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Experts answer the energy questions you've been asking.

  Question:  How dependent is the U.S. on foreign oil?  Our experts say...
  Question:  Can I tell which country the gasoline at my local station comes from?  Our experts say...
  Question:  How many retail gasoline stations are there in the U.S.?  Our experts say...
  Question:  What are the differences between various types of crude oil prices?   Our experts say...
  Question:  What are the products and uses of petroleum?  Our experts say...
  Question:  How many gallons of gasoline does one barrel of oil make?  Our experts say...
  Question:  Does EIA calculate diesel fuel surcharges?  Our experts say...
  Question:  How do I convert fuels from one unit of measure to another (for example, gallons to barrels)?   Our experts say...
  Question:  How much electricity does a typical nuclear power plant generate?  Our experts say...
  Question:  How much electricity does a typical American home use?  Our experts say...
  Question:  How much energy does a person use in a year?  Our experts say...
  Question:  What are the top 10 natural gas producing states?  Our experts say...
  Question:  I need general information on specific energy topics.  Do you have information sheets that can help me?   Our experts say...

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