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The MPL version of the BLACS (Basic Linear Algebra Communication Subprograms),
written for the IBM SP series. Provides a message-passing interface appropriate
for linear algebra computations that can be implemented efficiently and
uniformly across a wide range of distributed memory platforms. Implemented in C.
A Fortran call interface is included.
Classes  :  D1 . Elementary vector and matrix operations
            N .  Data handling (search also class L2)
Type     : C subroutine in BLACS package.
Access   : Public domain. Machine-specific.
Precision: Single or double.
Note     : Source, Testsuite are gzipped Unix tar files, documentation
           PostScript. More information, including prebuilt libraries, is
           available at netlib.
Details  : Documentation Errata Install Reference-C Reference-Fortran
           Source Testsuite
Sites    : (1) NETLIB

Implementation of MPLBLACS from BLACS on NETLIB

NETLIB:    Public access repository, The University of Tennessee at
           Knoxville and Bell Laboratories
Precision: Single or double.
Note     : Source, Testsuite are gzipped Unix tar files, documentation
           PostScript. More information, including prebuilt libraries, is
           available at netlib.
You may access components from NETLIB outside GAMS as follows.
   Documentation: Anonymous ftp from ftp.netlib.org in blacs/lawn94.ps
   Install      : Anonymous ftp from ftp.netlib.org in
   Reference-C  : Anonymous ftp from ftp.netlib.org in
   Reference-For: Anonymous ftp from ftp.netlib.org in
   Errata       : Anonymous ftp from ftp.netlib.org
   Testsuite    : Anonymous FTP from ftp.netlib.org in
   Source       : Anonymous FTP from ftp.netlib.org in

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