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Polymers Division - Out from under the Radar

Counterion and Polyelectrolyte Dynamics as viewed by Neutron Spin Echo Spectroscopy
Polyelectrolytes differ in chain dynamics and equilibrium structure from neutral polymers due to the presence of long-ranged electrostatic interactions. This manifests as strong interactions in solutions for both synthetic and bio-polymers as observed by aggregation and multi-mode relaxations. Describing these relaxations requires new experimental methods to test current theories and simulations....
Self-Organization of Supramolecular Helical Dendrimers into Complex Electronic Materials

Measurement of material structure supports a collaborative optoelectronic material research effort
The discovery of electrically conducting organic crystals and polymers has widened the range of potential optoelectronic materials, provided they exhibit sufficiently high charge carrier mobilities and are easy to make and process. Organic single crystals have high charge carrier mobilities but are usually impractical because they are difficult to process, whereas polymers have good processability but low mobilities. Liquid crystals exhibit mobilities approaching those of single crystals and are suitable for applications, but demanding fabrication and processing methods limit their use. We have shown that the self-assembly of fluorinated tapered dendrons can drive the formation of supramolecular liquid crystals with promising optoelectronic properties from a wide range of organic donor and acceptor moieties....

NIST Material Science & Engineering Laboratory - Polymers Division