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The Administration for Children and Families (ACF)
Department of Health and Human Services

The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is responsible for federal programs that promote the economic and social well-being of families, children, individuals, and communities. ACF programs aim to achieve the following : families and individuals empowered to increase their own economic independence and productivity; strong, healthy, supportive communities that have a positive impact on the quality of life and the development of children; partnerships with individuals, front-line service providers, communities, American Indian tribes, Native communities, states, and Congress that enable solutions which transcend traditional agency boundaries; services planned, reformed, and integrated to improve needed access; and a strong commitment to working with people with developmental disabilities, refugees, and migrants to address their needs, strengths, and abilities.

| Welfare | Children and Youth | Communities | Advisory Group |


Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

On August 22, 1996, "The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) was signed into law. PRWORA is a comprehensive bipartisan welfare reform plan that dramatically changes the nation's welfare system into one that requires work in exchange for time-limited assistance. The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program replaces the former AFDC and JOBS programs. In TANF, states and territories operate programs; under the new law, Tribes have the option to run their own TANF programs. States, territories, and tribes each receive a block grant allocation; states have a maintenance of effort requirement. The total federal block grant is $16.5 billion each year through fiscal year (FY) 2002. The block grant covers benefits, administrative expenses, and services. States, territories, and tribes determine eligibility and benefit levels and services provided to needy families, and there is no longer a federal entitlement.

Under TANF, states are required to make an initial assessment of recipients' skills. With few exceptions, recipients must work after two years on assistance. In FY 2001, states are required to have 45 percent of all families engaged in a work activity for a minimum of 30 hours per week, and 90 percent of two-parent famlies engaged in work activity for at least 35 hours per week. The rates for all families started at 25 percent in 1997, and increased five percent each year to 50 percent in 2002. For two-parent families, the rates started at 75 percent and increased to 90 percent for 1999 and beyond. In FY 1999, all states met the overall participation rate for all families and 28 of the the 38 states that were subject to the two-parent rate met the goal.

To count toward state work requirements, recipients will be required to participate in unsubsidized or subsidized employment, on-the-job training, work experience, community service, 12 months of vocational training, or to provide child care services to individuals who are participating in community service. Up to 6 weeks of job search (no more than 4 consecutive weeks) can count toward the work requirement. Single parents with a child under 6 who cannot find child care cannot be penalized for failure to meet the work requirements.

Families who have received assistance for five cumulative years (or less at state option) will be ineligible for cash aid under the welfare law. The law requires states to maintain their own spending on welfare at 80 percent or more of FY 1994 levels. States must also maintain spending at 100 percent of FY 1994 levels to access a $2 billion contingency fund designed to assist states affected by high population growth or economic downturn.

Through FY 2003, $1 billion will be available for performance bonuses to reward states for moving welfare recipients into jobs.

Under the law, unmarried minor parents will be required to live with a responsible adult or in an adult-supervised setting and participate in educational and training activities in order to receive assistance.

The law also guarantees that women on welfare continue to receive health coverage for their families, including at least one year of transitional Medicaid when they leave welfare for work.

Welfare to Work Challenge

The balanced budget on August 5, 1997, included a $3 billion Welfare to Work Jobs Challenge fund to help states and local communities move long-term welfare recipients into lasting, unsubsidized jobs. A Welfare to Work Tax Credit will give employers an added incentive to hire long-term welfare recipients by providing a credit equal to 35 percent of the first $10,000 in wages in the first year of employment, and 50 percent of the first $10,000 in the second year, for new hires who have received welfare for an extended period.

Refugee Assistance

Refugee assistance programs were established by the 1980 Immigration and Nationality Act in order to assist refugees and Cuban and Haitian entrants to become employed, economically self-sufficient, and assimilated into our society as soon as possible after arrival in the United States. Federal funds are provided to states and non-profit organizations, such as voluntary agencies, to help offset the costs of resettlement. Increasing refugee employment and reducing welfare dependency is a major emphasis.

For FY 2001, $445.2 million is available for grants for refugee assistance and services in the form of cash and medical assistance, social services, preventive health services, the voluntary agency matching grant program, and the targeted assistance grant program. In FY 1999, over 85,000 refugees, entrants, and Amerasians were admitted to the U.S. for resettlement.


The Repatriation Program assists US citizens and dependents who are returned to the US by the State Department. If an American citizen in a foreign country becomes ill, is without funds, or needs to be returned to the US because of a threatening situation in a foreign country, necessary services and loans are provided through this program. An Emergency Repatriation Plan is also established by HHS in coordination with federal agencies, voluntary organizations, and states to implement large scale repatriation operations in the event of a national security emergency.


