BLM Information

The Bureau of Land Management


BLM Logo

Last updated: 01/12/01

nprpeop2.gif (11004 bytes) Conversations with AMERICA is a White House initiative to engage customers in conversations about improving Government service. The initiative is part of the National Partnership for Reinventing Government (NPR). It builds on the steps to improve customer service outlined in the President's Executive Order of September 11, 1993 entitled "Setting Customer Service Standards." You can read more about this national initiative by clicking here.


BLM's Electronic Conversations

BLM's External Customer Surveys

The following external customer surveys are completed and available on the Internet:


BLM's Public Meetings

Resource Advisory Councils (RACs)

The Bureau of Land Management has 23 Resource Advisory Councils throughout the West that provide citizen advice and recommendations regarding management of public land resources within their geographic areas. RACs comprise a full array of interests associated with the public lands and bring a balanced and practical approach to reaching consensus on diverse issues. All Resource Advisory Council meetings are open to the public. (Stay tuned for an updated schedule of upcoming RAC meetings.)


BLM's Comment Cards


Last Updated: December 1, 1999

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