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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

SEC FOIA Program
Freedom of Information Act
Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ending
September 30, 2000

October 1, 1999 to September 30, 2000

I. Basic Information Regarding this Report

A. Name: Brenda L. Fuller, Frank A. Henderson, or Valerie R. Lewis
  Title: Freedom of Information/Privacy Acts Branch Chiefs
  Address: Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Operations Center
6432 General Green Way, Mail Stop O-5
Alexandria, VA 22312-2413
Telephone number: (202) 942-4320
B. The electronic address for this report on the SEC's World Wide Web site is
C. To obtain a copy of this report in paper form, send a letter to:
  Securities and Exchange Commission
Publications Branch
450 Fifth Street, NW
Mail Stop C-11
Washington, D.C. 20549

II. How to Make a FOIA Request

A copy of our publication "How to Make a FOIA Request" is available on the SEC's World Wide Web site at http://www.sec.gov/asec/foia/howfo2.htm.

A. The FOIA/Privacy Act Office is centralized. FOIA requests are considered received by the SEC only when they reach the FOIA/PA Office (See 17 CFR 200.80 (d) (9) (ii). Written requests should be submitted to the FOIA/PA Officer by:
  e-mail: foia/pa@sec.gov
  fax: (703) 914-1149; or
  mail: SEC
        Operations Center
        6432 General Green Way, Mail Stop O-5
        Alexandria, VA 22312-2413
B. The SEC has two tracking systems (Fast-Track and First-In, First-Out (FIFO)), more commonly known as Simple and Complex requests. The Simple and Complex response times differ significantly. We are committed to processing our requests as expeditiously as possible. As such, in spite of the twenty-day statutory time limit, we responded to 1,400 Simple (Fast Track) requests within ten business days. This number represents more than half of the Simple requests processed this year. Requests in our Complex (FIFO) system required our review of an average of 42 boxes of records per month and resolution of about 58 requests for confidential treatment per month.
C. Many requests received by the SEC are for investigatory records, consumer complaints, and nonpublic correspondence. Some of these requests were denied because the records related to on-going investigations (Exemption 7 (A)), personal privacy (Exemptions 6 and 7 (C)), and intra and inter-agency records (Exemption 5). In addition, we affirmatively responded to 58 requests for information in an electronic format (diskette and magnetic cartridge). The total programming and production cost charged to the requesters ranged from $0.75 to $250.00.

In compliance with the Electronic FOIA Amendments, we posted to the agency's FOIA website two lists of information in April 2000: the list of registered investment advisers and the list of registered broker-dealers. Prior to the web posting, we received about 75 FOIA requests per year for this information. Since the posting, web statistics show the volume of file downloads at 75 downloads per month. This number represents a dramatic increase in the public's interest in the data and in our overall service to the public.

III. Definition of Terms and Acronyms

A. Agency
  Securities and Exchange Commission - SEC
B. Basic Terms
  1. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request - a request for access to records concerning a third party, an organization or a particular topic of interest.
  2. Privacy Act (PA) request - a request for records concerning oneself; such requests are usually processed under both the PA and the FOIA.
  3. The Government in the Sunshine Act (GITSA) - a request for access to transcripts of SEC open meetings.
  4. Confidential Treatment Request (CTR) - a request by or on behalf of the submitter of a record and/or information that the SEC withhold the material under one or more of the FOIA exemptions.
  5. Initial Request - a written plea to the SEC for access to records under the FOIA, PA or GITSA.
  6. Appeal - a request to the SEC asking that the Office of General Counsel review a decision of the FOIA/PA Officer to fully or partially deny access to records under the FOIA or any other FOIA determination, such as a denial of a fee waiver or reduction.
  7. Processed Request or Appeal - a request or appeal for which the SEC has taken a final action on the request or appeal in all respects.
  8. Multi-track processing - a system in which requests requiring relatively minimal review are placed in one processing track and more voluminous requests are placed in other tracks.
  9. Expedited Processing - the SEC will process a FOIA request on an expedited basis when a requester has shown an exceptional need or urgency for the records which warrants prioritizing his or her request over other requests that were submitted earlier.
  10. Simple Request (Fast-Track) - a FOIA request that an agency using a multi-track for processing requests for less than three boxes of material.
  11. Complex Request (First-in, First-out (FIFO)) - a FOIA request that an agency using a multi-track for processing requests for three or more boxes of material.
  12. Grant - a decision to disclose all records in full in response to a FOIA request.
  13. Partial Grant - a decision to disclose a record in part in response to a FOIA request because all the information in the requested records is determined by the SEC to be exempt under one or more of the FOIA's exemptions; or a decision to disclose some records in their entireties but to withhold others in whole or in part.
  14. Denial - a decision to withhold any part of a record or records in response to a FOIA request because all the information in the requested records is determined by the SEC to be exempt under one or more of the FOIA exemptions.
  15. Time Limits - the time period in the FOIA for an agency to respond to a FOIA request (ordinarily twenty working days from receipt of an initial FOIA request).
  16. Exemption 3 Statute - a separate federal statute specifically prohibiting the disclosure of certain types of information and authorizing its withholding under FOIA Subsection (b) (3).
  17. Median Number - the middle, not average, number. For example, of 3, 7 and 14, the median number is 7.
  18. Days - working days which exclude weekends and federal holidays.

