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Target Finder

Save Energy, Money, and Time

  • Determine an annual energy target for your building design
  • Compare energy use from simulations with your target
  • Monitor your design's energy performance as building plans progress
  • Evaluate the cost effectiveness of energy efficiency measures
  • Minimize potential greenhouse gas emissions associated with your building design
Enter Target Finder

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Graph of ENERGY STAR performance/rating on a 1-100 scale.

EPA's energy performance rating uses a 1-100 scale. Lower energy use yields a higher performance rating. An ENERGY STAR rating is 75 or higher.


Learn More About Target Finder

What is Target Finder?
It is an internet-based tool that helps you manage energy during the design of a new building. With Target Finder you can set an aggressive energy performance target for a building design and compare your estimated energy consumption to the established target. Target Finder provides an energy performance rating for whole-building energy use.

Who should use Target Finder?
Anyone can use this rating system to set a definitive energy use target for a building design and quickly see the annual energy use and associated costs.

Why should I use Target Finder?
To save energy and money. The energy consumption target provides direction for energy decisions throughout the design process, allowing you to evaluate which energy efficiency measures will achieve your energy and cost goals. Designing buildings with superior energy performance contributes to a sustainable environment.

When should I use Target Finder?
Use it to set a target early in the design process so you can make key decisions that help you achieve your energy goal. Use Target Finder during preliminary design, schematic, and design development to monitor the energy performance of your design. Also, see New Building Design for more detail on when to consider energy issues during design.

How do I use Target Finder?
Enter general building information such as name, city, state and zip code and complete the following sections.

  • Select a Space Type: Offices, K-12 Schools, Hospitals, Hotels, Medical Offices, Residence Halls/Dormitories, Supermarkets/Grocery Stores, and Warehouses. Enter basic building characteristics for the space type. These may include size, estimated operating hours, number of occupants, number of computers, etc.
  • Choose a Target Score from 50 - 100 and Target Finder determines the corresponding annual energy use and estimated costs. A Target Score of 80 means that energy use ranks in the top 20% of U.S. buildings. To achieve ENERGY STAR recognition, your design must be 75 or greater. EPA encourages you to aim higher when designing buildings.
  • Rate Estimated Energy Use: Enter estimated energy use and costs, and Target Finder generates a performance score (using the same rating scale) for your design. By comparing estimated energy use to your energy target at critical stages during design, you can monitor progress toward reaching your goal.
  • Print Statement of Energy Design Intent (SEDI) as a record of all input and results data from Target Finder. The SEDI can be used to document the commitment and execution of a specific energy performance goal in the Request for Proposal, contractual language or during the design process.

How does Target Finder work?
The Energy Use Intensity generated by Target Finder reflects the distribution of energy performance in commercial buildings derived from data in the Energy Information Agency's (US Department of Energy) Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS)1. The required data inputs were found to be the primary drivers of energy use. The zip code is used to determine the weather conditions that the building would experience in a normal year (based on a 30-year climate average). The total annual energy use intensity for the target is based on the energy sources typical in the region specified by the zip code. For example, an Office Building in the 20902 zip code would be roughly 80/20%, electricity to natural gas. Users may enter their own fuel mix.

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New Features

Enhanced Features and Functionality

  • The Help section has a table of contents and search feature.
  • New Space Types
    • Primary space types: Offices - Bank Branch, Courthouse, Financial Center, Medical Buildings; Residence Halls/Dormitories; and Warehouses.
    • Secondary space type: Swimming Pools.
  • The K-12 Schools space type requires additional inputs to determine estimated annual energy use; they are number of computers, percent of school heated and cooled, and presence of mechanical ventilation.
  • Target Finder calculations and space type models are tied to those in Portfolio Manager (the tool for rating energy use in existing buildings). Models and calculations have been updated in both tools.

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1. CBECS is a statistical survey of building features, energy consumption, and expenditures in US commercial buildings. Where CBECS is found to be inadequate to create ENERGY STAR criteria for a particular building type, other proprietary national data sets are used. Back to Top.