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If you are holding, attending an event or know about a computer security conference, seminar, or workshop, and would like to see it posted on this page, please send e-mail about the event and an URL where we can link to webmaster-csrc@nist.gov  We will try to post the event on our page as long as it follows within our web policy.  Thanks.

Upcoming NIST Computer Security Division Events



Upcoming NIST Computer / Network Security Events:

October 6-7, 2004 : Common Criteria Users' Forum (CCUF)

Crowne Plaza Hotel located at 14th and K Street, NW, Washington, DC.
      NIST, with co-sponsorship from Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the National Cyber Security Partnership's Coordinating Committee, will hold a Common Criteria Users' Forum (CCUF) at Crowne Plaza Hotel located at 14th and K Street, NW, Washington, DC. The CCUF complement and supplements two studies that address issues related to the use of the Common Criteria and to the U.S. NIAP process that implements Common Criteria. These studies are: 1) the ongoing NIAP Review (sponsored by DoD & DHS) and 2) the completed National Cyber Security Partnership Technical Standards Task Force Report on Common Criteria. Common Criteria related stakeholders, including customers, vendors, Common Criteria evaluators and NIAP representatives, are invited to attend the Common Criteria Users' Forum.

April 19-21, 2005 : 4th Annual PKI R&D Workshop: Multiple Paths to Trust

NIST, Green Auditorium, Gaithersburg, Maryland
     This workshop considers the full range of public key technology used for security decisions and supporting functionalities, including authentication, authorization, identity (syndication, federation, and aggregation), and trust. This year, the workshop has a particular interest in how PKI and emerging trust mechanisms will interact with each other at technical, policy and user levels to support trust models that lack central authority.



26-28 : Federal Information Assurance Conference (FIAC) 2004 "Achieving Security Through Knowledge"

The Inn and Conference Center University of Maryland University College   3501 University Blvd East Adelphi, Maryland 20783
     Contact Information: Bob Jeffers Federal Events Manager Federal Business Council, Inc.,   (301) 206-2940,   bj1@fbcdb.com
    The 4th Annual Federal Information Assurance Conference (FIAC) is designed to meet the real-world information assurance needs of the Federal Government and its workforce. This two-day event will provide useful information and educational opportunities for federal managers, acquisition and procurement officials, network and systems administrators, and information security professionals. FIAC brings together a variety of resources from government, industry, and academia. This year's conference will discuss key security policies and guidelines, information assurance (IA) technologies, and implementation of IA programs. To learn more about FIAC, visit www.fbcinc.com/fiac.

27 : Complimentary CISSP Online Study Group

Sponsored by the University of Fairfax
     If you seek your CISSP and want expert help preparing for the exam, you will want to join the CISSP Online Study Group. The CISSP Online Study Group covers the 10 CISSP domains in 10 weeks. Guided by seasoned CISSP instructors, these convenient online study groups help you prepare one domain per week for your CISSP exam.
Your next CISSP Online Study Group begins Wednesday, October 27, 2004. Space is limited, so contact us now to reserve yours! (If the class is full you will be placed on a waiting list or you may reserve your seat for a new date).
To register for your study group visit:
Or email your resume to:
Or call Jo-Anne King at 703-790-3203
2070 Chain Bridge Road, Suite G-100
Vienna, Virginia 22182

27 : Complimentary Information Security: Career Planning Teleconference

Sponsored by the University of Fairfax
     Build your INFOSEC Career Plan and Make your next career move in Information Security.
During your teleconference you will work with an INFOSEC Career Planning specialist to create a plan that demonstrates how you can prepare to:
  • Rapidly advance into senior INFOSEC positions
  • Break into high demand INFOSEC career paths
  • Use your CISSP and other INFOSEC certifications to earn graduate credit
  • Complete your Ph.D. or M.S. in INFOSEC while you work full time and complete work-related projects
  • Gain access to faculty who are leading INFOSEC executives at SAIC, Ernst and Young, CSC, EDS, Anteon, DOD, etc.
  • Your next career planning teleconference is scheduled for Wednesday, October 27, 2004 at 10:30 am. If you need to schedule an alternate date, please contact Jo-Anne King. To register for your workshop click below: http://www.universityoffairfax.net/infosec715
    Or email your resume to:
    Or call Jo-Anne King at 703-790-3203
    2070 Chain Bridge Road, Suite G-100
    Vienna, Virginia 22182

