Polymer division banner NCMC Homepage NIST link
      Working collaboratively to accelerate the discovery and application of new materials


bullet icon View the Polymers Division FY 2003 Annual Report


bullet icon NCMC Member Webpages 

bullet icon Focused Projects  
Research projects available with a higher level of participation in the NCMC
  • High Throughput Methods of Measuring Interfacial Tension
  • High Throughput Methods for the Evaluation of Adhesive Properties
  • Integrated Modular Measurement Platform for High Throughput Rheology,
    Stability, and Film Properties of Polymer Solutions and Blends
bullet icon Calendar of Events

Details on upcoming NCMC meetings - NCMC-6 Agenda Updated!

bullet icon Combinatorial Informatics  
view the thin film flow coater system at NIST    
bullet icon NCMC Staff   
Biographies and accomplishments of the NCMC research team
bullet icon Laboratory Snapshots
View the laboratory facilities available at NIST
bullet icon NCMC Workshop Archives
Collection of past NCMC meetings
bullet icon  NCMC Members
 A consortium of industry, universities and national laboratories



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NIST Materials Science & Engineering Laboratory - Polymers Division


Contact Person:

Michael J. Fasolka



(301) 975 8526

NRC Postdoctoral Positions

Opportunities exist for postdoctoral   

positions in the Materials Science and

Engineering Laboratory

(U.S. residents only) 

MSEL Information

Details and Application

The NIST Center for Theoretical and Computational Materials Science
Visit the CTCMS website to learn more

NCMC Information Flyer

combi flyer page 1 image

combi flyer page 2 image

Last updated: June 28, 2004
Contact: combi@nist.gov