can be found on the Dispersion Models  web page under Screening Models.
Simple Line Source Model  A simple steady- state Gaussian plume model which can be used to determine hourly (or half-hourly) averages of exhaust concentrations within 100m from a roadway on a relatively flat terrain.  Available from Dr. D.P. Chock, Environmental Science Department, General Motors Research Laboratories, General Motors Technical Center, Warren, MI 48090.
SLAB The SLAB model treats denser-than-air releases by solving the one-dimensional equations of momentum, conservation of mass, species, and energy , and the equation of state.  SLAB handles release scenarios including ground level and elevated jets, liquid pool evaporation, and instantaneous volume sources.

Code/Executable/Test Case -- (111KB,ZIP)

UAM-V( The UAM-V Photochemical Modeling System )   The Urban Airshed Model (UAM-V) is a three dimensional photochemical grid model that calculates concentrations of pollutants by simulating the physical and chemical processes in the atmosphere.   The updated version of the UAM-V modeling system (version 1.3) includes process-analysis capabilities, an enhanced chemical mechanism (enhanced treatment of hydrocarbon and toxic species), updated deposition and nested-grid algorithms, a flexible coordinate system (including Lambert conformal), and user-selection of a "standard" or "fast" solver.

The updated version 1.30 and the earlier version 1.24 (OTAG version) are available from the developer Systems Applications International (SAI) for general use and at no cost to interested users.  To obtain a copy of the UAM-V modeling system, potential users should contact Sharon Douglas ( for information concerning registration and acquisition of the system.  Potential users are encouraged to register with SAI to receive information on updates to the code, training workshops, and available databases.

For additional information on the UAM-V modeling system please link to the SAI UAM-V website -- EXIT EPA.

UAM-IV (Urban Airshed Model IV)  an urban scale, three dimensional, grid type numerical simulation model.  The model incorporates a condensed photochemical kinetics mechanism for urban atmospheres.   UAM-IV  is designed for computing ozone (O3) concentrations under short-term, episodic conditions lasting one or two days resulting from emissions of oxides of nitrogen (NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOC), and carbon monoxide (CO).  The model treats VOC emissions as their carbon-bond surrogates.

README  -- Please read before downloading the UAM-IV system.
Code/Executable/Test Case -- (5.5MB,ZIP)
User's Guides/Information --(232KB,ZIP)
Latest Model Change Bulletin



Related Programs

This area provides a list of programs and utilities that are used in support of some of our dispersion models, especially those listed under preferred/recommended.  Note that utilities that are designed for use with particular models will be found with those models.  The programs listed in this section are:

Note: To access and view all available Model Change Bulletins, click here.
Note: Selected User's Guides are available from NTIS.

BPIP   (Building Profile Input Program) - a PC-based program designed to incorporate the concepts and procedures expressed in the Good Engineering Practice (GEP) technical support document, building downwash guidance, and other related references that correctly calculate building heights (bh) and projected building widths (pbw) for simple, multi-tiered, and groups of structures.  This most recent version of BPIP, 4/21/04, has been upgraded with allocatable arrays while maintaining the basic functionality of the program.

Code/Executable/Test Case-- (276KB,ZIP)
User's Guide
User's Guide Updates
Latest Model Change Bulletin

CALMPRO   (Calms Processor a meteorological processor which provides consistent application of handling calms by setting the wind direction of the calm hour to the last reported wind direction and the wind speed to 1 m/s.

Code/Test Case/Readme -- (12KB,ZIP)
Latest Model Change Bulletin

CHAVG   a post-processor program for computing running averages (averages that begin each hour and overlap) and end-to-end averages (averages that do not overlap) from hourly concentrations files.

Code/Test Case/Readme -- (32KB,ZIP)
Latest Model Change Bulletin

CONCOR a program for converting latitude/longitude coordinates to UTM or UTM coordinates to latitude/longitude.

Code/Executable/Test Case/Readme -- (31KB,ZIP)
Latest Model Change Bulletin



Model Tutorials  

This area provides the following model tutorials::


CTSCREEN Tutorial 
CTSCREEN Demonstration -- (420K,ZIP)
CTSCREEN Model, File 1 -- (305K,ZIP)
CTSCREEN Model, File 2 -- (329K,ZIP)
Text editor file -- (48K,ZIP)
Terrain data file -- (77K,ZIP)
BUCKBERG  Terrain data file -- (3K,TXT)
ORIG Terrain data file -- (3K,TXT)
CTDM Batch file -- (23,TXT)
Tutorial Documentation WP5.1-- (155K,ZIP)
Instructions for CTSCREEN Tutorial -- (3K,TXT)
ISC2 Tutorial 
ISCST2/ISCLT2 Demonstration -- (822K,ZIP)
ISCST2 Model  -- (654K,ZIP)
ISCEV2 Model  -- (109K,ZIP)
ISCLT2 Model   -- (133K,ZIP)
Tutorial Documentation WP5.1.--  (206K,ZIP)
Instructions for ISC2 Tutorial  -- (2K,TXT)
SCREEN Tutorial 
SCREEN Demonstration -- (445KB,ZIP)
SCREEN Model  -- (129K, ZIP)
Tutorial Demonstration  -- (46K, ZIP)
Instructions for SCREEN Tutorial -- (2K,TXT)
TSCREEN Tutorial 
TSCREEN Demonstration -- (579K,ZIP)
TSCREEN Model, File 1 -- (253K,ZIP)
TSCREEN Model, File 2 -- (382K,ZIP)
TSCREEN Model, File 3 -- (568K,ZIP)
Tutorial Documentation Wpf 5.1 -- (86K,ZIP)
Instructions for TSCREEN Tutorial  -- (2K,TXT)
VISCREEN Tutorial 
VISCREEN Demonstration. -- (1058K,ZIP)
VISCREEN Model -- (71K,ZIP)
Tutorial Documentation -- WP5.1 -- (486K,ZIP)
Instructions for VISCREEN Tutorial  -- (2K,TXT)


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