BLM - ALASKA Frontiers

BLM-Alaska Frontiers issues are in .pdf (Portable Document Format) for easy viewing on/offline.
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BLM-Alaska Frontiers is published quarterly in March, June, September and December.

Current Issues
Issue 93 Fall 2004

In this issue:Our biggest fire season ever * White Mountains blackened * Alpine Final EIS * Alphabet Hills * RAC'in in Unalakleet * Recordable Disclaimers * State news roundup

Issue 92 Summer 2004

In this issue:Northwest Lease Sale Nets $53.9 million* Alaska's "Lewis and Clark"* Doin the Dalton* 125 miles or 125 miles* Cleaning Umiat* State news roundup

Issue 91 Winter 2003-4

In this issue: BLM finalizes plan for Northwest NPR-A* Ultimate Challenge* Iditarod NHT turns 25* Northern dinosaurs* Fire season wrapup* Advisory Council Expands* State news roundup

Issue 90 Fall 2003

In this issue: BLM launches bold plans to finish land transfers by 2009* Northern Exposure* Sleepless in Tozitna* Who's 100* Border cleanup* For the birds* State news round-up

Back Issues

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These pages are maintained in Anchorage at the:
U.S.D.I. Bureau of Land Management
Alaska State Office
222 W. 7th Ave., #13
Anchorage Alaska 99513
(907) 271-5960
Created: March 5, 2003
Updated: October 13, 2004