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Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
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International Education Week

>> Statement by Secretary of State Colin L. Powell on International Education Week--November 15-19, 2004
The U.S. Department of State is pleased to join the U.S. Department of Education in marking the fifth year of International Education Week, November 15-19. Celebrated worldwide, International Education Week provides an opportunity to highlight the benefits of international education and exchange; to express appreciation for students and scholars who study and teach here; and to commend the millions of people who build and strengthen bridges of international understanding by organizing and participating in exchange programs. More

Doors to Diplomacy

>> State Department Announces "Doors to Diplomacy" 2005 Website Competition for Middle School and High School Students
The U.S. Department of State, along with the Global SchoolNet Foundation, is pleased to announce the 2005 "Doors to Diplomacy" Award competition. This educational award will recognize the student-created Global SchoolNet Web project that best teaches others about the importance of international affairs and diplomacy. More

Daniel Libeskind

>> Cultural Ambassador Daniel Libeskind Moves and Motivates Students of Architecture in Mumbai, India
The Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Consulate General in Mumbai, India hosted Cultural Ambassador Daniel Libeskind on October 14 and 15, 2004. Libeskind is the first-ever cultural ambassador to visit India and the first cultural ambassador for architecture. He delivered two lectures at the Kamla Raheja Vidyanidhi Institute for Architecture and Environmental Studies, and Rachana Sansad’s Academy of Architecture. More | View photos from this event

>> In an Interview with USA Today, Secretary of State Colin L. Powell Notes the Importance of International Exchanges
"I think it is very possible, it is still completely in the realm of the possible to touch those emotions of good feeling and respect and recover our position, but it's going to take time, it's going to take more investment on our part. I'd double and triple our programs if I could: More Fulbright scholars; more international visitors' programs; more people coming to this country to go to school and hang out with you; more journalists coming here from around the world. These are enormous payoff programs." Read the entire interview

The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) fosters mutual understanding between the United States and other countries through international educational and training programs. The bureau does so by promoting personal, professional, and institutional ties between private citizens and organizations in the United States and abroad, as well as by presenting U.S. history, society, art and culture in all of its diversity to overseas audiences.

The Fulbright Program provides grants for Graduate Students, Scholars and Professionals, and Teachers and Administrators. This site includes Fulbright Commissions and other information on the program.

EducationUSA promotes U.S. higher education abroad, supports overseas advising centers, collaborates with U.S. educational organizations to strengthen international exchange, and manages the Gilman study abroad scholarship program.

The Office of English Language Programs creates and implements high quality, targeted English language programs overseas to promote mutual understanding between the United States and other countries. Staff, including overseas-based Regional English Language Officers, plan, conduct and support programs sponsored by American Embassies and Consulates.

Programs for Eurasia and Southeast Europe include activities involving individual fellowships or institutional linkages.

Requests for Grant Proposals announce the latest bureau funding opportunities for academic, and non-profit institutions seeking exchanges and training grants.

The Humphrey Fellowships bring mid-level professionals from developing countries to the United States for a year of academic study and professional experiences.

Study of the U.S. promotes better understanding of the U.S. through Summer Institutes for foreign university faculty. This site also contains an extensive number of links to on-line American Studies resources.

Educational Partnerships Program supports educational linkages between U.S. and foreign post-secondary institutions through faculty and staff exchanges on themes of mutual interest.

The International Visitor Leadership Program brings participants to the U.S. to meet and confer with professional counterparts and to experience firsthand the U.S. and its institutions.

The Office of Citizen Exchanges develops professional, cultural and youth programs with nonprofit American institutions, including voluntary community organizations, professional associations, and universities. Thematic categories for grants include civil society, NGO development, civic education, media development, judicial training, intellectual property rights, and public administration among other themes. The office has three geographic divisions — Europe/Eurasia; Near East, South Asia and Africa; and Western Hemisphere and East Asia — as well as divisions for youth and cultural, including ECA's CultureConnect web site.

International Cultural Property Protection represents U.S. responsibilities in protecting the cultural patrimony of other countries.

The Ambassador's Fund for Cultural Preservation, established by Congress for the fiscal year 2001, aims to assist less developed countries in preserving their cultural heritage and to demonstrate U.S. respect for other cultures.

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