Foster Care/Adoption Assistance/Independent Living

For those children who cannot remain safely in their homes, foster care provides a stable environment that assures a child's safety and well-being while their parents attempt to resolve the problems that led to the out of home placement, or when the family cannot be reunified, until the child can be placed permanently with an adoptive family. Foster Care and Adoption Assistance programs provide federal matching funds to states which directly administer the programs.

Children in foster care numbered 556,000 in September 2000. Most of these children will return to their homes, but more than 70,000 cannot return safely. Many of these children are considered to have "special needs" because they are older, members of minority or sibling groups, or physically, mentally or emotionally disabled. They often need special assistance in finding adoptive homes. During FY 2001, over 250,000 children received Title IV-E adoption assistance, which is a subsidy to families who adopt special needs children. In FY 2002, $5.05 billion is available for Foster Care and $1.4 billion for Adoption Assistance.

Assistance is also available to current or former foster care youth age 16 and older to help in the transition to independent living. The Independent Living program provides grants to states for education and employment assistance, training in daily living skills, and individual and group counseling. In December 1999, "The Foster Care Independence Act if 1999," was signed into law to help ensure that young people who leave foster care get the tools they need to make the most of their lives. The Act increased the annual funding for the Independent Living program and expanded the services and supports available to help prepare foster care youth for the transition to adulthood. These programs are funded jointly by the federal and state governments. Monthly payments to families and institutions vary from state to state. In FY 2002, $140 million is available for Independent Living programs.

Promoting Safe and Stable Families

The primary goals of Promoting Safe and Stable Families (PSSF) are to prevent the unnecessary separation of children from their families, improve the quality of care and services to children and their families, and ensure permanency for children by reuniting them with their parents, by adoption or by another permanent living arrangement. The programs include: family support, family preservation, time-limited family reunification and adoption promotion and support services.

The services are designed to help State child welfare agencies and eligible Indian tribes establish and operate integrated, preventive family preservation services and community-based family support services for families at risk or in crisis. Funds go directly to child welfare agencies and eligible Indian tribes to be used in accordance with their 5-year plans. Other grant funds are set aside for nationally funded evaluation, research, and training and technical assistance projects. In addition, funds are set-aside for court improvement programs.

PSSF services are based on several key principles. The welfare and safety of children and of all family members should be maintained while strengthening and preserving the family. It is advantageous for the family as a whole to receive services which identify and enhance its strengths while meeting individual and family needs. Services should be easily accessible, often delivered in the home or in community-based settings, and they should respect cultural and community differences. In addition, they should be flexible, responsive to real family needs, and linked to other supports and services outside the child welfare system. Services should involve community organizations and residents, including parents, in their design and delivery. They should be intensive enough to keep children safe and meet family needs, varying between preventive and crisis services. Funding for Promoting Safe and Stable Families is $305 million in 2002.

Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention and Treatment

Approximately 879,000 children were found to be victims of child maltreatment in 2000. Maltreatment categories typically include neglect, medical neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and psychological maltreatment. Almost two-thirds of child victims (63%) suffered neglect (including medical neglect); 19 percent were physically abused; 10 percent were sexually abused; and 8 percent were psychologically maltreated. Child fatalities are the most tragic consequence of maltreatment. Approximately 1,200 children died of abuse or neglect in the year 2000-a rate of 1.71 children per 100,000 children in the population. The increase in the rate of fatalities compared to earlier years is hypothesized to be largely attributable to improved reporting. Youngest children were the most vulnerable. Children younger than one year old accounted for 44 percent of child fatalities and 85 percent of child fatalities were younger than 6 years of age.

The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) funds States and grantees in several different ways: by providing funds and technical assistance for prevention and intervention; supporting research, service improvement programs, and demonstration projects; collecting data about the problem, its consequences, and the effectiveness of prevention and treatment services; facilitating information dissemination and exchange; and supporting policy development and professional education.

The Child Abuse and Neglect program provides grants to States to improve and increase prevention and treatment activities. The Office on Child Abuse and Neglect of the Children's Bureau located within ACF, allocates child abuse and neglect funds appropriated by Congress and coordinates the federal government's activities in this field. In FY 2002, $81.4 million was available for child abuse and neglect activities under CAPTA.

Child Welfare Services

Child Welfare Services help State and Tribal child welfare agencies keep families together. They are available to children and their families without regard to income. State services include: preventive intervention aimed at keeping children within the home; services to develop alternative placements, such as foster care or adoption, if children cannot remain at home; and reunification services so children can return home if possible. In FY 2000, approximately $292 million was available for Child Welfare Services. Each state receives a base amount of $70,000; additional funds are distributed by formula.

