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Department of the Interior
Department of the Interior
  Welcome Index DOI News Contact US DOI Home
Bullet DOI Activitiesnew vertical line
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Bullet Initiatives  more
Bullet Healthy Forests
Bullet Improving National Parks
Bullet Water 2025
Bullet Cooperative Conservation
Bullet Take Pride in America
Bullet National Energy Plan
Bullet Management Excellence
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Bullet Issues of Interest
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Bullet How Do I?  more
Bullet Get a National Parks Pass?
Bullet Trace Indian Ancestry?
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Bullet DOI Quick Facts
Quick Fact Images
DOI manages 507 million acres of surface land, or about one-fifth of the land in the U.S.
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Bullet DOI en Espaņol
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Bullet For DOI Employees
Bullet DOI DC Operating Status
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Bullet DOI Jobs
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Bullet Teacher Resources
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Bullet Children's Pages
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Bullet Bureaus and Offices
Bullet DOI Key Officials
Bullet DOI History
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Bullet Webcams
Bullet Old Faithful
Bullet Mammoth Hot Springs
Bullet Glacier National Park
Bullet Grand Canyon
Bullet Big Bend National Park
Old Faithful
Old Faithful webcam is one of several webcams available in National Parks.
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Decorated for the Holiday Season: Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site in Ganado, Arizona.
Decorated for the Holiday Season: Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site in Ganado, Arizona.
America's National Parks Celebrate the Holiday Season
The National Park Service is extending an invitation for Americans to visit National Parks during the coming holiday season. Many National Park Service units commemorate and celebrate the holiday season with special holiday programs, events and decorations. more

DOI Accomplishments for
 Hunters and Anglers
DOI Accomplishments for Hunters and Anglers
bulletReport: Preserving Landscapes and Habitat for Wildlife
    through Cooperative Conservation PDF file - Report: Preserving Landscapes and Habitat for Wildlife through Cooperative Conservation
bulletHunting and Fishing at U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
bullet President Bush signs National Hunting and
    Fishing Day Proclamation

Secretary Norton Praises President's
Signing of Landmark CALFED Legislation
more En Espanol
Your Interior Department - The Mission of the Department of the Interior is to protect and provide access to our Nation's natural and cultural heritage and honor our trust responsibilities to Indian Tribes and our commitments to island communities.
The Department of the Interior, comprising the eight bureaus listed at the right:
Bullet Manages 1 out of every 5 acres of land in the US.
Bullet Provides the resources for nearly one-third of the Nation's energy.
Bullet Works with 562 federally recognized Indian Tribes.
Bullet Administers U.S. responsibility to four overseas Territories.
Bullet Provides water to 31 million citizens through 824 dams and reservoirs.
Bullet Receives over 450 million visits each year to 388 units of the national park system, 544 wildlife refuges and vast areas of multiple use lands.
Bullet Provides opportunities for hunters and anglers, working to improve habitat on millions of acres of public and private lands.
Below are links to some DOI sites that may be of interest.
Water Science
BulletNez Perce Water Settlement
BulletSupply in the West
BulletAstrogeology at USGS
Land Wildlife
BulletParks/Refuges/BLM Lands
BulletOffshore Lands/Volcanoes
BulletEndangered Species
BulletHabitats & Conservation
BulletWildlife Refuge Centennial
BulletDuck Stamps
Communities InfoLinks
BulletSpecial Trustee
BulletIndian Trust
BulletTerritories and Islands
DOI Partnerships
BulletAmerica's National Parks
Bureau of Reclamation
Reclamation Commissioner John Keys has announced more than $1.6 million for 15 desalination cooperative research agreements. more
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Secretary Gale Norton has announced that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will award more than $13 million in grants to 10 states to conserve, restore and protect coastal wetlands. more
National Park Service
President George W. Bush has signed into law a plan to create the new Lewis & Clark National Historical Park by incorporating state parks in Washington and Oregon along with the current Fort Clatsop National Memorial Park. more
Bureau of Indian Affairs
President George W. Bush has signed into law a measure that will reform American Indian probate rules and will help facilitate the consolidation of Indian land ownership across the nation. more
bulletStrengthening the Circle Report
Bureau of Land Management
Assistant Secretary Rebecca Watson has announced a new policy designed to encourage the development of solar energy resources on America's public lands.more
U.S. Geological Survey
Dr. David R. Anderson, a recently-retired USGS senior scientist, has received the highest honor bestowed by The Wildlife Society -- the 2004 Aldo Leopold Memorial Award and Medal. more
Minerals Management Service
More than $1.24 billion was distributed to 36 states during FY 2004 as part of their share of federal revenues collected by MMS. more
Office of Surface Mining
OSM has awarded a major Watershed Cooperative Agreement grant to Garrett County, Maryland Community Action Committee to address acid-mine drainage in the area. more

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Department of the Interior Department of the Interior Department of the Interior