How to read this document

Please note that this document is organized a little differently than the draft verson is. We received numerous comments on the graphics (especially maps) not printing very well. Most all of the maps are nowavailable in both .gif and in "Portable Document Format" or .pdf format. To view the .pdf versions you will need the latest version of Acrobat Reader (3.0 is downloadable free) which includes a PDFViewer plugin for browsers. If you ran the Acrobat Reader Installer, the Acrobat Reader plug-in should have been automatically installed in your browsers Plug-In folder. You may need to set the Viewer application as the helper application for the application/pdf MIME Type in your browser.

IMPORTANT: Our server is set up to deliver .pdf format files a single page at a time. However, your reader must also be set up correctly to do this. Open the reader application and make sure under "General Preference" that you have "Allow Background Download of the Entire File" NOT checked. As you step through the .pdf document (such as those used for the comments in Section V as soon as it is available) your browser will request individual pages at a time instead of the entire document. If you are not ready to view the .pdf versions of the figures note how the links are set up for the "small" and "large" versions of the image:

(Fig.II.C.1)(1200K PDF)

The first set of parens encloses the link to the .gif version "read small" and the
second set of parens encloses the link to the .pdf file "this one quite large."

Also new to this edition is the use of a document-wide search engine. Enter key words into the search field. The search engine will compare them to an index of all pages of the document and return all of the ones that contain at least one of the terms. When it returns the result, pages will be ranked from most relevant to least relevant.

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