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Office of Economic Analysis

The Office of Economic Analysis is the chief advisor to the Commission and its staff on all economic and empirical issues associated with the SEC's regulatory activities. The Office analyzes impacts and benefits of proposed regulations, conducts studies on specific rules, and engages in long-term research and policy planning.

The Office of Economic Analysis also analyzes potentially significant developments in the marketplace. Economic studies are designed in anticipation of and in response to developments in the securities markets, in prevailing financial practices among issuer firms, and in SEC policy. Subject to approval of the Commission, the research of this office is published.

Our Mission:

To create high quality analyses that address the economic issues associated with the regulation of our financial markets, and to convey that knowledge clearly and responsibly to those making policy decisions.

Our Vision:

To develop and maintain a staff of preeminent financial economists that contribute to an organizational culture recognized for excellence both nationally and internationally.

  Current Staff: Biographies 
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How the SEC Protects Investors, Maintains Market Integrity 
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Staff Interpretations

Modified: 01/10/2003