
Administration for Children and Families

Chapter K

63 FR 81 - 87, 01/02/98
60 FR 40586-94, 08/09/95

K.00 Mission
K.10 Organizations
K.20 Functions

K.00 Mission [60 FR 40586-94, 08/09/95]. The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) provides national leadership and direction to plan, manage and coordinate the nationwide administration of comprehensive and supportive programs for vulnerable children and families. The Administration oversees and finances a broad range of programs for children and families, including Native Americans, persons with developmental disabilities, refugees, and legalized aliens, to help them develop and grow toward a more independent, self-reliant life. These programs, carried out by state, county, city, and tribal governments, and public and private local agencies, are designed to promote stability, economic security, responsibility and self-sufficiency.

The Administration coordinates development and implementation of family-centered strategies, policies, and linkages among its programs, and with other federal and state programs serving children and families. The Administration's programs assist families in financial crisis, emphasizing short-term financial assistance, and education, training and employment for the long term. Its programs for children and youth focus on those children and youth with special problems, including children of low-income families, abused and neglected children, those in institutions or requiring adoption or foster family services, runaway youth, children with disabilities, migrant children, and Native American children. The Administration promotes the development of comprehensive and integrated community and home-based modes of service delivery where possible.

The Administration provides national leadership to develop and coordinate public and private programs and serves as a focal point for states in the provision of financial assistance and intervention programs which promote and support permanence for children and family stability. The Administration advises the Secretary on issues pertaining to children and families, including Native Americans, people with developmental disabilities, refugees and legalized aliens.

K.10 Organization [63 FR 81-87, 01/02/98]. The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) is a principal operating division of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The Administration is headed by the Assistant Secretary for Children and Families, who reports directly to the Secretary. The Assistant Secretary also serves as the Director of Child Support Enforcement. In addition to the Assistant Secretary, the Administration consists of the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Administration, the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and External Affairs, and Staff and Program Offices. ACF is organized as follows:

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Children and Families (KA)
Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and External Affairs (KL)
Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Administration (KP)
Administration on Children, Youth and Families (KB)
Administration on Developmental Disabilities (KC)
Regional Offices for Children and Families (KD 1-X)
Administration for Native Americans (KE)
Office of Child Support Enforcement (KF)--(which will remain as a separate organizational unit)
Office of Community Services (KG)
Office of Family Assistance (KH)
Office of Regional Operations (KJ)
Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation (KM)
Office of Public Affairs (KN)
Office of Refugee Resettlement (KR)
Office of Legislative Affairs and Budget (KT)

K.20 Functions [60 FR 40586-94, 08/09/95]. The Administration develops, recommends and issues policies, procedures and interpretations to provide direction to the programs it administers. It directs reviews, provides consultation and conducts negotiations to achieve adherence to federal law and regulations for administration of its programs. It designs and administers systems and directs reviews of the programs to ensure cost-effectiveness, efficiency, quality, and financial integrity. The Administration provides technical assistance, conducts research and evaluation, and promotes information sharing for its programs. It also provides departmental leadership and guidance in the development and implementation of policies and standards applicable to state data systems development, information systems sharing, financial integrity, and quality assurance activities. The functions of the organizational elements of ACF are described in detail in successive chapters. return to table of contents