HHS/ACF has other programs that address the welfare of children at risk. The Adoption Opportunities program eliminates barriers to adoption and helps to find permanent homes for children, particularly those with special needs, who would benefit by adoption. In FY 2002, funding for Adoption Opportunities is $27.3 million. The Abandoned Infants Assistance program provides grants to help identify ways to prevent the abandonment of children in hospitals and to identify and address the needs of infants and young children, particularly those with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and prenatal drug or alcohol exposure. In FY 2002, $12.2 million is available for Abandoned Infants Assistance. The Infant Adoption Awareness Training program has funded grantees to develop curricula and implement training programs to train designated staff of eligible health centers in providing adoption information and referrals to pregnant women on an equal basis with all other courses of action included in non-directive counseling to pregnant women. In FY 2001, $8.6 million was awarded to four grantees to implement this new program, which was enacted in October 2000. In FY 2002, $9.9 million is available.

Head Start

Head Start is a national program which provides comprehensive developmental services for America's low-income, preschool children ages three to five and social services for their families. Approximately 1,400 community-based nonprofit organizations and school systems develop unique and innovative programs to meet specific needs.

Grants to conduct Head Start programs are awarded to local public or private, nonprofit agencies. At least 10 percent of the enrollment opportunities in each program must be made available to children with disabilities.

In FY 1999, the enrollment of approximately 830,000 preschool children from low- income families was made possible by grants amounting to $4.66 billion. Funding for Head Start services totals $3.867 in FY 2000. Since its inception in 1965, more than 15.3 million children and families have received services.

President Clinton's signing of the Head Start Act Amendments of 1994 also established the new Early Head Start program, which expands the benefits of early childhood development to low income families with children under three and to pregnant women. Services include quality early education in and out of the home; home visits; parent education, including parent-child activities; comprehensive health services, including services to women before, during, and after pregnancy; nutrition; and case management and peer support groups for parents. Projects must coordinate with local Head Start programs to ensure continuity of services for children and families.

In FY 1999, Early Head Start funds were more than 5 percent of the total Head Start appropriation, or $340 million.

Child Care and Development Fund

The Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) has made available $3.45 billion to states in FY 2000. Tribes received approximately $71 million for FY 2000. This program, authorized by the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, PL 104-193, assists low-income families receiving temporary public assistance, and those transitioning from public assistance in obtaining child care so they can work or attend training/education. The award represents an increase in child care funding of approximately $372 million for States and Tribes over FY 1999.

The Child Care and Development Fund program has changed federally subsidized child care programs in States allowing them to serve families through a single, integrated child care system. All child care funding is now combined under the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Act. Revised final CCDBG regulations which apply to the combined Child Care and Development Fund program were issued on July 24, 1998.

A minimum of four percent of CCDF funds must be used to improve the quality of child care and offer additional services to parents, such as resource and referral counseling regarding the selection of appropriate child care providers to meet their child's needs. An additional set aside of $50 million was made available to improve the quality of care for infants and toddlers. Congress made available $19 million to improve school-age care and Child Care Resource and Referral Services.

All States and Tribes must submit comprehensive plans every two years.

Child Support Enforcement Program

The Child Support Enforcement (CSE) program is a federal/state partnership which promotes family self-sufficiency by securing regular and timely child support payments. State CSE programs locate parents, establish paternity, establish and enforce support orders, and collect payments.

Welfare reform legislation that President Clinton signed in 1996 provides strong measures for ensuring that children receive the support due them; tough new penalties, such as license revocation and seizure of assets, will be available when child support obligations are not met. The 1996 legislation also recognizes the importance to children of access to their noncustodial parent.

Child Support Enforcement services are available automatically for families receiving assistance under the new Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) programs and they are also available to families not receiving TANF who apply. During FY 1999, an estimated $15.5 billion in child support payments was collected. In FY 1998, paternity was established for more than 1.5 million children through the CSE program and voluntary in-hospital acknowledgments, providing vital links between the children and their noncustodial parents. Almost 1.1 million new child support orders were established through the program in FY 1998. The Federal government collected a record $1.3 billion in delinquent child support by intercepting income tax refunds of non-paying parents for tax year 1998.

Youth Programs

Enacted in 1974 under the Runaway Youth Act, and subsequently expanded to include homeless youth, the Runaway and Homeless Youth program was created in response to widespread concern about the alarming number of runaways who cross state lines and are exposed to exploitation. Estimates of the number of runaway and homeless youth vary. They range from about 500,000 to 3 millon a year.

