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Basic Searching
- Title
- Author/Creator Browse
- Subject Browse
- Keyword
- Command Keyword
- Call Number Browse
- Series/Uniform Title
- Author/Creator by Title
Guided Searching

Limiting Searches
Search History
Boolean Searching

for Guided Searches
for Command Keyword

Brief Record
Full Record

Headings List
Titles List
Titles List (Keyword)
References/Scope Notes
Save, Print, Email

Headings List Types
Type of Material
Database Selection
Icons, Buttons & Tabs
Session Time-out Errors
Known Problems

Known Problems in This Release

Below is a list of problems in the current version of the software the Library is using for its Online Catalog. These have all been reported to the Library's system vendor, Endeavor Information Systems, Inc.

The list includes a description of the problem, and suggestions to work around the problem (if any).

General Searching

Problem: 1. Hyperlinked searches on Series titles sometimes fail.

If a Series title has an initial article (A, The, An, etc.), hyperlink searches in the "Full Record" display do not retrieve correct records.

Reported to vendor -- pending

Cut-and-paste the title - without the initial article - and search as a Title on the "Basic Search" screen.

Problem: 2. Display problems with quoted phrases ("medieval history", "new guinea") in Keyword, Command Keyword, and Guided Searches.

Quoted phrases are searched correctly. However:

  1. the Search for: box in the Quick Search option at the bottom of the Titles list is blank;
  2. if the user chooses to Edit these searches in Search History, the resulting Search for: box is also blank.

Either re-key the search term, or copy-and-paste the quoted phrase from the "You searched:" text at the top of the Titles list or from the Search History display.

Problem: 3. After a quoted phrase search, using "Retain Marked" records feature incorrectly returns to the Basic Search screen.

Following a Keyword or Command Keyword search for a quoted phrase ("tax reform"), marking records in the Titles list, and selecting the [Retain Marked Records] button, the system incorrectly returns to the Basic Search screen.

Reported to vendor -- pending

Use Guided Search, enter the phrase without quotes in the Search for: box, and select "as a phrase" in the adjacent box. Then proceed to mark records.

Problem: 4. Using cross-reference links from Headings list can result in blank Headings list.

In Author or Subject Browse: User selects a reference ([More Info] button) from a Headings list, then a single record. Selecting the [Headings] button then results in a blank Headings list.

Re-execute search from Search History to return to Headings list.

Call Number Browse

Problem: 5. Blank Title List display appears after re-executing aCall Number Browse search.
A blank title list can result following certain Call Number Browse searches. Most often this will occur after (a) doing a call number browse search, then (b) displaying a single record from the title list, and then (c) re-executing the search from Search History.

In Search History, select the record number for the search in the Edit column, then re-execute the search from the Basic Search screen.

Problem: 6. [Previous] and [Next] buttons can display incorrect records from a call number browse.
When displaying a single record following a call number browse, the [Previous] and [Next] buttons behave as if the user always is on the first record in the Titles list. For example, if the user selects record #5 to display, then presses the [Next] button, record #2 is displayed, instead of record #6.

To navigate a list of records following a call number browse, use the [Titles] button to return to the Titles list, rather than the [Previous]/[Next] buttons on the single record displays.

Saving Records

Problem: 7. Unable to save MARC records with newer browser versions
When attempting to save records in MARC format, some users get a message that says Your Email request failed!, even though they are saving, not emailing. The problem appears to be a software incompatibility between the Library's Catalog and certain web browsers (esp. Netscape 6.0 and higher, and Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 and higher).
Temporary workarounds:
  1. Users with earlier browser versions (for Windows, Netscape 4.7, Internet Explore 5.x) do not seem to experience this problem when saving MARC records.
  2. Some users report that web browser Opera, version 7, does not have this problem.
  3. Save MARC records using a Z39.50 client.
    See Frequently Asked Question #12 for more information

Problem: 8. Unable to Print or Email more than 75 records at once.
System fails to Print or Email records if the total number on one screen exceeds 75.

The Library has reduced the maximum number of records that can be saved from 100 to 70 until the problem is resolved.

Use the browser's [Back] button to resume searching.

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June 23, 2004