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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
Division of Energy Assistance/OCS/ACF

LIHEAP Grantee Surveys for Federal Fiscal Years (FFYs) 1999 and 2000

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NO. LIHEAP-AT-2001-2, DATED 1/19/01

               STATE GRANTEES

SUBJECT:       LIHEAP Grantee Surveys for Federal Fiscal
               Years (FFYs) 1999 and 2000.

RELATED        Low Income Home Energy Assistance Act, Title XXVI
REFERENCES:    of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981,
               Public Law 97-35, as amended; ACF Annual Grantee
               Survey of the LIHEAP Program, as approved by OMB
               (OMB Control No. 0970-0076; Expiration Date - June
               30, 2001); LIHEAP Information Memorandum 98-17,
               dated April 21, 1998.

PURPOSE:       To request that State LIHEAP grantees
               complete voluntarily the enclosed LIHEAP Grantee
               Surveys for FFY 1999 and FFY 2000.  The timeliness
               of the data are very important in responding to
               questions from Congress and the White House,
               especially in light of the recent price increases
               in home energy and harsh weather.  The timeliness
               of this information also is important in
               completing our annual LIHEAP Reports to Congress.
               Please send the completed surveys to our office by
               February 21, 2001.

BACKGROUND:    We have collected information on the sources and
               uses of funds obligated by the States for various
               LIHEAP activities since FFY 1982.  We collect this
               information through our voluntary LIHEAP Grantee
               Survey.  The Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
               has approved the use of this Survey through June 30,
               2001, under OMB Control Number 0970-0076.

               We conducted the LIHEAP Grantee Surveys
               for FFY 1996, 1997, and 1998 in the fall of 1998.
               However, limited staff resources have delayed our
               compiling and reporting the data from these
               Surveys.  Limited staff resources also have
               delayed our conducting the LIHEAP Grantee Surveys
               for FFY 1999 and 2000.  We plan to get back on
               schedule by:

               o collecting final estimates of sources and uses of funds for
                 FFY 1999 and FFY 2000 now and

               o conducting our next LIHEAP Grantee Survey in the summer of
                 2001 when we will ask for preliminary estimates of sources and
                 uses of LIHEAP funds for FFY 2001.

               The LIHEAP Grantee Survey for FFY 1999 and FFY
               2000 are very similar to the surveys for FFY 1996,
               FFY 1997, and FFY 1998.  The main exception is
               that States no longer will report separately on
               the uses of LIHEAP leveraging funds.

CONTENT:       Attached are your State's LIHEAP Grantee
               Surveys for FFY 1999 and FFY 2000, and the
               instructions for completing the Surveys.  We are
               asking for final estimates for both FFY 1999 and
               FFY 2000.  The surveys are individualized for your
               State, as we have preprinted the following
               information on the surveys for the appropriate

               o Your State's Federal block grant allotments (net of Indian
                 set-asides), net emergency contingency funds, net reallotted
                 funds, and net leveraging incentive award funds for FFY 19991 and
                 FFY 2000,2 as appropriate.

               o Your State's estimate on the carry over of  FFY 1998 funds
                 to FFY 1999 that your State reported on the LIHEAP Grantee Survey
                 for FFY 1998.

               o Your State's estimate of FFY 1998 LIHEAP leveraging funds to
                 be obligated in FFY 1999.

               Expediting the Survey Process

               Your State's LIHEAP Grantee Surveys can
               be e-mailed to your office as a Microsoft Excel
               1997 spreadsheet. Please contact Leon Litow if you
               would like to receive the spreadsheet or need it
               in a different spreadsheet format, such as Quattro
               Pro or Lotus 123.  We would prefer for States to
               use the electronic spreadsheet if at all possible.
               The spreadsheet contains formulas that total the
               sources and uses of funds.  Also, the use of the
               spreadsheet expedites the survey process.

               Your attention to the points below will
               minimize our need to contact you for clarification
               or your survey responses.  This will enhance our
               timeliness to compile and report the survey's
               results.  To minimize the need for clarification
               after the surveys are submitted, we ask that you
               pay particular attention to the following points:

               o The estimated total Sources of Funds should equal the
                 estimated total Uses of Funds available for the Federal Fiscal
                 Year. Estimates of the Uses of Funds are to be based on the total
                 amount of funds available to your State's LIHEAP program for the
                 Federal Fiscal Year.

               o Uses of Funds represent a State's obligation of funds, not
                 expenditure of funds.  Block grant funds that are not obligated
                 by the end of the FFY are to be reported as funds carried over to
                 the following FFY.  (In some cases, obligated block grant funds
                 are not actually expended until after the end of the FFY.)

               o Keep in mind that there were 7 distributions of emergency
                 contingency funds in FFY 2000.