    27 : Accelerate Your Information Security Career By Attending a Complimentary Information Security PhD/MS Degree Planning Teleconference

    Sponsored by the University of Fairfax
         The Federal Information Security budget will grow to $210B+ by 2008. Will your INFOSEC career grow as fast?
      Find out how you can:
  • Earn your Ph.D./M.S. in INFOSEC
  • Become a recognized INFOSEC industry expert
  • Accelerate your INFOSEC Ph.D./M.S. with graduate credit for your CISSP, CISA, CISM, IAM, or PMP
  • Earn your INFOSEC Ph.D./M.S. while you work full time and complete work-related projects
  • Take classes online or onsite
  • Employers such as American Management Systems, IBM, SAIC, and CSC forecast growing shortages and an increased demand for INFOSEC experts with advanced INFOSEC graduate degrees in combination with certifications.

    Your next degree planning teleconference is scheduled for Wednesday, October 27, 2004 at 11:00 am. If you need to schedule an alternate date, please contact Jo-Anne King.
    To schedule your teleconference:
    Click: www.ufairfax.net/InfoSec715
    Email: jking715@ufairfax.net
    Phone: Jo-Anne King at 703-790-3203

    28 : Anti-Hacking for Computer Security

    Washington DC.
         This 3 day class is designed for today's IT manager looking to understand the critical security threats to your company assets from the Internet. This intense vendor-neutral class takes you from defending OS vulnerabilities to designing best practices for safeguarding DNS and DHCP implementations, and you will learn where Encryption and PKI are essential tools for secure networks & enterprise infrastructures. Build ""Defense in Depth"" strategy templates in 8+ escalating workshops to perk-up your current security policy and improve physical security requirements. Quickly get up to speed on the anti-hacker tricks and resources and build your own little “Worst Case Scenario” black book for Computer Security. To register, call 203-357-7744, email info@securityuniversity.net, or register online at https://ssl20.pair.com/secuniv/reg.php


    4-5 : HiverCon 2004

    The Davenport Hotel, Dublin, Ireland
         Abstract: Now in its third year, the HiverCon Corporate Security Conferences have positioned themselves as an unmissable event on the European security calendar. The only high level event of its type, the HiverCon conferences strive to teach the hacker mentality while providing real world technical knowledge on how best to combat emerging threats.

    6-7 : CSI 31st Annual Conference - Hands-On Linux Security

    Washington, DC USA.
          For more information regarding this event please visit Computer Security Institute's website. Link provided above.

    6-7 : CSI 31st Annual Conference - Introduction to Computer & Network Security

    Washington, DC USA.
          For more information regarding this event please visit Computer Security Institute's website. Link provided above.

    6-7 : CSI 31st Annual Conference - How to Develop a Winning Security Architecture

    Washington, DC USA.
          For more information regarding this event please visit Computer Security Institute's website. Link provided above.

    6-7 : CSI 31st Annual Conference - How to Develop Information Security Policies

    Washington, DC USA.
          For more information regarding this event please visit Computer Security Institute's website. Link provided above.

    6-7 : CSI 31st Annual Conference - CISSP Official Common Body of Knowledge Overview

    Washington, DC USA.
          For more information regarding this event please visit Computer Security Institute's website. Link provided above.

    6-7 : CSI 31st Annual Conference - Secure Cisco PIX Firewall - Advanced

    Washington, DC USA.
          For more information regarding this event please visit Computer Security Institute's website. Link provided above.

    7 : CSI 31st Annual Conference - Wireless Security in the Enterprise

    Washington, DC USA.
          For more information regarding this event please visit Computer Security Institute's website. Link provided above.

    8-10 : CPM 2004 EAST

    Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, DC.
          CPM (Contingency Planning & Management) is dedicated to the convergence of business continuity/continuity of operations, security and emergency management, as each of these related disciplines need to work together in order to create a complete risk management program for business or government. www.ContingencyPlanningExpo.com

    8-10 : CSI 31st Annual Computer Security Conference & Exhibition

    Washington, DC USA.
          For more information regarding this event please visit Computer Security Institute's website. Link provided above.

