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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

New Proposed Mutual Fund Disclosure Forms

We are considering whether to require broker-dealers to disclose more information about costs and conflicts of interest to investors who purchase or sell interests in mutual funds, 529 plans, and certain other securities, such as variable annuities. We welcome your thoughts on this issue and seek your help in evaluating whether the standardized disclosure forms we've drafted will be informative and useful to investors.

Our Special Request for Comments from Investors below explains in greater detail the information we want broker-dealers to communicate. We've also provided links to draft disclosure forms, the full text of the proposed rules, and helpful information about mutual funds (including our Mutual Fund Cost Calculator).

Our comment period has closed on this rule proposal, but until the Commission takes a final action on the proposal, we still welcome your comments.  You may send us your input electronically by clicking here. Alternatively, you may mail your comments (please send us three copies) to the following address:

Jonathan G. Katz, Secretary
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20549-0609

Please be aware that all comments we receive will become part of the public record of what we considered in this matter. If you send your comments electronically, they will be posted on our website. If you send your comments in hard copy, they will be available for inspection in our Public Reference Room and they will also be scanned and posted in PDF format.

Information About Our Rule Proposal

Helpful Information About Mutual Funds



Modified: 05/26/2004