                 The first 4 distributions ($5 million
                 on 10/18/99, $45 million on 1/25/00, $130
                 million on 2/10/00, and $120 million on
                 2/16/00) were subject to all the terms and
                 conditions that normally apply to LIHEAP block
                 grant funds, including the requirement that at
                 least 90 percent of the funds be obligated in
                 the FFY in which they are awarded.  No more
                 than 10 percent of these funds may be carried
                 over for obligation in the following FFY.  The
                 funds awarded under distributions 1-4 of
                 emergency contingency funds should be added to
                 the allocation of block grant funds to
                 determine the 10 percent limit on the carryover
                 of the combined funds to the following FFY.

                 There were 3 additional releases of emergency
                 contingency funds (distributions 5-7) in FFY
                 2000-$35 million on 7/25/00, $2.6 million on
                 8/23/00, and $400 million on 9/23/00.  For
                 these releases, special terms and conditions
                 were attached that did not impose the normal
                 requirement that at least 90 percent of the
                 funds be obligated in the FFY in which they are
                 awarded.  Thus they are not subject to the 10
                 percent limit on carryover to the following
                 FFY, nor may they be added to the base on which
                 the carryover limit for the block grant funds
                 and the first 4 distributions of contingency
                 funds is calculated.  These funds must be
                 obligated by 9/30/01, or they must be returned
                 to the Federal government.  The funds available
                 under distributions 5-7 of emergency
                 contingency funds that will be obligated in FFY
                 2001 are to be reported in item 6 under Uses of
                 Funds for FY 2000.

               o Please exclude Department of Energy funds in response to the
                 LIHEAP weatherization assistance item.

               o Please review and respond to all items in the survey, as
                 appropriate.  The types of information requested are noted by the
                 following symbols: $0 for financial data or "?" for text
                 information such as listing the Source of other funds).  Do not
                 attempt to fill in the items where there are xxxxxx's.

               o Estimated uses of funds should not exceed the statutory caps
                 of 10 percent for administrative costs, 15 percent (25 percent
                 with waiver from HHS) for weatherization, and 10 percent for
                 carryover of unobligated funds (excluding emergency contingency
                 funds from Distributions 5-7 that were not obligated in FFY

               o Please complete the Surveys as completely and quickly as
                 possible.  Do not delay completing your State's Surveys until
                 better information is available. Estimated counts of obligated
                 funds are acceptable if actual counts of obligated funds are not

               It is very important for us to obtain confirmation
               that you have received your State's surveys.
               Please call (202-401-6527) or e-mail Katina Lawson
               ( by February 1, 2001 to
               confirm whether you received the surveys and
               instructions.  Katina has recently joined our
               office to work on surveys and related matters.
               She also will be helping our office catch up on
               the backlog of compiling and reporting program
               data.  Katina will follow up with those States
               that have not gotten back to her by February 1.
               Again, please send the completed surveys to our
               office by February 21, 2001.

INQUIRIES TO:  Leon Litow, Program Analyst
               Division of Energy Assistance
               Office of Community Services, ACF, HHS
               370 L'Enfant Promenade, S.W.
               Washington, D.C.  20447
               Telephone:  (202) 401-5304
               Fax:  (202) 401-5661

ATTACHMENTS:   (A) Your State's LIHEAP Grantee Surveys for FFY
               1999 and FFY 2000

               (B) Instructions for the LIHEAP Grantee Survey

                                   Janet M. Fox
                                   Division of Energy Assistance
                                   Office of Community Services

1 Item 1 under Sources of LIHEAP Funds for FFY 1999 includes each
State's LIHEAP net block grant allotments and each State's
portion of $2,207,431 in FY 1998 LIHEAP funds that were
reallocated in FY 1999.  The reallocation of funds was described
in LIHEAP-IM-99-17.
2 Item 1 under Sources of LIHEAP Funds for FFY 2000 excludes each
State's portion of $496,085 in FFY 1999 LIHEAP funds that were
reallocated in FFY 2000.  The reallocation of the FFY 1999 funds
was described in LIHEAP IM 2000-25, dated 9/8/00.  The reallocated
funds for FFY 2000 are preprinted separately in Item 2 under Sources
and Uses of LIHEAP Funds for FFY 2000.

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