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Think Green

Office of the Federal Environment Executive

E. O. 13101

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United States
Office of Personnel Management

Recycling Program


We Are Making a Difference

We realize that every day, each of us faces challenges that affect our quality of life and that of future genereations. This is how we are doing our part to help protect our world.

We encourage our employees to start by "Reducing, Reusing and Recycling" at home and in the workplace. We are encouraging others to join us in this effort!

Recycle newspapers, cans, glass and plastic bottles

Our employees use the Recycling Stations located throughout our buildings for newspapers, cans, and plastic and glass bottles.

Recycle Toner Cartridges

To return a used toner cartridge to the manufacturer
  1. Place the cartridge in the original shipping box
  2. Attach the pre-paid shipping label to the outside of the box
  3. Take it to the parcel pickup location outside Room B-431
It is best to keep the original shipping box, but if you don't have it, you can use any box. The manufacturer will send you extra prepaid shipping labels.

Recycle white paper

Our employees use white paper recycling boxes located at their desks.

Did you know..

we actively recycle

  • white paper
  • newspapers
  • phone books
  • aluminum cans
  • plastic bottles
  • glass bottles
  • toner cartridges

right here at OPM?

One ton
of recycled paper saves:
  • 17 mature trees
  • 380 gallons
    of oil
  • 7,000 gallons
    of water
  • 60 pounds
    of air pollutants
  • 41000 kilowatt hours
    of energy
  • 3.3 cubic yards
    of landfill space

Updated 10 June 1999