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Interoperable MPI

National Institute of Standards and Technology

IMPI is an industrial-led effort to create a standard to enable interoperability of different implementations of the Message Passing Interface (MPI). The first steering committee meeting was held on March 4, 1997. The first complete version the IMPI protocols was voted on and agreed to in January 2000 by the participating vendors.

The complete IMPI protocol specification has been published in the May-June 2000 issue of the Journal of Research of NIST as an appendix to a short introductory article on IMPI. The IMPI protocol specification is also available here in PostScript and gzipped PostScript form. You can view an HTML version of the standard on-line, or download this html version in a gzipped tar file.

An errata is maintained for the IMPI specification (last updated March 26, 2003).

Available IMPI enabled MPI libraries:

LAM is also providing a portable version of the IMPI server (impiexec -server).

The IMPI Test Tool has been developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology to provide IMPI developers a means to test their conformance to the IMPI standard.

NIST is also facilitating the development of the IMPI standard by coordinating steering committee meetings. The IMPI team at NIST is:

For more information about IMPI, please contact Judith E. Devaney.