    10 : Introduction to PKI

    Rome, Italy.
         In this 3-day class, you explore certification authorities (CA) and public key infrastructure (PKI) technologies, learning to recognize, assess, analyze, and audit PKI and access security measures. After a public key crypto review, you drill down to the elements of a PKI, including key histories, key backup and recovery, CRL’s, certificate policies and practice statements. 6 workshops review PKI implementation strategies, and how to effectively deploy and implement the new access, authentication and identity management system. To register, call 203-357-7744, email info@securityuniversity.net, or register online at https://ssl20.pair.com/secuniv/reg.php

    11-12 : CSI 31st Annual Conference - How to Create and Sustain a Quality Security Awareness Program

    Washington, DC USA.
          For more information regarding this event please visit Computer Security Institute's website. Link provided above.

    11-12 : CSI 31st Annual Conference - Hands-On Hacking

    Washington, DC USA.
          For more information regarding this event please visit Computer Security Institute's website. Link provided above.

    11-12 : CSI 31st Annual Conference - Return on Investment for Information Security

    Washington, DC USA.
          For more information regarding this event please visit Computer Security Institute's website. Link provided above.

    11-12 : CSI 31st Annual Conference - How to Develop Information Security Standards & Procedures

    Washington, DC USA.
          For more information regarding this event please visit Computer Security Institute's website. Link provided above.

    11-12 : CSI 31st Annual Conference - Managing a Privacy Governance Program

    Washington, DC USA.
          For more information regarding this event please visit Computer Security Institute's website. Link provided above.

    11-12 : CSI 31st Annual Conference - A Structured Approach to Incident Response

    Washington, DC USA.
          For more information regarding this event please visit Computer Security Institute's website. Link provided above.

    11-12 : CSI 31st Annual Conference - A Survey of Computer Forensics Tools and How to Make them Work for You

    Washington, DC USA.
          For more information regarding this event please visit Computer Security Institute's website. Link provided above.

    13 : Catching the Hackers Intro to IDS

    Rome Italy
         This 3-day class investigates the strengths and weaknesses of the leading network, host and anomaly based intrusion detection systems (IDS). Demos of hacker attack methods illustrate port scans, buffer overruns, and other network assaults in action. Learn sensor types, where to position sensors and consoles on the network and how to effectively build a computer security event correlation system. Use IDS countermeasures to build a custom alert criteria / response database and incident response team for your company. To register, call 203-357-7744, email info@securityuniversity.net, or register online at https://ssl20.pair.com/secuniv/reg.php

    15 : WinSEC 2004

    Minneapolis Airport Marriot    Bloomington, Minnesota, USA
         Event Description:
    Minasi and Spalding to feed your head with Windows Security tips at WinSEC 2004
    Got Windows Security pain? Relieve it with a full day of training at WinSEC 2004 during November in Minneapolis, MN or Arlington, VA (Nov. 18 - see below). Delivered by well-respected figures in the Microsoft Windows security industry -- renowned Mark Manasi and George Spalding. Sign up by November 10, 2004 using Priority Code E0201 and pay only $495. Visit www.winsec2004.com to learn more. Cookbook of tips and tricks provided.

    16 : Complimentary CISSP Exam Prep Clinic for IT Professionals

    You are invited to attend a complimentary CISSP Exam Prep Clinic sponsored by the University of Fairfax.
         The CISSP clinic will help you prepare for your CISSP exam. You will receive guidance on test-taking methods and strategies, based on the experience of prior successful CISSPs, in order to help you pass the exam and become a CISSP.
    A recognized CISSP instructor, information security expert, and faculty member of the University of Fairfax, will lead this special clinic. Techniques will be demonstrated to help you quickly assess which questions to address first, which to delay, and how to eliminate less likely answers. You will also receive sample questions and (ISC) 2 study guides, which can help you to increase your chances of success.
    Be prepared to do your best on your CISSP exam. The next CISSP exam prep clinic is scheduled for November 10, 2004 at 11:00AM. Space is limited, so reserve your seat today!
    Email your resume to Jking715@universityoffairfax.net
    Call Jo-Anne King at 703-790-3203 or register online at

