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Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS) for In-Situ Chemical Imaging of Tissue Engineering Constructs

Design issues relating to bioactive devices for regenerative medicine reflect the spatial and chemical complexity of biological and materials issues and their interactions. Tools developed for the purpose of aiding understanding of these systems must have sufficient discriminatory power to sort out this complexity. We have introduced a relatively simple broadband spectroscopic microscopy based on CARS that can be used to rapidly acquire volumetric, chemically-specific images with submicrometer resolution.
Marcus T. Cicerone

Biological research in general could be significantly aided by a high-resolution, chemically sensitive volumetric imaging method that allows rapid, non-invasive study of processes on the tissue, cellular and sub-cellular levels. The need for such a method is particularly acute in the field of tissue engineering, where cycles of cell-seeding and analysis can take months. Standard analysis methods are labor intensive and destructive, so that multiple endpoint studies must be performed and temporal correlation assumed. Non-invasive micro-spectroscopic imaging could alleviate many problems associated with the evaluation of tissue scaffolds both by allowing continuity of analysis on a single scaffold construct, and by maintaining spatio-temporal information.
Our vision is the creation of a non-invasive microscopic imaging technique that rapidly discriminate between an arbitrary number of chemically distinct structures or species in a spatially resolved way within a biological system. We envision that this would be done without staining or otherwise intrusively manipulating the system. We expect that such a microscopy tool would have a significant impact on the way in-vitro tissue-engineering studies are carried out.
While our vision may sound fanciful, the basis for such powerful and generally applicable chemical discrimination was established many decades ago via vibrational spectroscopy. Our contribution has been to marry broadband vibrational spectroscopy, with its inherent chemical resolving power, to a nonlinear, multiphoton microscopy (CARS microscopy), which has already been demonstrated to have significant utility for non-invasively imaging biological systems, even in the absence of significant chemical resolving power.
Microscopic coherence anti-Stokes Raman scattering (µCARS) can answer important imaging needs of the biological research community, including relative non-invasiveness, rapidity, and chemical specificity. CARS provides chemical specificity through its intrinsic sensitivity to molecular vibrational transitions. CARS is sensitive to the third order polarizability, ?(3), which has nonresonant and resonant components, the latter being related to the Raman scattering cross section. mCARS therefore uses Raman (vibrational) susceptibility as a contrast mechanism, but is approximately 103 more efficient than spontaneous Raman scattering.
Figure 1: Energy level diagram for single frequency CARS process (solid vertical arrows) and broadband CARS (solid and dashed vertical arrows).
Figure 1: Energy level diagram for single frequency CARS process (solid vertical arrows) and broadband CARS (solid and dashed vertical arrows).
The solid vertical lines of Figure 1 represent transitions made by molecules in the "classic" CARS scheme. Molecules in a sample of interest are promoted to a specific energy E = h (wp - wS), where wp and wS are the frequencies of the near infrared pump and Stokes light pulses, respectively, and h is h/2p where h is Planck's constant. If that energy corresponds to a particular excited vibrational state in the molecule, that state is populated. A subsequent probe photon (also wp) promotes the vibrationally exited molecule to another (higher) virtual state, from which it relaxes and emits an anti-Stokes photon at a specific frequency, waS. The flux of anti-Stokes photons detected is proportional to the number of molecules initially prepared in the targeted vibrationally excited state. To date, this "classic" mCARS scheme has been used to acquire only single-frequency or narrowband (200 cm-1) vibrational information, and thus, chemical specificity is limited to only one or two species simultaneously.
We have developed, and demonstrated for the first time, a CARS microscope that yields vibrational spectra over a 2500 cm-1 range. This method can give chemically specific information for multiple species simultaneously. Furthermore, information about subtle changes in such things as metabolic state or phenotype of cells, which are of interest when considering cell-scaffold interactions, can be extracted from these broadband vibrational spectra.
Figure 1 illustrates that the key to increased bandwidth of vibrational sensitivity in CARS is an increased bandwidth of the Stokes light. As our Stokes light source, we have used continuum light generated from ultrafast light pulses passed through a tapered optical fiber. Our apparatus uses the 785 nm output of a Ti:Sapphire oscillator (200 mW, 76MHz, 150 fs pulses) fed into a tapered nonlinear fiber, 9 mm long with a 2 mm diameter waist to create a continuum that spans the wavelength range (500 nm to 1100 nm). A spectrally narrow portion of the same oscillator output is used for the pump and probe light.
Figure 2a is a first demonstration of this method; it is an image of a tertiary polymer containing equal parts of polystyrene (PS), poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET); the polymer blend was annealed at 250 °C for 120 s, then melt-pressed at this temperature. Spatially-resolved spectra were obtained by broadband mCARS, and pseudo-colors were assigned to each pixel based on the primary polymer component - red, green, and yellow for PMMA, PS, and PET respectively. The reference spectra used for identification are plotted in Figure 2b, with an arbitrary vertical shift applied for clarity.
The primary polymer component within an image pixel (i.e., the pixel "identity") was determined as follows. First, the CARS spectra from the image and the reference spectra were systematically normalized by the nonresonant background. Next, a dot product was calculated between the spectrum belonging to the pixel in question and the sections of each reference spectrum enclosed by the hatched boxes in Figure 2b. The dot product yielding the greatest value of the three determined the assigned polymer identity for that pixel. The reference spectra sections were amplitude-scaled such that a dot product of each with itself gave the same value. Using this procedure, we could assign a polymer identity to each pixel with a standard uncertainty of 0.01.
Figure 2: Panel a: Pseudo-color image, generated with broadband CARS microscopy, of phase-separated polymer blend including equal parts of PMMA, PS, and PET. The colors red, green and yellow correspond to PMMA, PS, and PET respectively. Panel b: Reference spectra used for computing dot products with spectra from each pixel in panel a. The hatched boxes indicate spectral regions that were used for computing dot products (see text for discussion).
Figure 2: Panel a: Pseudo-color image, generated with broadband CARS microscopy, of phase-separated polymer blend including equal parts of PMMA, PS, and PET. The colors red, green and yellow correspond to PMMA, PS, and PET respectively. Panel b: Reference spectra used for computing dot products with spectra from each pixel in panel a. The hatched boxes indicate spectral regions that were used for computing dot products (see text for discussion).
An account of this work has been accepted for publication in Optics Letters. We will also report on the new method at the 2004 "Vibrational Spectroscopy" and "Biomedical Imaging" Gordon Research Conferences (2004), and the August 2004 American Chemical Society National Meeting.
We gratefully acknowledge Dr. Lee Richter for his interest and input. We also thank Dr. John Lawall and Dr. Tsvetelina Petrova for helpful guidance with regards to continuum generation. This work was funded in part by NIH Grant # 1 R21 EB002468-01.

For More Information on this Topic
Tak W. Kee (Polymers Division, NIST)
NIST Material Science & Engineering Laboratory - Polymers Division