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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services
Office of Public Affairs (OPA)
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Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE)


To assure that assistance in obtaining support (both financial and medical) is available to children through locating parents, establishing paternity and support obligations, and enforcing those obligations. *

*The Child Support Enforcement Program is authorized and defined by statute, Title IV-D of the Social Security Act. The purpose and the mission of the Program are derived from the Act.


The nation's Child Support Enforcement Program (CSE) is a federal/state/local partnership to help families by promoting family self-sufficiency and child well-being.

About CSE

All states and territories run a child support enforcement program, usually in the human services department, department of revenue, or the state Attorney General’s office, often with the help of prosecuting attorneys, district attorneys, other law enforcement agencies and officials of family or domestic relations courts. Native American Tribes, too, can operate culturally appropriate child support programs with Federal funding. Families seeking government child support services must apply directly through their state/local agency or one of the tribes running the program. Services are available to a parent with custody of a child whose other parent is living outside the home. Services are available automatically for families receiving assistance under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program.

Services within the CSE:
locating non-custodial parents
establishing paternity
establishing support orders
collecting support payments
services for Non-Custodial parents


Locating Non-Custodial Parents
Child support enforcement officials can use information from highly computerized State and Federal Parent Locator Services (FPLS) to locate parents, their income and assets.

Establishing Paternity – Legally Identifying a Child's Father
Legally identifying a child’s father is called paternity establishment. This is the necessary first step for obtaining an order for child support when a child is born out of wedlock. In addition to providing a legal relationship between a father and child, establishing paternity can provide a child with:

In a disputed case, father, mother and child can be required to submit to genetic tests. States must have procedures that allow paternity to be established up to the child’s 18th birthday. Hospitals must provide fathers the opportunity to acknowledge paternity voluntarily at the time of birth.

Establishing Support Orders
States must have guidelines to determine how much a parent should pay for child support. Child support orders can be established by a court or by an administrative hearing process. Provisions for health insurance coverage must be included in the support order.

Collecting Support
A parent can be required to pay child support by income withholding. Nationally, over 60 percent of child support is paid in this manner. Overdue child support can be collected from:

When past-due child support is owed, the following may occur:

Services for Non-Custodial Parents
Non-custodial parents can use the CSE program to establish paternity, establish wage-withholding and to request a review of their support orders if circumstances have changed. The Federal Parent Locator Service is available through state CSE programs to locate a child whose whereabouts has been hidden in violation of a custody or visitation order.

CSE Highlights:
In 2003, for the first time, 90 percent of child support collections have gone to families. Welfare recipients now make up just 17 percent of our caseload – the largest group of clients is families who no longer need public assistance, in large part because of child support collections. Preliminary data indicate that, in FY 2003:

With the publication of Final Rules and Regulations for Tribal Child Support Enforcement, Tribes and Tribal organizations can choose to operate a Title IV-D Tribal Child Support Enforcement Program. These programs establish paternity, modify and enforce support orders and locate absent parents.

The Federal child support enforcement program has been cited by the Office of Management and Budget as the highest rated among all social services and grant programs reviewed government wide in a study aimed at ensuring that government programs provide results that justify the public’s investment.

In FY 2003, $3.4 billion in Federal funding was provided to states to help defray the costs of the program. A total of $21.2 billion was collected at a combined state/Federal cost of $5.2 billion – more than $4 were collected for each $1 spent.

CSE Special Initiatives:
Grants provided by the Federal government are providing funding to states for programs designed to:

—In 2004, $3.9 million is available for Child Support Enforcements


Office of Child Support Enforcement
Administration for Children and Families
370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW
Washington, DC 20447
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Updated August 2004
Office of Public Affairs (OPA)