The Senate Republican Majority...Moving America Forward
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Floor Calendar for Wednesday, October 6, 2004
The Intelligence Reform bill
The Senate will convene at 9:30am for a period of morning business for up to 30 minutes. The Senate will then resume consideration of S. 2845, the Intelligence Reform bill, with all the time equally divided prior to 11:30am. At 11:30am the Senate will proceed to a series of stacked votes on amendments to the bill in order of their offering.
Senators should expect roll call votes throughout the day.

Wrap Up:
HR 1417 CARP
S 2796 Trademark
S 1134 EDA Reauthorization
HR 4850 - Conf. Rep. to DC Appropriations
HR 2608 - Earthquake Hazards Reductions
S. Res. 450 - Legal Counsel
HR 854 - Belarus
S. 2864 - Family Farmer Bankruptcy Extension
PN1790 - LaFleur
PN 1825 - Pascoe
PN 1991 - Crocker
PN 1992 - Ries
PN 1952 - Career Foreign Service List
PN 1881 - Bailey
PN 1880 - Menarchik
PN 1840 - Morales
PN 1829 and PN 1830 - Pierson