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The Characterization and Measurement Group provides standards, reference data, and measurements needed by industry, government agencies, and the scientific and technical communities for synthesis, processing, and use of polymeric materials. Activities include developing new measurement techniques, data analysis algorithms, and theoretical models to support polymer materials characterization, quality control, process development, and performance. The group works closely with the other groups in the Polymers Division by providing technical support for ongoing programs throughout the Division.
The Electronics Materials Group provides standard measurements and data, develops and applies in situ measurements on materials and material assemblies having micrometer- and submicrometer-scale dimensions, quantifies the divergence of material properties from their bulk values as dimensions are reduced and interfaces contribute strongly to properties, and develops fundamental understanding of materials needed in future semiconductor electronics applications. The goal of this group is to be the key resource within the Federal Government for materials metrology development for commercial semiconductor electronics manufacturing.
The Biomaterials Group provides basic materials science, engineering, test methods, and standards to sectors of the health care industry for the development of new or improved materials and delivery systems with a strong emphasis on tissue engineering and related technologies. Whereas current medical implants are engineered to be biologically inert, the goal of tissue engineering is to utilize our understanding of tissue repair processes to design advanced medical devices that promote regeneration.
The Processing Characterization Group advances the understanding and control of polymeric materials under flow through the use and development of advanced measurement technology. Through fundamental measurements of rheological phenomena, methods can be developed to control the flow and the properties of the final product. Many of the projects in this Group are conducted in collaboration with industrial partners, which range in size from start-up companies to large multi-national corporations.
The Multivariant Measurement Methods Group develops cost-effective combinatorial and high-throughput methodologies for polymer materials science, which enable scientists to rapidly explore a wide range of material characteristics in parallel and often on a miniaturized scale. These methodologies allow one to learn more about polymeric materials and their structure, properties and processing, data that can help manufacturers accelerate the development of new materials for the U.S. polymer industry. The group works closely to address issues of the Electronics Materials and Biomaterials Groups for their structure and properties characterization, and co-ordinates the NIST Combinatorial Methods Center, a multi-tier consortium which directly serves the needs of industrial, academic, and government customers.
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Characterization and Measurement Group
Polymers Division
Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory

NIST Polymers Division Logo