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Pending Requests for Documentary Information

The few NIST requests for materials that are lost, currently pending, or not yet located include:

  • Original contract specifications for WTC towers (lost in the collapse of the buildings)
  • Construction and maintenance logs for WTC 1, 2, and 7 (lost in the collapse of the buildings)
  • Calculations and analyses that supported the original aircraft impact studies (lost in the collapse of the buildings)
  • Descriptions of partitions and furnishings in most of the tenant spaces of WTC 2 and WTC 7 in the fire and impact zones
  • Shop drawings showing connection details of WTC 7

NIST is making efforts to assemble this information from various sources because much of it was lost when the buildings collapsed. NIST continues to pursue other materials that can further clarify some aspects of the Investigation.


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For additional information, go to: WTC Contacts  |  Building and Fire Research Laboratory |  NIST

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Last updated: 07/21/2004