EAD - Encoded
Archival Description, Version 2002

Encoded Archival Description Tag Library

Version 2002

Prepared and Maintained by the
Encoded Archival Description Working Group
of the Society of American Archivists
and the
Network Development and MARC Standards Office
of the Library of Congress


EAD Technical Document No. 2

Table of Contents:

This tag library represents version 2002 of the Encoded Archival Description Document Type Definition (DTD), released in August 2002. It supersedes the Version 1.0 tag library published in 1998.

The SAA Encoded Archival Description Working Group is responsible for updating and editing the EAD DTD (EAD Technical Document No. 1) and tag library.

The Network Development and MARC Standards Office of the Library of Congress serves as the maintenance agency for online EAD documentation, including storage and delivery of electronic files and maintenance of the EAD web site, located at http://www.loc.gov/ead/ .

Available from:
The Society of American Archivists
527 S. Wells Street, 5th floor
Chicago, IL 60607-3922 USA
Fax: 312/347-1452

Ó The Society of American Archivists, 2002. All rights reserved.

ISBN 1-931666-00-8

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Copyright Society of American Archivists, 2002.
All Rights Reserved.

The Library of Congress

Library of Congress Help Desk (2004-05-11)