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Pending Initiatives of Interest to
Small Businesses

We encourage the public to submit comments on the following proposed rules during the comment period. For detailed instructions, please read How To Submit Comments. Proposed rules currently available include:

Defining the Term "Qualified Purchaser" under the Securities Act of 1933
(Comments due February 25, 2002) December 19, 2001
[Release No. 33-8041; File No. S7-23-01]
(File name: 33-8041.htm)
List of Rules To Be Reviewed Pursuant to the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
(Comments due February 15, 2000.) January 12, 2000
[Release Nos. 33-7790; 34-42331, 35-27125, 39-2381, IC-24238, IA-1850; File No. S7-02-00]
(File name: 34-42331.htm)
Extension of Comment Period: Reproposed Rule: Publication or Submission of Quotations Without Specified Information
(Comments due May 8, 1999.) April 8, 1999.
[Release No. 34-41110; File No. S7-5-99]
(File name: 34-41261.txt)
Publication or Submission of Quotations Without Specified Information
(Comments due 30 days after publication in Federal Register.) March 2, 1999
[Release No. 34-41110; File No. S7-5-99]
(File name: 34-41110.htm)(Comments received electronically
are available for this proposal.)

List of Rules To Be Reviewed Pursuant to the Regulatory Flexibility Act. December 23, 1998.
(Comments due: February 15, 1999)
[Release No. 33-7618]
(File name: 33-7618.htm)
Publication or Submission of Quotations Without Specified Information.
(Comments due 60 days after publication in the Federal Register.) February 17, 1998.
[Rel. No. 34-39670; File No. S7-3-98]
(File name: 34-39670.txt)   (Comments received electronically
are available for this proposal.)
Note: See
Reproposal, above.
Delayed Pricing for Certain Registrants.
(Comments due: April 29, 1997.) February 20, 1997.
[Rel. No. 33-7393; File No. S7-9-97]
(File name: 33-7393.txt)
Revision of Rule 144, Rule 145 and Form 144.
(Comments due: April 29, 1997.) February 20, 1997.
[Rel. No. 33-7391; File No. S7-7-97]
(File name: 33-7391.txt)
Solicitations of Interest Prior to an Initial Public Offering,
Release No. 33-7188. (File name: 33-7188.txt)

Modified: 01/28/2002