Sample Report to the Council on Environmental Quality
on Cooperating Agency (CA) Status

March 1, 2002 to August 31, 2002

  1. Environmental Impact Statements:

  2. 1.

    (Title of EIS)    
    Potential CA (Name of potential CA)    
    Invited CA (Name of potential CA and basis – identify the jurisdiction by law or special expertise)    
    Agency Requesting CA Status (Name of potential CA and basis – identify the jurisdiction by law or special expertise)    
    CAs (Name of CA engaged in the EIS)    
    CA Status not Initiated or Ended (e.g., name of agency – reason status was not initiated or was ended – see examples listed below    
    Status of EIS (e.g., begun on mm/dd/yy; DEIS published mm/dd/yy; FEIS published mm/dd/yy; ROD published mm/dd/yy)    

    Examples of reasons CA status was not initiated or why it ended:

    1. Lack of special expertise – identify the expertise sought by the lead agency and/or offered by the potential cooperating agency).
    2. State, Tribal or local entity lacks authority to enter into an agreement to be a CA.
    3. Potential CA unable to agree to participate during scoping and/or throughout the preparation of the analysis and documentation as necessary and meet milestones established for completing the process.
    4. Potential or active CA unable or unwilling to identify significant issues, eliminate minor issues, identify issues previously studied, or identify conflicts with the objectives of regional, State and local land use plans, policies and controls in a timely manner.
    5. Potential or active CA unable or unwilling to assist in preparing portions of the review and analysis and resolving significant environmental issues in a timely manner.
    6. Potential or active CA unable or unwilling to provide resources to support scheduling and critical milestones.
    7. Agency unable or unwilling to consistently participate in meetings or respond in a timely fashion after adequate time for review of documents, issues and analyses.
    8. CA unwilling or unable to accept the lead agency's decisionmaking authority regarding the scope of the analysis, including authority to define the purpose and need for the proposed action or to develop information/analysis of alternatives they favor and disfavor.
    9. Agency unable or unwilling to provide data and rationale underlying the analyses or assessment of alternatives.
    10. Agency releases predecisional information (including working drafts) in a manner that undermines or circumvents the agreement to work cooperatively before publishing draft or final analyses and documents.
    11. Agency consistently misrepresents the process or the findings presented in the analysis and documentation.
    12. Other. Identify the other:


  3. Environmental Assessments:

    Number of EAs started during the reporting period  
    Number of EAs involving potential CAs  
    Number of EAs where agencies were invited to participate  
    Number of EAs where agencies requested CA status  
    Number of EAs where a CA status was not initiated or was ended for the reasons identified  
    Number of EAs involving CAs begun and ongoing during the reporting period  
    Number of EAs involving CAs begun and completed during the reporting period


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