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DoS Records at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)

Record Groups

The National Archives and Records Administration maintains the permanent historical records of the Federal government in numbered record groups. Listed below are the major record groups containing State Department records. NARA holdings lists information on all of NARA's records groups.

Group Description
RG 59 General Records of the Department of State. Includes Central files, Lot files and numerous special collections.
RG 84 Records of the Foreign Service Posts of the Department of State.
RG 43 Records of International Conferences, Commissions, and Expositions. Particularly valuable for conferences and foreign ministers’ meetings in the W.W.II and postwar periods.
RG 76 Records of Boundary and Claims Commissions and Arbitrations.
RG 256 Records of the American Commission to Negotiate Peace. A single item of unique importance, this RG pertains to the Paris Peace Conference of 1919.


Additional Record Groups

The following are additional record groups for other foreign affairs agencies or organizations which may contain significant State Department material.

Group Description
RG 169 Records of the Foreign Economic Administration.
RG 217 Records of the Accounting Officers of the Treasury Department.
RG 220 Records of Temporary Boards, Commissions and Committees.
RG 273 Records of the National Security Council.
RG 286 Records of the Agency for International Development.
RG 306 Records of the U.S. Information Agency.
RG 353 Records of the Department of State, Interdepartmental and Intradepartmental Committees. [Among items of special importance in this Group are certain records of the State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee (1944-1949) and of the Central Intelligence Group (1946-1947).]
RG 364 Records of the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative.
RG 383 Records of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency.
RG 466 Records of the U.S. High Commission for Germany.
RG 475 Records of the American Institute in Taiwan.


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