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Working Group
Steve Langer
Andrew Reid
Edwin Garcia
Seung-Ill Haan
Craig Carter
Ed Fuller
Andy Roosen

Welcome to OOF

Newsflash! OOF2 is now available for beta testing! Download it from the OOF2 web page.

A micrograph of a thermal barrier coating Materials assigned in ppm2oof

Start with a micrograph...

... select features in the image and assign material properties to them...

schematic of a virtual experiment image of stresses in the thermal barrier coating

... then perform a virtual experiment...

... and measure and visualize the internal stresses.

What is it?

OOF is designed to help materials scientists calculate macroscopic properties from images of real or simulated microstructures. It is composed of two cooperating parts: ppm2oof and oof. ppm2oof reads images in the ppm (Portable Pixel Map) format and assigns material properties to features in the image. oof conducts virtual experiments on the data structures created by ppm2oof to determine the macroscopic properties of the microstructure. Currently, the programs calculate stresses and strains, but someday we hope to include thermal, electric, and magnetic field calculations.

The programs are written in C++ and Python and benefit from an object-oriented design. The underlying numerical solutions rely on finite element technology. Hence the name OOF, for object-oriented finite element analysis.


There are now three separate versions of OOF available. OOF2 is available for beta testing at the OOF2 page, and two versions of OOF1 are still available on the download page. The original version of OOF1 solves elasticity problems. The thermal version solves elasticity and thermal diffusion problems. OOF2 solves all these and more (eventually).

A program to convert OOF1 data files to ABAQUS input files is available on the OOF2ABAQUS page.


The development status of OOF1 is Minimal Maintenance. The status of OOF2 is Active Development.


Information on how to join the OOF mailing list or contact the authors can be found on our mailing list page.

Please! Send us reprints, links and references to work you are doing with OOF. Also, if you would like to write us shameless praise for our program, we'll happily forward it to our managers...

Industry Week logo

OOF was named one of the top 25 Technologies of the Year by Industry Week magazine in December 1999.

NIST is an agency of the U.S. Commerce Department's Technology Administration

Last updated: Sep 23, 2004