IV. Exemption 3 Statutes

A. List of Exemption 3 statutes relied on by the agency during current fiscal year:

  • Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1941, 41 U.S.C. 253b (m) (1) and (2), as amended in 1996.

    1. Brief description of the types of information withheld under each statute:

  • Non-winning bids

    2. Statement of whether a court has upheld the use of each statute.

V. Initial FOIA/PA Access Requests

A. Number of Requests
  1. Number of requests pending as of the end of the preceding fiscal year: 130 
  2. Number of requests received during current fiscal year: 2,8751
  3. Number of requests processed during current fiscal year: 2,854 
  4. Number of requests pending as of end of current fiscal year: 151
B. Disposition of Requests
  1. Number of total grants:8932
  2. Number of partial grants: 4073
  3. Number of denials: 2474
    a. number of times each FOIA exemption used
 (1) Exemption 1:  0
 (2) Exemption 2:  94
 (3) Exemption 3:  1
 (4) Exemption 4:  142
 (5) Exemption 5:  107
 (6) Exemption 6:  157
 (7) Exemption 7(A):  257
 (8) Exemption 7(B):  0
 (9) Exemption 7(C):  105
 (10) Exemption 7(D):  0
 (11) Exemption 7(E):  38
 (12) Exemption 7(F):  0
 (13) Exemption 8:  54
 (14) Exemption 9:  0
  4. Other reasons for nondisclosure (total) 21,458
     a. no records:  907
 b. referrals:  313
 c. request withdrawn:  22
 d. fee-related reason:  0
 e. records not reasonably described:  0
 f. not a proper FOIA request
   for some other reason:  0
 g. not an agency record:  0
 h. duplicate request:  65
 i. other (pending):  151

VI. Appeals of Denials of FOIA/PA Requests

A. Number of appeals
  1. Number of appeals received during fiscal year: 46
  2. Number of appeals processed during fiscal year:305
B. Disposition of appeals
  1. Number completely upheld:23
  2. Number partially reversed:3
  3. Number completely reversed:46
    a. Number of times each FOIA exemption used:
 (1) Exemption 1: 0
 (2) Exemption 2: 6
 (3) Exemption 3: 0
 (4) Exemption 4: 2
 (5) Exemption 5: 6
 (6) Exemption 6: 3
 (7) Exemption 7(A): 11
 (8) Exemption 7(B): 0
 (9) Exemption 7(C): 5
 (10) Exemption 7(D): 0
 (11) Exemption 7(E): 1
 (12) Exemption 8: 2
 (13) Exemption 9: 0
  4. Other reasons for nondisclosure (total): 6
     a. no records:  2
 b. referrals:  0
 c. request withdrawn:  2
 d. fee related reason:  0
 e. records not reasonably described: 0
 f. not a proper FOIA request
   for some other reason:  0
 g. not an agency record:  0
 h. duplicate request:  0
 i. other (pending):  35

VII. Compliance with Time Limits of Pending Requests

A. Median processing times for requests processed during current year:
  1. Simple (Fast Track) Requests
    a: Number of requests processed: 2,840
    b: Median number of days to process: 11
  2. Complex (FIFO) Requests
    a. Number of requests processed: 14
    b. Median number of days to process: 127
  3. Number of requests afforded expedited processing:0
B. Status of Pending Requests:
  1. Number of requests pending as of end of current fiscal year : 151
  2. Median number of days Simple (Fast-Track) requests were pending:9
  3. Median number of days Complex (FIFO) requests were pending: 43

VIII. Comparison with Previous Years (optional)

not reported

IX. Cost/FOIA Staffing

A. Staffing levels
  1. Number of full time FOIA personnel:22
  2. Number of personnel with part-time
   or occasional FOIA duties:
(4.2 in total work years)
  3. Total number of personnel
   (full and part time/occasional) :
(26.2 in total work years)
B. Total cost
  1. Incremental costs incurred in administering the FOIA:$3,052,213.45
  2. Litigation-related activities:$6,080.00
  3. Total costs:$3,058,293.45

X. Fees

A. Total amount of fees collected for processing requests:

The total amount of fees collected by the SEC for fiscal year 2000 is $24,795.40. This figure represents search and review costs only. The SEC uses a private company under contract with the agency to duplicate records that exceed twenty pages. The contractor charged the requesters or the SEC (when free copies were provided) 24 cents per page for copies. The rate schedule, attached as Exhibit A, is formulated annually on a direct cost basis as set out in Office of Management and Budget Guidelines.

B. Percentage of total cost: 1%

XI. FOIA Regulations

Links to the SEC's FOIA regulations are available on our website at http://www.sec.gov.



1 Requests include 2,834 FOIA requests, 13 GITSA requests, and 28 PA requests.

2 Determinations include 40 requests received in fiscal year 1999, but finalized in fiscal year 2000.

3 Determinations include 35 requests received in 1999, but finalized in 2000.

4 Determinations include 12 requests received in 1999, but finalized in 2000, denied in full.

5 This total includes 13 appeals filed in fiscal year 1999, but finalized in fiscal year 2000.

6 These 4 appeals were remanded to the FOIA/PA Office for further processing after an enforcement investigation was closed and Exemption 7(A) no longer applied.

