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Campbell Creek Science Center Logo

Welcome to the Campbell Creek Science Center

The Backyard Discoveries Program invites you to discover the wonder in your back yard.

The Interpretive Naturalist Certification Program of Alaska is a cooperative venture among Anchorage-area organizations to train local citizens to become better naturalists, interpreters, environmental educators, or non-formal science teachers.

     INCPA logo

The Campbell Creek Science Center is operated by the Bureau of Land Management (U.S. Department of the Interior) with assistance from its many partners and Volunteers. The Center is available for use by local school children, teachers, parents, clubs and organizations for classes, meetings and for conferences on subjects related to natural resources. Reservations are required and fees are charged to help defray operating costs. Individuals can use the library for self-study at no charge during normal operating hours if there is no conflict with scheduled classes. Please refer to our location map.

For further information: Campbell Creek Science Center, 6881 Abbott Loop Road, Anchorage, AK 99507-2599


Who to Contact: Telephone: Email:
Campbell Creek Science Center Reservations:
Reception Desk (907) 267-1247                       
Jeff Brune, Supervisory Program Administrator (907) 267-1255
Douglas Ballou, Outdoor Recreation Planner (907) 267-1245
Brad Muir, Outdoor Recreation Technician (907) 267-1278
Van Waggoner, Wildlife Biologist (907) 267-1225
Luise Woelflein, Educational Program Coordinator (907) 267-1269


CCSC 2004-2005 calendar

Notice: The photograph of the snowshoe hare
used in the CCSC calendar above is copyrighted
© 2004 Patrick J. Endres/
All Rights Reserved.

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Bureau of Land Management,
Anchorage Field Office
6881 Abbott Loop Road
Anchorage, AK 99507-2599

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Last updated: September 17, 2004
