The National Science Foundation's
(NSF) leadership in advancing the frontiers of science and engineering
research and education is demonstrated, in part, through internal
and external performance assessments. Responsibilities for accurate
and complete assessments are distributed throughout the organization
with important roles in virtually every program and administrative
office. Increasingly, performance will be used by Congress, the
Office of Management and Budget, and others as an input to future
budget decisions.
Of course, external factors related to institutional partners,
the private sector, and government affect how individuals and groups
respond in proposing and conducting research, which in turn impacts
NSF’s progress toward attaining its Government Performance
and Results Act (GPRA) strategic outcome goals. As with all basic
research, the outcomes associated with NSF research and education
investments are likely to be unpredictable in content and timing.
Many of these activities require years to develop and the outcomes
can only be judged retrospectively. Nevertheless, in the short-term,
investment in diverse portfolios can be described and identified,
and it is these investments that will determine whether short-term
outputs and long-term outcomes resulting from the portfolio of current
awards will be as significant as past outputs and outcomes. NSF
has also developed a set of management goals that support attainment
of its strategic outcome goals. Development of annual management
goals is informed by the NSF Strategic Plan, previous agency Performance
Plans, internal deliberations, past performance, and reasonable
projections for future levels of performance.
NSF’s effectiveness is documented by its Committees of Visitors
(COVs) and other independent evaluations (e.g., the Advisory Committee
on GPRA Performance Assessment, AC/GPA) and with the analytic Program
Assessment Rating Tool (PART) developed by OMB. The PART assesses
program performance in four areas: purpose, strategic planning,
program management and program results. The PART complements and
reinforces GPRA, emphasizing the link between budget and performance.
Resulting PART ratings inform the budget process and highlight areas
in need of improvement. All programs at NSF, aggregated in various
possible ways, will be assessed using the PART.
The President’s Management Agenda (PMA) includes five government-wide
initiatives: Strategic Management of Human Capital; Competitive
Sourcing; Improved Financial Performance; Expanded E-Government;
and Budget and Performance Integration. For each initiative, OMB
tracks agency progress with a scorecard consisting of “green,
yellow and red lights” that reflects agency status. The FY2003
NSF scorecard gives a “green light” to NSF for the Improved
Financial Performance and Expanded E-Government initiatives.
The Administration is also developing investment criteria for evaluating
quality, relevance and performance (R&D Investment Criteria)
of Federal research and development. The goal is to improve the
quality and relevance of Federal research programs.
A key challenge is to integrate these assessment areas into Foundation
workflow and planning. NSF already has a collaborative/integrated
approach to long-range planning and budgeting. These activities
are distributed throughout the agency’s program directorates
and offices, with coordination activities centralized within the
Office of Budget, Finance, and Award Management (BFA) and the Office
of Information and Resource Management (OIRM). A Budget Planning
Liaison Group, comprised of program and budget staff, participates
in the budget formulation process. Responsibility for development,
coordination and innovation in GPRA activities resides with a team
of senior managers - the agency’s GPRA Infrastructure Implementation
Council (GIIC) - who report directly to the agency’s Chief
Operating Officer. GIIC is assisted by an integrated planning/budget
working group (GIIC-WG) composed of key staff from the program directorates
and offices, BFA and OIRM.