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Information ResourcesThis site provides information resources to learn more about the work of the Volpe Center in the field of transportation. We maintain bibliographies of Volpe Center Final Technical Reports from 1970 to present, an annotated bibliography of abstracts of publications on aircraft wake vortices dating back to 1923, as well as bibliographies for acoustics, GPS, and human factors-related documents. For information about specific Volpe Center projects, full-text versions of the Volpe Journal (dating back to 1997) and Volpe Center Highlights (dating back to October 1994) are also provided. For more information on transportation, the Volpe Center's library houses one of the major government transportation collections in the United States. It consists of 32,000 books and technical reports on all modes of transportation, as well as computer science, economics, engineering, environment, management, operations research, psychology, public policy, and statistics. For information on strategic planning within the Department of Transportation and the National Science and Technology Council, see the transportation strategic plans section. If you would like to learn more about other transportation-related sites on the Web, this information is available through links. We have organized the links page by category. It includes a government directory with resources on finding government information, departments, agencies, and branches; various transportation-related sites from the Department of Transportation; Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) links; aviation and research resources; and a general reference category with information on news, statistics, public policy, and more.
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