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The United States Mint Web Site Statistics
Total Visitors to the United States Mint Home Page
June 1, 2003 - May 31, 2004
Latest Web Statistics
Total Visits
Average Visits Per Day Average Visit Length
31,329 00:08:15

  Total Visitors Per Month Average Visitors Per Day Per Month Average Length of Visit Per Month
January 1,040,135 33,552 8:23
February 916,428 31,600 8:03
March 1,197,372 38,624 8:29
April 1,149,687 38,322 10:24
May 1,126,226 36,329 7:55
June 906,323 30,210 7:36
July 821,913 26,513 8:19
August 822,538 26,533 7:32
September 825,326 27,510 7:44
October 915,717 29,539 8:22
November 884,530 29,484 8:07
December 859,551 27,727 8:11
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Jun 16, 2004