Cataloging (Library of Congress) Cataloging Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
About the Cataloging Directorate - Search Online Catalogs
Programs & Services - Publications & Newsletters
Reports & Proceedings - Related Products & Services

 NEW! New in Cataloging NEW!
Powerpoint presentation from ALA Annual Conference on LC's TrackER system for electronic resources
Strategic Plan report: Recommendations for Modes of Cataloging for Electronic Resources
Video of the memorial service for Cinder Johanson (93 minutes)
Cataloging Directorate Strategic Plan
Fiscal Year 2003 Annual Report for the Cataloging Directorate
Results of the Cataloging Service Bulletin Survey.
LC Portals Applications Interest Group
Mosaic by Elihu Vedder
The Cataloging Directorate's mission is to provide innovative and effective bibliographic control of the Library's collections and leadership to the library and information communities in the development of cataloging theory and practice.

About the Cataloging Directorate

Library of Congress Cataloging Policy and Practice

Cataloging Policy and Support Office (CPSO) Home Page
Available at this site: News on changes or proposed changes in cataloging policy and practice at the Library, as well as cataloging tools and documentation, information on name authorities, subject headings (including weekly lists of new and changed subject headings), and the Library of Congress Classification.
Search the Library's Online Catalogs
Library of Congress Online Catalog
Search catalog records representing the vast collection of materials held by the Library including books, microforms, serials, cartographic items, music, visual materials (films, filmstrips, posters, prints, photographs), computer files, and manuscripts. In addition to these records, the LC Online Catalog provides cross references, notes, and circulation status, as well as information about materials still in the acquisitions stage.

Forms-based Search of the Library of Congress Files
Search the LC database or other library catalogs by using a WWW search form and Z39.50 technology.

LC Authorities searching on the Web
Search all Library of Congress authority records for names, titles, series, and subject terms used in cataloging records.

Cataloging Programs and Services

Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC)
PCC is an international cooperative effort aimed at expanding access to library collections by providing useful, timely, and cost-effective cataloging that meets mutually-accepted standards of libraries around the world.

National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections (NUCMC)
NUCMC is a free-of-charge cooperative cataloging program operated by the Library of Congress. NUCMC catalogers create MARC bibliographic records to describe collections held by participants, and establish pertinent name and subject authority headings.

Cooperative Program for Serials Cataloging (CONSER)
CONSER is a cooperative online serials cataloging program, a source of high quality bibliographic records and documentation for the cataloging of serials.

Serial Record Division
The Serial Record Division has broad responsibility for the processing and bibliographic control of the Library's serials. The Serial Record is the nation's largest serials file, including approximately 900,000 serial entries. Of these, 150,000 titles are estimated to be current receipts. Over 20,000 new entries are added to the file each year.

Information for Publishers
Contact information for obtaining an International Standard Book Number (ISBN), the U.S International Standard Serials Number (ISSN) Center Home Page, and descriptions of the Preassigned Card Number and Cataloging in Publication programs.

The Bibliographic Enrichment Advisory Team (BEAT)
BEAT is charged with the development and implementation of initiatives to develop tools to aid catalogers, reference specialists, and searchers in creating and locating information, seeks to enrich the content of Library of Congress bibliographic records as well as improve access to the data the records contain, and conducts research and development in areas that can contribute to furthering these efforts.

Publications and Newsletters

LC Cataloging Newsline (LCCN)
LC Cataloging Newsline is the electronic journal of the Cataloging Directorate. Articles are selected on the basis of interest to the broader cataloging community.
LCCN back issues

CONSERline is the electronic journal of the CONSER program, the Cooperative Online Serials program administered at the Library of Congress.
CONSERline Home Page

Reports and Conference Proceedings

Fiscal Year 1999 Annual Report for the Cataloging Directorate

Fiscal Year 2000 Annual Report for the Cataloging Directorate

Fiscal Year 2001 Annual Report for the Cataloging Directorate

Fiscal Year 2002 Annual Report for the Cataloging Directorate

LC Report from the 2001 MLA/MOUG meeting in PDF format or WordPerfect8 format

LC Report from the 2002 MLA/MOUG meeting in PDF format or WordPerfect8 format


Other Reports and Papers

Related Products and Services Outside the Cataloging Directorate

Cataloging Distribution Service (CDS)
CDS develops and markets products and services which provide access to Library of Congress resources. You can order CDS products from the Complete Catalog of Bibliographic Products and Services which is searchable by title or subject.

MARC Home Page
The MARC formats are standards for the representation and communication of bibliographic and related information in machine-readable form.
Test link for indexing table of contents data.
Test link for indexing publisher description data. Counter

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