Grants to public and private agencies provide short-term shelter, crisis intervention, and family reunification services to runaway and homeless youth and their families. Each year, a network of 400 Basic Centers nationwide provides shelter, food, clothing, counseling, and other support services to approximately 80,000 young people age 11 to 18.

The national Runaway and Homeless Youth Program also encompasses the Transitional Living Program for Homeless Youth, which assists homeless youth aged 16 to 21 in making the transition to independent living. For FY 2001, a total of $69 million is available to support Basic Center and Transitional Living programs.


Social Services Block Grant (SSBG)

In FY 2001, $1.7 billion in federal funds is provided to the states for social services under the annual Social Services Block Grant. States have responsibility for determining the services they will provide, the distribution method, and eligibility requirements. Each state's allocation from the total appropriation is based on its population.

States use the funds for social services to achieve economic self-sufficiency; to prevent or remedy neglect, abuse, or exploitation of children or adults; to avoid or reduce inappropriate institutionalization; and to provide appropriate referral for institutional care.

States have great variation in their definition, design, programs, and range of services. The most frequently provided services are: child day care; home-based services which help individuals or families with household and personal care; protective services which prevent or remedy abuse, neglect, or exploitation of children or adults; special services for the physically, mentally, or emotionally disabled; and social support.

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

With LIHEAP funds, the federal government provides grants to states, territories, Native American tribes, and tribal organizations that wish to assist low-income households in meeting the costs of home heating and cooling needs. Payments may be made directly to eligible households or to home energy suppliers who comply with legislative provisions. LIHEAP funds can also be used by grantees to help low-income households deal with energy-related crises or pay for repairs to make their homes more energy efficient.

In FY 2001, $1.4 billion in grants is awarded to all 50 states, the District of Columbia, six territories, and 124 Indian tribes and tribal organizations. The amount of each grant to a state is determined by a formula established by Congress.

Community Services Programs

Through Community Services programs, the federal government provides annual funding to states, territories, Indian tribes and tribal organizations, universities, and other nonprofit groups to assist low-income people in local communities. Community Services funds, including the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG), are primarily used to meet employment, education, housing, income management, energy, health, and emergency needs of the poor.

In FY 2001, $600 million is available to 57 states, Indian tribes, territories and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico for CSBG. Most funds are allocated to approximately 950 community action agencies.

Developmental Disabilities

Developmental disabilities programs serve nearly four million Americans. Developmental disabilities are severe, chronic disabilities attributable to mental or physical impairment, or a combination of both, which are manifested before age 22; are likely to continue indefinitely; and result in substantial limitations in major life activity.

Developmental disabilities grants support programs that protect the rights and promote the self-sufficiency of Americans with developmental disabilities and their families. Funds help state governments, local communities, and the private sector to integrate these people socially and economically into mainstream society.

In FY 2001, grants amounting to $133 million are supporting: the development of coordinated systems of services through statewide plans; the establishment of protection and advocacy systems to assist individuals in exercising their human and legal rights; interdisciplinary training, technical assistance, and information/dissemination activities provided by agencies affiliated with a university; and projects which focus on the most pressing national issues affecting people with developmental disabilities and their families.

Native Americans

The Administration for Native Americans (ANA) promotes the goal of social and economic self-sufficiency and the enhancement of the institutions of self-governance for Indian tribes and organizations and other Native American communities. Under the Native American Programs Act of 1974, ANA is the only organization with a mandate to serve all tribes and Native American organizations representing over 2.2 million individuals. Tribes and organizations of American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and other Native American Pacific Islanders, including American Samoans, annually receive competitive grants to encourage self-sufficiency. In FY 2001, $35.4 million will support community-based development programs which strengthen tribal and community economic and social bases.

Program goals include: enhancing local decisionmaking among community and tribal governments; developing economic activities that provide jobs leading to increased self-sufficiency; and promoting local access to and control and coordination of services that safeguard the health and well-being of Native Americans and that lead to self-supporting communities.


President's Committee on Mental Retardation (PCMR)

More than seven and a half million Americans of all ages experience mental retardation. The PCMR was established in 1966 to act in an advisory capacity to the President and Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services on critical matters regarding programs and services for people with mental retardation. In addition, the PCMR coordinates federal agency activities in mental retardation, conducts studies of existing programs, highlights the need for appropriate changes, and promotes research.

The Committee consists of 21 citizen members selected by the President and six Cabinet-level appointees. The members undertake Committee duties in addition to their daily occupations as professionals in the field of mental retardation, related developmental disabilities, and allied areas of study.

Updated August 2000