    18 : WinSEC 2004

    Hilton Arlington Towers    Arlington, Virginia, USA.
         Event Description:
    Minasi and Spalding to feed your head with Windows Security tips at WinSEC 2004
    Got Windows Security pain? Relieve it with a full day of training at WinSEC 2004 during November in Minneapolis, MN or Arlington, VA (Nov. 18 - see below). Delivered by well-respected figures in the Microsoft Windows security industry -- renowned Mark Manasi and George Spalding. Sign up by November 10, 2004 using Priority Code E0201 and pay only $495. Visit www.winsec2004.com to learn more. Cookbook of tips and tricks provided.

    18-19 : Awareness Peer Group - CSI

    Washington, DC USA.
          For more information regarding this event please visit Computer Security Institute's website. Link provided above.

    Nov. 30 - Dec. 1 : Outsourcing and Organizational Change: A Security Survival Guide

    CSI Training Center - New York, New York USA.
          For more information regarding this event please visit Computer Security Institute's website. Link provided above.


    Nov. 30 - Dec. 1 : Outsourcing and Organizational Change: A Security Survival Guide

    CSI Training Center - New York, New York USA.
          For more information regarding this event please visit Computer Security Institute's website. Link provided above.

    2-3 : Defense Against Social Engineering

    CSI Training Center - New York, New York USA.
          For more information regarding this event please visit Computer Security Institute's website. Link provided above.

    5-7 : SecureGOV 2004

    The Homestead Resort in Hot Springs, Virginia
         SecureGOV 2004 is an executive level forum created specifically for CIO's, CTO's and Senior Security Officials from federal, state, and local government agencies, who are responsible for security-related strategic and operational planning and purchasing within their organizations. CEO's, SVP's, and CTO's from solution provider companies will meet with these government officials to discuss public sector security issues and provide possible solutions to meet current requirements. Government officials will also develop future plans, policies, and solutions and selected individuals will conduct keynote presentations, think-tanks, and panel discussions that will investigate and debate the difficulties, opportunities and key security issues facing the public sector at this critical time. Three days of business meetings, endless networking opportunities, cocktail parties, formal dining, and a golf tournament, are designed specifically to form out-of-office business relationships, and provide the most time effective way to learn about today's most cutting edge security solutions without taking up your valuable office time.

    7-8 : Information Technology and the Law

    Washington DC USA.
    This two-day seminar explores the legal issues surrounding Internet use, the electronic workplace, information security, privacy protection, and computer incident response. Leaving confusing legalese behind, it covers a full range of issues, from copyright and trademark litigation, to electronic surveillance and monitoring, to legal standards for information protection, including S-OX, GLBA, HIPAA, and more.






    2-8 : InfoSec World Conference & Expo -- 360 Degree Security

    Disney's Coronado Springs Springs Resort  Orlando, Florida USA.
          Conference 4-6, Optional Workshops 2-3 and 6-8, Expo 4-5.
    At InfoSec World Conference and Expo 2005, you will learn cutting edge techniques and practical strategies to implement and maintain a comprehensive information security program in your organization. To learn more about this conference, please visit link provided above.

    19-21 : 4th Annual PKI R&D Workshop: Multiple Paths to Trust

    NIST, Green Auditorium, Gaithersburg, Maryland
         This workshop considers the full range of public key technology used for security decisions and supporting functionalities, including authentication, authorization, identity (syndication, federation, and aggregation), and trust. This year, the workshop has a particular interest in how PKI and emerging trust mechanisms will interact with each other at technical, policy and user levels to support trust models that lack central authority.


    24-26 : CPM 2005 WEST

    The Mirage Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada
         CPM (Contingency Planning & Management) is dedicated to the convergence of business continuity/continuity of operations, security and emergency management, as each of these related disciplines need to work together in order to create a complete risk management program for business or government. www.ContingencyPlanningExpo.com


    13-15 : NetSec'05

    Scottsdale, Arizona USA. - The Phoenician
          For more information regarding this event please visit Computer Security Institute's website. Link provided above.








    Last updated: October 26, 2004
    Page created: February 23, 2001

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