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EPA's Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP)

The MSGP is the first general permit to provide facility-specific requirements for several types of industrial facilities within one permit. This permit presents all requirements up front, allowing facility operators to become familiar with, and prepare for, activities such as storm water pollution prevention plan implementation and monitoring prior to applying for permit coverage. The MSGP-2000 published in the Federal Register on October 30, 2000, replaces the original MSGP that EPA issued on September 29,1995.


The MSGP-2000 covers the same 30 industrial sectors as contained in the MSGP-1995, modified on September 30, 1998. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes and narrative descriptions identify the industrial facilities within each of the 30 sectors.

The MSGP-2000 is effective in areas where EPA is the permitting authority in EPA Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, and 10 (with a few exceptions). Facilities located in these areas and currently covered under the MSGP-1995 must obtain permit coverage under the MSGP-2000. New facilities within regulated industrial sectors must also obtain permit coverage under the MSGP-2000.

Permit Requirements

Like the MSGP-1995, the MSGP-2000 contains general permit requirements (i.e., requirements that pertain to all sectors) and sector-specific requirements (i.e., requirements applicable only to facilities within each of the 30 industrial sectors). Most industrial sectors have visual, analytical, and/or compliance monitoring requirements.

Permit Application/Termination Procedures

If you are in one of the states where EPA is the permitting authority for the storm water program and you have questions about the "notice of intent" form (or other related forms), please contact EPA's Storm Water NOI Processing Center using this form.

To apply for permit coverage under the MSGP, a facility operator must complete and submit to the appropriate NPDES permitting authority a Notice of Intent (NOI) form [PDF Format]. The NOI requests a variety of information, including latitude/longitude of the facility, and information related to the Endangered Species Act Exit EPA Site and the National Historic Preservation Act Exit EPA Site. The deadline for submission of an NOI requesting coverage under the MSGP-2000 was January 29, 2001. (The MSGP-2000 preamble and permit contain conflicting information regarding the deadline. EPA published a technical correction that contains the correct deadline of January 29, 2001.) Permit applicants can access EPA's searchable database of threatened and endangered species to identify if listed species are located in or around the facility that may have to be addressed as part of the NPDES permit application process.

To discontinue permit coverage, a facility operator must complete and submit to the appropriate NPDES permitting authority a Notice of Termination (NOT) form. Click here to get the most recent version of the NOT form [PDF Format].

Note: If you are in one of the states where EPA is the permitting authority for the storm water program, please use the mailing addresses below for your "Year 2 and Year 4" monitoring reports:

Mailing Address:

Stormwater Monitoring Reports
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Mail Code: 4203M
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20460

Location for Fed Ex Deliveries:

Stormwater Monitoring Reports
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
EPA East, Room: 7420
1201 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20004
Telephone: (202) 564-9545

The following links provide the proposed and final permit language of the MSGP-2000, the additions, and technical corrections to the permit.

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Last updated on August 22, 2003 11:46 AM