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Polymers Main Page > Research Area 2003

Characterization and Measurement

The Characterization and Measurement Group provides standards, reference data, and measurements needed by industry, government agencies, and the scientific and technical communities for synthesis, processing and use of polymeric materials. Activities include developing new measurement techniques, data analysis algorithms, and theoretical models to support polymer materials characterization, quality control, process development, and performance. The group works closely with the other groups in the Polymers Division by providing technical support for ongoing programs throughout the division...........
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Electronics Materials

Today's U.S. microelectronics and supporting infrastructure industries are in fierce international competition to design and produce new smaller, lighter, faster, more functional, and more reliable electronics products more quickly and economically than ever before.....
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The Biomaterials Group provides basic materials science, engineering, test methods, and standards to sectors of the health care industry for the development of new or improved materials and delivery systems. The work of the group focuses on (1) evaluation of synthetic materials (biomaterials) used to replace or restore function to a body tissue and (2) development of improved dental restorative materials with greater durability, wear resistance and clinical acceptability......
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Processing Characterization

Our research seeks to advance the understanding and control of polymeric materials under flow through the use and development of advanced measurement technology. The motivation behind our effort is two-fold:.....
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Multivariant Measurement Methods

New, more complex materials are increasingly in demand for applications in areas such as biotechnology, microelectronics and nanotechnology. The use of combinatorial methods -- which comprise a special set of tools and techniques -- enables scientists to rapidly explore a wide range of material characteristics in parallel and on a miniaturized scale. The Combinatorial Methods Program at NIST was initiated to develop this methodology to learn more about materials and their structure, properties and processing, data that can help manufacturers accelerate the development of new materials. The Multivariant Measurement Methods group is developing this methodology to learn more about polymeric materials and their structure, properties and processing, data that can help manufacturers accelerate the development of new materials for the U.S. polymer industry.
More information on Multivariant Measurement Methods group
NIST Materials Science & Engineering Laboratory - Polymers Division

Research Area 2003
bullet Characterization & Measurement
bullet Electronics Materials
bullet Biomaterials
bullet Processing Characterization
bullet Multivariant Measurement Methods
  macromolecules grapic