purple cat's paw pearlymussel:  photo by Tom Watters

What's New?

Red BulletGray Wolf Eastern Distinct Population Segment

Red BulletWhooping Crane Reintroduction Project- Fall Migration Underway

Red BulletHungerford's Crawling Water Beetle Draft Recovery Plan

Red BulletScaleshell Mussel Draft Recovery Plan

Red BulletTopeka Shiner Critical Habitat Designated

Red BulletHiggins' eye Pearlymussel Recovery Plan

Minnesota dwarf trout lily

Endangered Species Act
(information on how the Act works)
Red BulletFrequently Asked QuestionsRed BulletGlossaryRed BulletGrants
Habitat Conservation PlansRed BulletListingRed BulletPermitsRed Bullet
RecoveryRed BulletStatus Assessment Guidance Red BulletS7 Consultation

Photo of Dwarf Lake Iris

Species Lists and Information
(species on these lists are linked to more information)
Red Bullet Species of Concern in Region 3
Red BulletCandidate Species in Region 3
Red BulletThreatened, Endangered, Proposed, and Candidate Species in Region 3
Red BulletState and County Distribution of Threatened, Endangered, Proposed and Candidate Species in Region 3
Red BulletExtinct Species in Region 3
Red BulletFact Sheets and Other Available ESA Information

Photo of Karner Blue Butterfly

(Endangered Species Activities and Information)
Red BulletBald Eagle Red BulletCanada Lynx Red BulletCerulean Warbler

Red BulletDakota Skipper Red BulletFreshwater MusselsRed BulletGray Wolf
Red BulletHiggins' Eye PearlymusselRed BulletHungerford's Crawling Water Beetle
Red BulletIndiana Bat Red BulletKarner Blue Butterfly
Red BulletKirtland's WarblerRed BulletPiping Plover
Red BulletUpper Mississippi and Missouri River Species Red BulletWhooping Crane

For more information on rare and declining species and communities see NatureServe Explorer

Conservation International Press Release (Oct. 14, 2004): Amphibians in Dramatic Decline: Up to 122 Extinct Since 1980

The Endangered Species Act: Thirty Years on the Ark By Jeff Curtis and Bob Davison - An article about "...why the law was enacted, how the law works, and why it is important."


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Phone: 612/713-5360
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U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Red Bullet Region 3 Home
National U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Endangered Species Home

Region 3 Activities by State:
Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Michigan | Minnesota | Missouri | Ohio | Wisconsin

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Division of Endangered Species
BHW Federal Building
1 Federal Drive
Fort Snelling, Minnesota 55111-4056